def puts! a, b="" puts "+++ +++ #{b}" puts a.inspect end task :migrate => [ 'migrate:assign_galleries_to_profile' ] namespace :migrate do desc 'assign galleries to profile' task :assign_galleries_to_profile => :environment do u = User.find_by :email => '' Gallery.unscoped.where( :user_profile => nil ).update_all( :user_profile_id => ) puts 'Each gallery is associated with a user profile.' end desc 'destination for every marker' task :markers_destinations => :environment do ms = Marker.where( destination: nil ) ms.each do |m| d = Map.where( slug: m.slug ).first if d m.destination = d puts "Marker |#{}| got destination |#{m.slug}|." else puts "+++ +++ #{m.slug}, No destination for this one." end end end end