# frozen_string_literal: true require 'time' require_relative 'constants' require_relative 'utils' require_relative 'media_type' require_relative 'headers' module Rack # Rack::Response provides a convenient interface to create a Rack # response. # # It allows setting of headers and cookies, and provides useful # defaults (an OK response with empty headers and body). # # You can use Response#write to iteratively generate your response, # but note that this is buffered by Rack::Response until you call # +finish+. +finish+ however can take a block inside which calls to # +write+ are synchronous with the Rack response. # # Your application's +call+ should end returning Response#finish. class Response def self.[](status, headers, body) self.new(body, status, headers) end CHUNKED = 'chunked' STATUS_WITH_NO_ENTITY_BODY = Utils::STATUS_WITH_NO_ENTITY_BODY attr_accessor :length, :status, :body attr_reader :headers # Initialize the response object with the specified +body+, +status+ # and +headers+. # # If the +body+ is +nil+, construct an empty response object with internal # buffering. # # If the +body+ responds to +to_str+, assume it's a string-like object and # construct a buffered response object containing using that string as the # initial contents of the buffer. # # Otherwise it is expected +body+ conforms to the normal requirements of a # Rack response body, typically implementing one of +each+ (enumerable # body) or +call+ (streaming body). # # The +status+ defaults to +200+ which is the "OK" HTTP status code. You # can provide any other valid status code. # # The +headers+ must be a +Hash+ of key-value header pairs which conform to # the Rack specification for response headers. The key must be a +String+ # instance and the value can be either a +String+ or +Array+ instance. def initialize(body = nil, status = 200, headers = {}) @status = status.to_i unless headers.is_a?(Hash) raise ArgumentError, "Headers must be a Hash!" end @headers = Headers.new # Convert headers input to a plain hash with lowercase keys. headers.each do |k, v| @headers[k] = v end @writer = self.method(:append) @block = nil # Keep track of whether we have expanded the user supplied body. if body.nil? @body = [] @buffered = true @length = 0 elsif body.respond_to?(:to_str) @body = [body] @buffered = true @length = body.to_str.bytesize else @body = body @buffered = nil # undetermined as of yet. @length = 0 end yield self if block_given? end def redirect(target, status = 302) self.status = status self.location = target end def chunked? CHUNKED == get_header(TRANSFER_ENCODING) end def no_entity_body? # The response body is an enumerable body and it is not allowed to have an entity body. @body.respond_to?(:each) && STATUS_WITH_NO_ENTITY_BODY[@status] end # Generate a response array consistent with the requirements of the SPEC. # @return [Array] a 3-tuple suitable of `[status, headers, body]` # which is suitable to be returned from the middleware `#call(env)` method. def finish(&block) if no_entity_body? delete_header CONTENT_TYPE delete_header CONTENT_LENGTH close return [@status, @headers, []] else if @length && @length > 0 && !chunked? set_header CONTENT_LENGTH, @length.to_s end if block_given? @block = block return [@status, @headers, self] else return [@status, @headers, @body] end end end alias to_a finish # For *response def each(&callback) @body.each(&callback) @buffered = true if @block @writer = callback @block.call(self) end end # Append to body and update content-length. # # NOTE: Do not mix #write and direct #body access! # def write(chunk) buffered_body! @writer.call(chunk.to_s) end def close @body.close if @body.respond_to?(:close) end def empty? @block == nil && @body.empty? end def has_header?(key) raise ArgumentError unless key.is_a?(String) @headers.key?(key) end def get_header(key) raise ArgumentError unless key.is_a?(String) @headers[key] end def set_header(key, value) raise ArgumentError unless key.is_a?(String) @headers[key] = value end def delete_header(key) raise ArgumentError unless key.is_a?(String) @headers.delete key end alias :[] :get_header alias :[]= :set_header module Helpers def invalid?; status < 100 || status >= 600; end def informational?; status >= 100 && status < 200; end def successful?; status >= 200 && status < 300; end def redirection?; status >= 300 && status < 400; end def client_error?; status >= 400 && status < 500; end def server_error?; status >= 500 && status < 600; end def ok?; status == 200; end def created?; status == 201; end def accepted?; status == 202; end def no_content?; status == 204; end def moved_permanently?; status == 301; end def bad_request?; status == 400; end def unauthorized?; status == 401; end def forbidden?; status == 403; end def not_found?; status == 404; end def method_not_allowed?; status == 405; end def not_acceptable?; status == 406; end def request_timeout?; status == 408; end def precondition_failed?; status == 412; end def unprocessable?; status == 422; end def redirect?; [301, 302, 303, 307, 308].include? status; end def include?(header) has_header?(header) end # Add a header that may have multiple values. # # Example: # response.add_header 'vary', 'accept-encoding' # response.add_header 'vary', 'cookie' # # assert_equal 'accept-encoding,cookie', response.get_header('vary') # # http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec4.html#sec4.2 def add_header(key, value) raise ArgumentError unless key.is_a?(String) if value.nil? return get_header(key) end value = value.to_s if header = get_header(key) if header.is_a?(Array) header << value else set_header(key, [header, value]) end else set_header(key, value) end end # Get the content type of the response. def content_type get_header CONTENT_TYPE end # Set the content type of the response. def content_type=(content_type) set_header CONTENT_TYPE, content_type end def media_type MediaType.type(content_type) end def media_type_params MediaType.params(content_type) end def content_length cl = get_header CONTENT_LENGTH cl ? cl.to_i : cl end def location get_header "location" end def location=(location) set_header "location", location end def set_cookie(key, value) add_header SET_COOKIE, Utils.set_cookie_header(key, value) end def delete_cookie(key, value = {}) set_header(SET_COOKIE, Utils.delete_set_cookie_header!( get_header(SET_COOKIE), key, value ) ) end def set_cookie_header get_header SET_COOKIE end def set_cookie_header=(value) set_header SET_COOKIE, value end def cache_control get_header CACHE_CONTROL end def cache_control=(value) set_header CACHE_CONTROL, value end # Specifies that the content shouldn't be cached. Overrides `cache!` if already called. def do_not_cache! set_header CACHE_CONTROL, "no-cache, must-revalidate" set_header EXPIRES, Time.now.httpdate end # Specify that the content should be cached. # @param duration [Integer] The number of seconds until the cache expires. # @option directive [String] The cache control directive, one of "public", "private", "no-cache" or "no-store". def cache!(duration = 3600, directive: "public") unless headers[CACHE_CONTROL] =~ /no-cache/ set_header CACHE_CONTROL, "#{directive}, max-age=#{duration}" set_header EXPIRES, (Time.now + duration).httpdate end end def etag get_header ETAG end def etag=(value) set_header ETAG, value end protected # Convert the body of this response into an internally buffered Array if possible. # # `@buffered` is a ternary value which indicates whether the body is buffered. It can be: # * `nil` - The body has not been buffered yet. # * `true` - The body is buffered as an Array instance. # * `false` - The body is not buffered and cannot be buffered. # # @return [Boolean] whether the body is buffered as an Array instance. def buffered_body! if @buffered.nil? if @body.is_a?(Array) # The user supplied body was an array: @body = @body.compact @length = @body.sum{|part| part.bytesize} @buffered = true elsif @body.respond_to?(:each) # Turn the user supplied body into a buffered array: body = @body @body = Array.new @length = 0 body.each do |part| @writer.call(part.to_s) end body.close if body.respond_to?(:close) # We have converted the body into an Array: @buffered = true else # We don't know how to buffer the user-supplied body: @buffered = false end end return @buffered end def append(chunk) chunk = chunk.dup unless chunk.frozen? @body << chunk @length += chunk.bytesize return chunk end end include Helpers class Raw include Helpers attr_reader :headers attr_accessor :status def initialize(status, headers) @status = status @headers = headers end def has_header?(key) headers.key?(key) end def get_header(key) headers[key] end def set_header(key, value) headers[key] = value end def delete_header(key) headers.delete(key) end end end end