--- ############################################################################## # Main tasks for `qb/gem/build` role ############################################################################## - when: get_root_facts is not defined name: >- Get the QB path facts for `gem_root={{ gem_root }}` path_facts: path: >- {{ gem_root }} register: gem_root_facts - name: >- Set `gem_build_filename` to the (presumed) filename of the new `.gem` set_fact: gem_build_filename: >- {{ gem_root_facts.gem.name }}-{{ gem_root_facts.gem.version.raw }}.gem - name: > Set `gem_build_path` to the absolute path we want `{{ gem_build_filename }}` to end up at set_fact: gem_build_path: >- {{ gem_build_dest | path_resolve( gem_build_filename ) }} - when: not gem_root_facts.gem.version.is_dev block: - name: >- Stat destination path `{{ gem_build_path }}` stat: path: >- {{ gem_build_path }} register: gem_build_path_stat - when: gem_build_path_stat.stat.exists fail: msg: >- Gem build destination `{{ gem_build_path }}` exists (and gem at `{{ gem_root }}` is not at a `dev` version) - name: >- Build gem from {{ gem_root_facts.gem.gemspec_path }} stream: cmd: gem build {{ gem_root_facts.gem.gemspec_path | basename | quote }} chdir: >- {{ gem_root }} - when: gem_root != gem_build_dest name: >- Move new `{{ gem_build_filename }}` file to `{{ gem_build_path }}` command: >- mv {{ gem_build_filename | quote }} {{ gem_build_path | quote }} args: chdir: >- {{ gem_root }}