require ::File.expand_path( ::File.join(::File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. .. spec_helper])) require 'stringio' describe Webby::Apps::Generator do before :each do @generator = end it "should return a list of available templates" do ary = %w[blog presentation tumblog webby website].map {|t| Webby.path('examples', t)} @generator.templates.should == ary end it "should pretend to create a site" do @generator.parse %w[-p website foo] @generator.pretend?.should == true @generator = @generator.parse %w[website foo] @generator.pretend?.should == false @generator = @generator.parse %w[--pretend website foo] @generator.pretend?.should == true end it "should return a list of all the site files from the template" do @generator.parse %w[website foo] h = @generator.site_files h.keys.sort.should == [ "", "content", "content/css", "content/css/blueprint", "content/css/blueprint/plugins", "content/css/blueprint/plugins/buttons", "content/css/blueprint/plugins/buttons/icons", "content/css/blueprint/plugins/fancy-type", "content/css/blueprint/plugins/link-icons", "content/css/blueprint/plugins/link-icons/icons", "content/css/blueprint/plugins/rtl", "content/css/blueprint/src", "layouts", "lib", "templates" ] h["content"].should == %w[content/index.txt] h["layouts"].should == %w[layouts/default.txt] end it "should return a list of all the blog files from the template" do @generator.parse %w[blog foo] h = @generator.site_files h.keys.sort.should == [ "", "content", "content/css", "content/css/blueprint", "content/css/blueprint/plugins", "content/css/blueprint/plugins/buttons", "content/css/blueprint/plugins/buttons/icons", "content/css/blueprint/plugins/fancy-type", "content/css/blueprint/plugins/link-icons", "content/css/blueprint/plugins/link-icons/icons", "content/css/blueprint/plugins/rtl", "content/css/blueprint/src", "layouts", "tasks", "templates", "templates/blog" ] h["layouts"].should == %w[layouts/default.txt] h["tasks"].should == %w[tasks/blog.rake] h["templates"].should == %w[templates/atom_feed.erb] h["templates/blog"].should == [ "templates/blog/year.erb", "templates/blog/post.erb", "templates/blog/month.erb" ] end describe "when parsing command line arguments" do before :each do @strio = ::Logging::Logger['Webby::Journal'].appenders ='test', @strio) @generator = class << @strio def to_s seek 0 str = read truncate 0 return str end end end it "should force the overwriting of files on collision" do @generator.options[:collision].should be_nil @generator.parse %w[-f website foo] @generator.options[:collision].should == :force end it "should skip files on collision" do @generator.options[:collision].should be_nil @generator.parse %w[-s website foo] @generator.options[:collision].should == :skip end it "should update only the rake files in the tasks folder" do @generator.options[:update].should be_nil @generator.parse %w[-u website foo] @generator.options[:update].should == true end it "should pretend to generate / alter files" do @generator.options[:pretend].should be_nil @generator.parse %w[-p website foo] @generator.options[:pretend].should == true end it "should exit if a site is not specified" do # we need to force an error by changing directories back to the top # level so we no longer have a Sitefile in the current directory Dir.chdir @pwd lambda{@generator.parse %w[website]}. should raise_error(SystemExit, 'exit') @strio.to_s.split("\n").first. should == 'Usage: webby-gen [options] template site' end it "should exit if an unknown template is given" do lambda{@generator.parse %w[foo bar]}. should raise_error(SystemExit, 'exit') @strio.to_s.split("\n").last. should == " Could not find template 'foo'" end end end # EOF