require 'erb' require 'fileutils' require 'tty' require 'tty-which' require 'yaml' require 'mysql2' require "gentheme/version" module Gentheme class Generator attr_reader :root_path def initialize(name, options) @name = name @root_path = options[:path] @verbose = options[:verbose] @npm = false @wp_cli = false @virtualhost = false @status_file = "gentheme.conf" @default_status = { general: { project_name: name, generator: 'gentheme', generator_version: Gentheme::VERSION, created_at:, updated_at: }, mysql: { db_host: "", db_user: "root", db_pass: "", db_name: name }, packages: { }} @status = read_status if @status.nil? @status = @default_status write_status end end def start if check_requirements # Create database if !get_status(:create_database, :packages) create_database else puts 'Database already created.' end # Install gulp-webapp if !get_status(:gulp_webapp, :packages) install_gulp_webapp if install_yeoman else puts 'Gulp-webapp is already installed' end #install wordpress if !get_status(:wordpress, :packages) install_wordpress else puts 'Wordpress is already installed' end # append wp gitignore if !get_status(:wp_gitignore, :packages) add_wp_gitignore else puts 'Wordpress is already added to gitignore' end # create a virtualhost if !get_status(:virtualhost, :packages) create_virtualhost else puts 'Virtualhost already created' end # create a starter theme if !get_status(:starter_theme, :packages) create_starter_theme else puts 'Starter theme already created' end end end def get_status(field, namespace) if read_status && !namespace.nil? && !field.nil? @status[namespace.to_sym][field.to_sym] else nil end end def set_status(field, value, namespace) if !namespace.nil? && !field.nil? @status[namespace.to_sym][field.to_sym] = value write_status else nil end end def read_status YAML::load_file("#{base_path}/#{@status_file}") rescue nil end def write_status system("#{enter_base_path}")"#{base_path}/#{@status_file}", 'w') { |f| f.puts @status.to_yaml } end def name sanitized_name end def say_hello shell = answer = shell.ask "What is your name?" do argument :required default 'Piotr' validate /\w+\s\w+/ #valid ['Piotr', 'Piotrek'] modify :capitalize end.read_string puts "Hello world! #{@name}, this is your answer: #{answer}" end def check_requirements @npm = TTY::Which.which('npm') @wp_cli = TTY::Which.which('wp') @virtualhost = TTY::Which.which('') satisfy_requirements = (@npm.empty? && @wp_cli.empty? ? false : true) if !satisfy_requirements puts 'Error: Before proceding, you\'ve to install:' puts '- npm: Node.js Packet Manager ' if @npm.empty? puts '- wp_cli: Wordpress Command Line Tool ' if @wp_cli.empty? puts '- add a virtual host to your apache conf' if @virtualhost.empty? else puts 'Requirement satisfied! Good, now we could proceed installing wp...' end return satisfy_requirements end def create_database if !get_status(:create_database, :packages) puts 'Creating database' db_host = get_status(:db_host, :mysql) db_user = get_status(:db_user, :mysql) db_pass = get_status(:db_pass, :mysql) db_name = get_status(:db_name, :mysql) client = => db_host, :username => db_user, :password => db_pass) if client client.query("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS #{db_name}") client.query("CREATE DATABASE #{db_name}") client.close puts "Database #{name} created successfully." set_status(:create_database, true, :packages) else puts "Can't connect to your database." puts "Please edit #{@base_root}/gentheme.conf your mysql account connection." end else puts "Database already created!" end end def install_yeoman installed_packages = [] yo = false generator = false installed = get_status(:yeoman, :packages) if installed puts 'Yeoman already installed...' return true else if !@npm.empty? puts 'Checking for yeoman and generator-gulp-webapp generator...' #{}`#{npm} install --global yo generator-gulp-webapp` result = `#{@npm} ll --global --parseable --silent yo generator-gulp-webapp` raw_installed_packages = result.split("\n") raw_installed_packages.each do |packs| p = packs.split(':') name = p[1].split('@')[0] path = p[0] version = p[1].split('@')[1] installed_packages << {name: name, path: path, version: version} generator = true if name == 'generator-gulp-webapp' yo = true if name == 'yo' end if generator == false || yo == false puts "Installing #{'yo' if !yo} #{'generator-gulp-webapp' if !generator}..." result = system("#{@npm} install --silent #{'yo' if !yo} #{'generator-gulp-webapp' if !generator}") puts result else puts 'OK: yeoman and generator-gulp-webapp found on your system' end set_status(:yeoman, true, :packages) return true else puts 'Error: npm not found on you system.' return false end end end def install_gulp_webapp if !get_status(:gulp_webapp, :packages) puts 'Installing gulp-webapp scaffold...' system("#{enter_base_path} && yo gulp-webapp") set_status(:gulp_webapp, true, :packages) end end def install_wordpress puts 'Installing Wordpress...' if @wp_cli && !get_status(:wordpress, :packages) system("#{enter_base_path} && mkdir -p wordpress && #{@wp_cli} core download --path=./wordpress/") set_status(:wordpress, true, :packages) end end def add_wp_gitignore puts 'appending wordpress to gitignore...' if !get_status(:wp_gitignore, :packages) system("#{enter_base_path} && echo '## Mac\n.DS_Store\n\n## WordPress\nwordpress\n' >> .gitignore") set_status(:wp_gitignore, true, :packages) end end def create_virtualhost puts 'Creating virtualhost...' if @virtualhost && !get_status(:virtualhost, :packages) system(" #{name} #{base_path}/wordpress") set_status(:virtualhost, true, :packages) end end def create_starter_theme puts 'Creating starter theme...' if !get_status(:starter_theme, :packages) system("#{enter_base_path} && cd wordpress && wp core config --dbname=#{name} --dbuser=root --dbhost= --skip-check") system("#{enter_base_path} && cd wordpress && wp core install --title=#{name} --admin_user=admin --admin_password=#{name} --admin_email=youremail@#{name} --url=http://#{name} ") system("#{enter_base_path} && rm wordpress/wp-content/themes/#{name}") system("#{enter_base_path} && mv app app_#{rand(10000)}") system("#{enter_base_path} && mkdir app") system("#{enter_base_path} && cd wordpress && wp scaffold _s #{name} --activate") system("#{enter_base_path} && mv wordpress/wp-content/themes/#{name}/* app/") system("#{enter_base_path} && rmdir wordpress/wp-content/themes/#{name}") system("#{enter_base_path} && ln -s #{base_path}/app/ wordpress/wp-content/themes/#{name}") set_status(:starter_theme, true, :packages) end end private def base_path File.join(@root_path, @name) end def enter_base_path cmd = "mkdir -p #{base_path} && cd $_" #{}`#{cmd}` #cmd end def sanitized_name @name.gsub(/([A-Z])([a-z])/, '_\1\2').sub(/^_/, '').downcase end end end