require "helper" require "twirl/cluster" class ClusterTest < Minitest::Test def test_initialize clients = [ "localhost", port: 1), "localhost", port: 2), ] cluster = assert_equal 0, cluster.command_count assert_equal 0, cluster.client_index assert_equal 100, cluster.commands_per_client assert_equal 5, cluster.retries assert_equal [KJess::NetworkError, KJess::ServerError], cluster.retryable_errors assert_equal Twirl::Instrumenters::Noop, cluster.instrumenter end def test_initialize_shuffles_clients clients = clients.expect :shuffle, :shuffle_result cluster = assert_equal :shuffle_result, cluster.instance_variable_get("@clients") clients.verify end def test_overriding_instrumenter instrumenter = cluster =[], instrumenter: instrumenter) assert_equal instrumenter, cluster.instrumenter end def test_overriding_retryable_errors retryable_errors = StandardError cluster =[], retryable_errors: retryable_errors) assert_equal retryable_errors, cluster.retryable_errors end def test_overriding_retries cluster =[], retries: 1) assert_equal 1, cluster.retries end def test_enumeration cluster = build(:mock_cluster) clients = [] cluster.each_with_index do |client, index| client.expect :port, index clients << client end assert_equal clients, cluster.to_a assert_equal [0, 1, 2], end def test_size cluster = build(:mock_cluster) assert_equal 3, cluster.size assert_equal 3, cluster.length assert_equal 3, cluster.count end def test_bracket_access clients = [ "localhost", port: 1), "localhost", port: 2), "localhost", port: 3), ] cluster = shuffled_clients = cluster.instance_variable_get("@clients") assert_equal shuffled_clients[0], cluster[0] assert_equal shuffled_clients[1], cluster[1] assert_equal shuffled_clients[2], cluster[2] end def test_set_rotates_based_on_commands_per_client args = ["testing", "data", 0] cluster = build(:mock_cluster, commands_per_client: 1) cluster.each do |client| client.expect :set, true, args end assert_equal true, cluster.set(*args) assert_equal true, cluster.set(*args) assert_equal true, cluster.set(*args) cluster.each(&:verify) end def test_get_returns_item_if_client_returns_item args = ["testing", {}] cluster = build(:mock_cluster) cluster[0].expect :get, "data", args item = cluster.get(*args) assert_instance_of Twirl::Item, item assert_equal "testing", item.key assert_equal "data", item.value cluster.each(&:verify) end def test_get_returns_nil_if_client_returns_nil args = ["testing", {}] cluster = build(:mock_cluster) cluster[0].expect :get, nil, args assert_nil cluster.get(*args) cluster.each(&:verify) end def test_get_passes_options_to_client args = ["testing", {open: true}] cluster = build(:mock_cluster) cluster[0].expect :get, nil, args cluster.get(*args) cluster.each(&:verify) end def test_get_rotates_based_on_commands_per_client args = ["testing", {}] cluster = build(:mock_cluster, commands_per_client: 1) cluster[0].expect :get, "result-1", args cluster[1].expect :get, "result-2", args cluster[2].expect :get, "result-3", args assert_equal "result-1", cluster.get(*args).value assert_equal "result-2", cluster.get(*args).value assert_equal "result-3", cluster.get(*args).value cluster.each(&:verify) end def test_get_rotates_client_if_nil args = ["testing", {}] cluster = build(:mock_cluster, commands_per_client: 1_000) cluster[0].expect :get, nil, args cluster[1].expect :get, nil, args cluster[2].expect :get, "data", args assert_nil cluster.get(*args) assert_nil cluster.get(*args) assert_equal "data", cluster.get(*args).value cluster.each(&:verify) end def test_reserve cluster = build(:mock_cluster) cluster[0].expect :reserve, "data", ["testing", {}] assert_equal "data", cluster.reserve("testing").value cluster.each(&:verify) end def test_reserve_returns_nil_if_client_returns_nil cluster = build(:mock_cluster) cluster[0].expect :reserve, nil, ["testing", {}] assert_nil cluster.reserve("testing") cluster.each(&:verify) end def test_reserve_rotates_client_if_nil args = ["testing", {}] cluster = build(:mock_cluster, commands_per_client: 1_000) cluster[0].expect :reserve, nil, args cluster[1].expect :reserve, nil, args cluster[2].expect :reserve, "data", args assert_nil cluster.reserve(*args) assert_nil cluster.reserve(*args) assert_equal "data", cluster.reserve(*args).value cluster.each(&:verify) end def test_peek cluster = build(:mock_cluster) cluster[0].expect :peek, "data", ["testing"] assert_equal "data", cluster.peek("testing").value cluster.each(&:verify) end def test_peek_returns_nil_if_client_returns_nil cluster = build(:mock_cluster) cluster[0].expect :peek, nil, ["testing"] assert_nil cluster.peek("testing") cluster.each(&:verify) end def test_peek_rotates_client_if_nil args = ["testing"] cluster = build(:mock_cluster, commands_per_client: 1_000) cluster[0].expect :peek, nil, args cluster[1].expect :peek, nil, args cluster[2].expect :peek, "data", args assert_nil cluster.peek(*args) assert_nil cluster.peek(*args) assert_equal "data", cluster.peek(*args).value cluster.each(&:verify) end def test_flush cluster = build(:mock_cluster) cluster.size.times do |index| cluster[index].expect :host, "localhost" cluster[index].expect :port, (index + 1).to_s cluster[index].expect :flush, index % 2 == 0, ["foo"] end expected = { "localhost:1" => true, "localhost:2" => false, "localhost:3" => true, } assert_equal expected, cluster.flush("foo") cluster.each(&:verify) end def test_flush_all cluster = build(:mock_cluster) cluster.size.times do |index| cluster[index].expect :host, "localhost" cluster[index].expect :port, (index + 1).to_s cluster[index].expect :flush_all, index % 2 == 0 end expected = { "localhost:1" => true, "localhost:2" => false, "localhost:3" => true, } assert_equal expected, cluster.flush_all cluster.each(&:verify) end def test_disconnect cluster = build(:mock_cluster) cluster.size.times do |index| cluster[index].expect :disconnect, nil end cluster.disconnect cluster.each(&:verify) end def test_version cluster = build(:mock_cluster) cluster.size.times do |index| cluster[index].expect :host, "localhost" cluster[index].expect :port, (index + 1).to_s cluster[index].expect :version, "2.4.1" end expected = { "localhost:1" => "2.4.1", "localhost:2" => "2.4.1", "localhost:3" => "2.4.1", } assert_equal expected, cluster.version cluster.each(&:verify) end def test_version_with_one_raising_exception cluster = build(:mock_cluster) cluster.size.times do |index| cluster[index].expect :host, "localhost" cluster[index].expect :port, (index + 1).to_s end # force client1 to raise an error and other clients to return as normal client1 = cluster[0] def client1.version raise KJess::ProtocolError end cluster[1].expect :version, "2.4.1" cluster[2].expect :version, "2.4.1" expected = { "localhost:1" => "unavailable", "localhost:2" => "2.4.1", "localhost:3" => "2.4.1", } assert_equal expected, cluster.version cluster.each(&:verify) end def test_delete cluster = build(:mock_cluster) cluster.size.times do |index| cluster[index].expect :host, "localhost" cluster[index].expect :port, (index + 1).to_s cluster[index].expect :delete, index % 2 == 0, ["foo"] end expected = { "localhost:1" => true, "localhost:2" => false, "localhost:3" => true, } assert_equal expected, cluster.delete("foo") cluster.each(&:verify) end def test_ping cluster = build(:mock_cluster) cluster.size.times do |index| cluster[index].expect :host, "localhost" cluster[index].expect :port, (index + 1).to_s cluster[index].expect :ping, index % 2 == 0 end expected = { "localhost:1" => true, "localhost:2" => false, "localhost:3" => true, } assert_equal expected, cluster.each(&:verify) end def test_shutdown cluster = build(:mock_cluster) cluster.size.times do |index| cluster[index].expect :shutdown, nil end cluster.shutdown cluster.each(&:verify) end def test_reload cluster = build(:mock_cluster) cluster.size.times do |index| cluster[index].expect :host, "localhost" cluster[index].expect :port, (index + 1).to_s cluster[index].expect :reload, index % 2 == 0 end expected = { "localhost:1" => true, "localhost:2" => false, "localhost:3" => true, } assert_equal expected, cluster.reload cluster.each(&:verify) end def test_quit cluster = build(:mock_cluster) cluster.size.times do |index| cluster[index].expect :host, "localhost" cluster[index].expect :port, (index + 1).to_s cluster[index].expect :quit, index % 2 == 0 end expected = { "localhost:1" => true, "localhost:2" => false, "localhost:3" => true, } assert_equal expected, cluster.quit cluster.each(&:verify) end def test_stats cluster = build(:mock_cluster) cluster.size.times do |index| cluster[index].expect :host, "localhost" cluster[index].expect :port, (index + 1).to_s cluster[index].expect :stats, {items: index + 1} end expected = { "localhost:1" => {items: 1}, "localhost:2" => {items: 2}, "localhost:3" => {items: 3}, } assert_equal expected, cluster.stats cluster.each(&:verify) end def test_rotation cluster = build(:mock_cluster, commands_per_client: 3) assert_equal 0, cluster.command_count counts = { cluster.client cluster.command_count } assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1], counts end RetriableMethods = { get: [["testing"], "data"], reserve: [["testing"], "data"], peek: [["testing"], "data"], set: [["testing", "data"], true], } RecoverableExceptions = [ KJess::NetworkError, KJess::ServerError, ] def test_get_retries_network_errors cluster = build(:cluster) client = cluster[0] RetriableMethods.each do |op, info| args, result = info RecoverableExceptions.each do |exception| client.instance_eval <<-EOC def client.#{op}(*args) @counter ||= 0 if @counter < 4 @counter += 1 raise #{exception} else #{result.inspect} end end def client.reset @counter = 0 end EOC begin op_result = cluster.send(op, *args) ensure client.reset end end end end def test_too_many_retries_raises cluster = build(:cluster) client = cluster[0] RetriableMethods.each do |op, info| args, result = info RecoverableExceptions.each do |exception| client.instance_eval <<-EOC def client.#{op}(*args) @counter ||= 0 if @counter < 5 @counter += 1 raise #{exception} else #{result.inspect} end end def client.reset @counter = 0 end EOC assert_raises exception, "#{op} raising #{exception}" do begin cluster.send(op, *args) ensure client.reset end end end end end end