/* * visageBase() * * Base class for fetching data and setting graph options. * Should be used by other classes to build specialised graphing behaviour. * */ var visageBase = new Class({ Implements: [Options, Events], options: { width: 900, height: 220, leftEdge: 100, topEdge: 10, gridWidth: 670, gridHeight: 200, columns: 60, rows: 8, gridBorderColour: '#ccc', shade: false, secureJSON: false, httpMethod: 'get', axis: "0 0 1 1" }, initialize: function(element, host, plugin, options) { this.parentElement = element; this.setOptions(options); this.options.host = host; this.options.plugin = plugin; this.buildGraphHeader(); this.buildGraphContainer(); this.canvas = Raphael(this.graphContainer, this.options.width, this.options.height); data = new Hash() if($chk(this.options.start)) { data.set('start', this.options.start) } if($chk(this.options.finish)) { data.set('finish', this.options.finish) } this.requestData = data this.getData(); // calls graphData }, dataURL: function() { var url = ['data', this.options.host, this.options.plugin] // if the data exists on another host (useful for embedding) if ($defined(this.options.baseurl)) { url.unshift(this.options.baseurl.replace(/\/$/, '')) } // for specific plugin instances if ($chk(this.options.pluginInstance)) { url.push(this.options.pluginInstance) } // if no url is specified if (!url[0].match(/http\:\/\//)) { url[0] = '/' + url[0] } return url.join('/') }, getData: function() { this.request = new Request.JSONP({ url: this.dataURL(), data: this.requestData, secure: this.options.secureJSON, method: this.options.httpMethod, onComplete: function(json) { this.graphData(json); }.bind(this), onFailure: function(header, value) { $(this.parentElement).set('html', header) }.bind(this) }); this.request.send(); }, buildGraphHeader: function() { header = $chk(this.options.name) ? this.options.name : this.options.plugin this.graphHeader = new Element('h3', { 'class': 'graph-title', 'html': header, 'styles': { 'color': "#121212" } }); $(this.parentElement).grab(this.graphHeader); }, buildGraphContainer: function() { $(this.parentElement).set('style', 'padding-top: 1em'); this.graphContainer = new Element('div', { 'class': 'graph container', 'styles': { 'margin-bottom': '24px' } }); $(this.parentElement).grab(this.graphContainer) } }); /* * visageGraph() * * General purpose graph for rendering data from a single plugin * with multiple plugin instances. * * Builds upon visageBase(). * */ var visageGraph = new Class({ Extends: visageBase, Implements: Chain, // assemble data to graph, then draw it graphData: function(data) { this.ys = [] this.colors = [] this.instances = [] this.metrics = [] var host = this.options.host var plugin = this.options.plugin $each(data[host][plugin], function(instance, iname) { $each(instance, function(metric, mname) { this.colors.push(metric.color) if ( !$defined(this.x) ) { this.x = this.buildXAxis(metric) } this.ys.push(metric.data) this.instances.push(iname) // labels this.metrics.push(mname) // labels }, this); }, this); this.buildContainers(); this.drawGraph(); this.buildLabels(); this.addSelectionInterface(); this.addDebugInterface(); this.buildDateSelector(); /* disabling this for now for dramatic effect this.buildEmbedder(); */ }, buildXAxis: function(metric) { var start = metric.start.toInt(), finish = metric.finish.toInt(), length = metric.data.length, interval = (finish - start) / length, counter = start, x = [] while (counter < finish) { x.push(counter) counter += interval } return x }, drawGraph: function() { var colors = this.colors; var left = this.options.leftEdge var top = this.options.topEdge var width = this.options.gridWidth var height = this.options.gridHeight var x = this.x // x axis var ys = this.ys // y axes var xstep = x.length / 20 var shade = this.options.shade var axis = this.options.axis this.canvas.g.txtattr.font = "11px 'sans-serif'"; this.graph = this.canvas.g.linechart(left, top, width, height, x, ys, { nostroke: false, width: 1.5, axis: axis, colors: colors, axisxstep: xstep, shade: shade }); this.formatAxes(); }, formatAxes: function() { /* clean up graph labels */ this.graph.axis[0].text.items.getLast().hide() $each(this.graph.axis[0].text.items, function (time) { var unixTime = time.attr('text') var d = new Date(time.attr('text') * 1000); time.attr({'text': d.strftime("%H:%M")}); time.mouseover(function () { this.attr({'text': d.strftime("%H:%M")}); }); /* time.mouseout(function () { this.attr({'text': d.strftime("%H:%M")}); }); */ }); $each(this.graph.axis[1].text.items, function (value) { // FIXME: no JS reference on train means awful rounding hacks! // if you are reading this, it's a bug! if (value.attr('text') > 1073741824) { var label = value.attr('text') / 1073741824; var unit = 'g' } else if (value.attr('text') > 1048576) { // and again :-( var label = value.attr('text') / 1048576; var unit = 'm' } else if (value.attr('text') > 1024) { var label = value.attr('text') / 1024; var unit = 'k'; } else { var label = value.attr('text'); var unit = '' } var decimal = label.toString().split('.') if ($chk(this.previous) && this.previous.toString()[0] == label.toString()[0] && decimal.length > 1) { var round = '.' + decimal[1][0] } else { var round = '' } value.attr({'text': Math.floor(label) + round + unit}) this.previous = value.attr('text') }); }, buildEmbedder: function() { var pre = new Element('textarea', { 'id': 'embedder', 'class': 'embedder', 'html': this.embedCode(), 'styles': { 'width': '500px', 'padding': '3px' } }); this.embedderContainer.grab(pre); var slider = new Fx.Slide(pre, { duration: 200 }); slider.hide(); var toggler = new Element('a', { 'id': 'toggler', 'class': 'toggler', 'html': '(embed)', 'href': '#', 'styles': { 'font-size': '0.7em', } }); toggler.addEvent('click', function(e) { e.stop(); slider.toggle(); }); this.embedderTogglerContainer.grab(toggler); }, embedCode: function() { baseurl = "{protocol}//{host}".substitute({'host': window.location.host, 'protocol': window.location.protocol}); code = "".substitute({'baseurl': baseurl}); code += "
" code += "" return code.replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>') }, addDebugInterface: function() { var graph = this.graph; /* graph.hoverColumn(function () { }); */ }, addSelectionInterface: function() { var graph = this.graph; var parentElement = this.parentElement var gridHeight = this.options.gridHeight graph.selectionMade = true this.graph.clickColumn(function () { if ($chk(graph.selectionMade) && graph.selectionMade) { if ($defined(graph.selection)) { graph.selection.remove(); } graph.selectionMade = false graph.selection = this.paper.rect(this.x, 0, 1, gridHeight); graph.selection.toBack(); graph.selection.attr({fill: '#555', stroke: '#555', opacity: 0.4}); graph.selectionStart = this.axis.toInt() } else { graph.selectionMade = true graph.selectionFinish = this.axis.toInt() var select = $(parentElement).getElement('div.timescale.container select') var hasSelected = select.getChildren('option').some(function(option) { return option.get('html') == 'selected' }); if (!hasSelected) { var option = new Element('option', { html: 'selected', value: '', selected: true }); select.grab(option) } } }); this.graph.hoverColumn(function () { if ($chk(graph.selection) && !graph.selectionMade) { var width = this.x - graph.selection.attr('x'); graph.selection.attr({'width': width}); } }); }, buildContainers: function() { this.embedderTogglerContainer = new Element('div', { 'class': 'embedder-toggler container', 'styles': { 'float': 'right', 'width': '20%', 'text-align': 'right', 'margin-right': '12px', 'padding-top': '4px' } }); $(this.parentElement).grab(this.embedderTogglerContainer, 'top') this.timescaleContainer = new Element('div', { 'class': 'timescale container', 'styles': { 'float': 'right', 'width': '20%' } }); $(this.parentElement).grab(this.timescaleContainer, 'top') this.labelsContainer = new Element('div', { 'class': 'labels container', 'title': 'click to hide', 'styles': { 'float': 'left', 'margin-left': '80px', 'padding-bottom': '1em' } }); $(this.parentElement).grab(this.labelsContainer) this.embedderContainer = new Element('div', { 'class': 'embedder container', 'styles': { 'font-style': 'monospace', 'margin-left': '80px', 'font-size': '0.8em', 'clear': 'both' } }); $(this.parentElement).grab(this.embedderContainer) }, buildDateSelector: function() { /* * container * \ * - form * \ * - select * | \ * | - option * | | * | - option * | * - submit */ var currentDate = new Date; var currentUnixTime = parseInt(currentDate.getTime() / 1000); var container = $(this.timescaleContainer); var form = new Element('form', { 'method': 'get', 'events': { 'submit': function(e, foo) { e.stop(); /* * Get the selected option, turn it into a hash for * getData() to use. */ data = new Hash() if (e.target.getElement('select').getSelected().get('html') == 'selected') { data.set('start', this.graph.selectionStart); data.set('finish', this.graph.selectionFinish); } else { e.target.getElement('select').getSelected().each(function(option) { split = option.value.split('=') data.set(split[0], split[1]) currentTimePeriod = option.get('html') // is this setting a global? }, this); } this.requestData = data /* Nuke graph + labels. */ this.graph.remove(); delete this.x; $(this.labelsContainer).empty(); $(this.timescaleContainer).empty(); $(this.embedderContainer).empty(); $(this.embedderTogglerContainer).empty(); if ($defined(this.graph.selection)) { this.graph.selection.remove(); } /* Draw everything again. */ this.getData(); }.bind(this) } }); var select = new Element('select', { 'class': 'date timescale' }); var timescales = new Hash({ 'hour': 1, '2 hours': 2, '6 hours': 6, '12 hours': 12, 'day': 24, '2 days': 48, '3 days': 72, 'week': 168, '2 weeks': 336, 'month': 672 }); timescales.each(function(hour, label) { var current = this.currentTimePeriod == 'last {label}'.substitute({'label': label }); var value = "start={start}".substitute({'start': currentUnixTime - (hour * 3600)}); var html = 'last {label}'.substitute({'label': label }); var option = new Element('option', { html: html, value: value, selected: (current ? 'selected' : '') }); select.grab(option) }); var submit = new Element('input', { 'type': 'submit', 'value': 'show' }); form.grab(select); form.grab(submit); container.grab(form); }, buildLabels: function() { //buildLabels: function(graphLines, instanceNames, dataSources, colors) { this.ys.each(function(set, index) { var path = this.graph.lines[index], color = this.colors[index] plugin = this.options.plugin instance = this.instances[index] metric = this.metrics[index] var container = new Element('div', { 'class': 'label plugin', 'styles': { 'padding': '0.2em 0.5em 0', 'float': 'left', 'width': '180px', 'font-size': '0.8em' }, 'events': { 'mouseover': function(e) { e.stop(); path.animate({'stroke-width': 3}, 300); //path.toFront(); }, 'mouseout': function(e) { e.stop(); path.animate({'stroke-width': 1.5}, 300); //path.toBack(); }, 'click': function(e) { e.stop(); path.attr('opacity') == 0 ? path.animate({'opacity': 1}, 350) : path.animate({'opacity': 0}, 350); } } }); var box = new Element('div', { 'class': 'label plugin box ' + metric, 'html': ' ', 'styles': { 'background-color': color, 'width': '48px', 'height': '18px', 'float': 'left', 'margin-right': '0.5em' } }); // plugin/instance/metrics names can be unmeaningful. make them pretty var name; name = instance.replace(plugin, ''); name = name.replace('tcp_connections', '') name = name.replace('ps_state', '') name = name.replace(plugin.split('-')[0], '') name += metric == "value" ? "" : " (" + metric + ")" name = name.replace(/^[-|_]*/, '') var desc = new Element('span', { 'class': 'label plugin description ' + metric, 'html': name }); container.grab(box); container.grab(desc); $(this.labelsContainer).grab(container); }, this); } }) var visageSparkline = new Class({ Extends: visageGraph, options: { width: 450, height: 80, leftEdge: 1, topEdge: 1, gridWidth: 449, gridHeight: 79, columns: 60, rows: 8, gridBorderColour: '#ccc', shade: false, secureJSON: false, httpMethod: 'get', axis: "0 0 0 0" }, graphData: function(data) { this.ys = [] this.colors = [] this.instances = [] this.metrics = [] var host = this.options.host var plugin = this.options.plugin $each(data[host][plugin], function(instance, iname) { $each(instance, function(metric, mname) { this.colors.push(metric.color) if ( !$defined(this.x) ) { this.x = this.buildXAxis(metric) } this.ys.push(metric.data) this.instances.push(iname) // labels this.metrics.push(mname) // labels }, this); }, this); this.drawGraph(); } });