require 'pod4/sequel_interface' require 'sequel' require 'date' require 'time' require 'bigdecimal' require_relative '../common/shared_examples_for_interface' describe "SequelInterface" do let(:sequel_interface_class) do SequelInterface do set_table :customer set_id_fld :id end end let(:schema_interface_class) do SequelInterface do set_schema :public set_table :customer set_id_fld :id end end let(:prod_interface_class) do SequelInterface do set_table :product set_id_fld :code end end let(:bad_interface_class1) do SequelInterface do set_table :customer end end let(:bad_interface_class2) do SequelInterface do set_id_fld :id end end let(:data) do d = [] d << { name: 'Barney', level: 1.23, day: Date.parse("2016-01-01"), timestamp: Time.parse('2015-01-01 12:11'), flag: true, price: BigDecimal("1.24") } d << { name: 'Fred', level: 2.34, day: Date.parse("2016-02-02"), timestamp: Time.parse('2015-01-02 12:22'), flag: false, price: BigDecimal("2.35") } d << { name: 'Betty', level: 3.45, day: Date.parse("2016-03-03"), timestamp: Time.parse('2015-01-03 12:33'), flag: nil, price: BigDecimal("3.46") } d end def fill_data(ifce) data.each{|r| ifce.create(r) } end def fill_product_data(ifce) ifce.create( {code: "foo", name: "bar"} ) end # This is stolen almost verbatim from the Sequel Readme. We use an in-memory # sqlite database, and we assume that Sequel is sane and behaves broadly the # same for our limited purposes as it would when talking to TinyTDS or Pg. # We test these elsewhere... let (:db) do db = Sequel.sqlite db.create_table :customer do primary_key :id String :name Float :level Date :day Time :timestamp TrueClass :flag BigDecimal :price, :size=>[10.2] # Sequel doesn't support money end db.create_table :product do String :code, :primary_key => true String :name end db end let(:interface) { } let(:prod_interface) { } before do fill_data(interface) end ## it_behaves_like 'an interface' do let(:interface) do db2 = Sequel.sqlite db2.create_table :customer do primary_key :id String :name Float :level Date :day Time :timestamp TrueClass :flag BigDecimal :price, :size=>[10.2] end end let(:record) { {name: 'Barney', price: 1.11} } end ## describe 'SequelInterface.set_schema' do it 'takes one argument' do expect( sequel_interface_class ).to respond_to(:set_schema).with(1).argument end end ## describe 'SequelInterface.schema' do it 'returns the schema' do expect( schema_interface_class.schema ).to eq :public end it 'is optional' do expect{ sequel_interface_class.schema }.not_to raise_exception expect( sequel_interface_class.schema ).to eq nil end end ## describe 'SequelInterface.set_table' do it 'takes one argument' do expect( sequel_interface_class ).to respond_to(:set_table).with(1).argument end end ## describe 'SequelInterface.table' do it 'returns the table' do expect( sequel_interface_class.table ).to eq :customer end end ## describe 'SequelInterface.set_id_fld' do it 'takes one argument' do expect( sequel_interface_class ).to respond_to(:set_id_fld).with(1).argument end end ## describe 'SequelInterface.id_fld' do it 'returns the ID field name' do expect( sequel_interface_class.id_fld ).to eq :id end end ## describe '#new' do it 'requires a Sequel DB object' do expect{ }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{ }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{'foo') }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{ }.not_to raise_exception end it 'requires the table and id field to be defined in the class' do expect{ }.to raise_exception Pod4Error expect{ }.to raise_exception Pod4Error expect{ }.to raise_exception Pod4Error end end ## describe '#quoted_table' do it 'returns just the table when the schema is not set' do expect( interface.quoted_table ).to eq( %Q|`customer`| ) end it 'returns the schema plus table when the schema is set' do ifce = expect( ifce.quoted_table ).to eq( %|`public`.`customer`| ) end end ## describe '#create' do let(:hash) { {name: 'Bam-Bam', price: 4.44} } let(:ot) { 'Wilma', price: 5.55) } it 'raises a Pod4::DatabaseError if anything goes wrong' do expect{ interface.create(one: 'two') }.to raise_exception DatabaseError end it 'creates the record when given a hash' do # kinda impossible to seperate these two tests id = interface.create(hash) expect( id ).not_to be_nil expect{ }.not_to raise_exception expect( ).to include hash end it 'creates the record when given an Octothorpe' do id = interface.create(ot) expect( id ).not_to be_nil expect{ }.not_to raise_exception expect( ).to include ot.to_h end it 'does not freak out if the hash has symbol values' do # Which, Sequel does expect{ interface.create(name: :Booboo) }.not_to raise_exception end it 'shouldn\'t have a problem with record values of nil' do record = {name: 'Ranger', price: nil} expect{ interface.create(record) }.not_to raise_exception id = interface.create(record) expect( ).to include(record) end it 'shouldn\'t have a problem with strings containing special characters' do record = {name: "T'Challa[]", price: nil} expect{ interface.create(record) }.not_to raise_exception id = interface.create(record) expect( ).to include(record) end it 'shouldn\'t have a problem with non-integer keys' do hash = {code: "foo", name: "bar"} id = prod_interface.create( ) expect( id ).to eq "foo" expect{"foo") }.not_to raise_exception expect("foo").to_h ).to include hash end end ## describe '#read' do it 'returns the record for the id as an Octothorpe' do expect( ).to include(name: 'Fred', price: 2.35) end it 'raises a Pod4::CantContinue if the ID is bad' do expect{ }.to raise_exception CantContinue end it 'returns an empty Octothorpe if no record matches the ID' do expect{ }.not_to raise_exception expect( ).to be_a_kind_of Octothorpe expect( ).to be_empty end it 'returns real fields as Float' do level =>>.level expect( level ).to be_a_kind_of Float expect( level ).to be_within(0.001).of( data.first[:level] ) end it 'returns date fields as Date' do date =>>.day expect( date ).to be_a_kind_of Date expect( date ).to eq data.first[:day] end it 'returns datetime fields as Time' do timestamp =>>.timestamp expect( timestamp ).to be_a_kind_of Time expect( timestamp ).to eq data.first[:timestamp] end it 'returns numeric fields as BigDecimal' do price =>>.price expect( price ).to be_a_kind_of BigDecimal expect( price ).to eq data.first[:price] end # Not sure how this passes since SQLite doesn't have a boolean class, but, Sequel handles it. it 'returns boolean fields as boolean' do [1,2,3].each do |i| flag =>>.flag expect( [true, false, nil].include? flag ).to be true expect( flag ).to be data[i - 1][:flag] end end it 'shouldn\'t have a problem with non-integer keys' do # this is a 100% overlap with the create test above... fill_product_data(prod_interface) expect{"foo") }.not_to raise_exception expect("foo").to_h ).to include(code: "foo", name: "bar") end end ## describe '#list' do it 'has an optional selection parameter, a hash' do # Actually it does not have to be a hash, but FTTB we only support that. expect{ interface.list(name: 'Barney') }.not_to raise_exception end it 'returns an array of Octothorpes that match the records' do arr = {|ot| x = ot.to_h} expect( arr.size ).to eq(data.size) data.each do |d| r = arr.find{|x| x[:name] == d[:name] } expect( r ).not_to be_nil expect( r[:level] ).to be_within(0.001).of( d[:level] ) expect( r[:day] ).to eq d[:day] expect( r[:timestamp] ).to eq d[:timestamp] expect( r[:qty] ).to eq d[:qty] end end it 'returns a subset of records based on the selection parameter' do expect( interface.list(name: 'Fred').size ).to eq 1 expect( interface.list(name: 'Betty').first.to_h ). to include(name: 'Betty', price: 3.46) end it 'returns an empty Array if nothing matches' do expect( interface.list(name: 'Yogi') ).to eq([]) end it 'raises DatabaseError if the selection criteria is nonsensical' do expect{ interface.list('foo') }.to raise_exception Pod4::DatabaseError end it 'returns an empty array if there is no data' do interface.list.each {|x| interface.delete(x[interface.id_fld]) } expect( interface.list ).to eq([]) end it 'does not freak out if the hash has symbol values' do # Which, Sequel does expect{ interface.list(name: :Barney) }.not_to raise_exception end end ## describe '#update' do let(:id) { interface.list.first[:id] } it 'updates the record at ID with record parameter' do record = {name: 'Booboo', price: 99.99} interface.update(id, record) booboo = expect( booboo.>>.name ).to eq( record[:name] ) expect( booboo.>>.price.to_f ).to eq( record[:price] ) end it 'raises a CantContinue if anything weird happens with the ID' do expect{ interface.update(99, name: 'Booboo') }. to raise_exception CantContinue end it 'raises a DatabaseError if anything weird happensi with the record' do expect{ interface.update(id, smarts: 'more') }. to raise_exception DatabaseError end it 'does not freak out if the hash has symbol values' do # Which, Sequel does expect{ interface.update(id, name: :Booboo) }.not_to raise_exception end it 'shouldnt have a problem with record values of nil' do record = {name: 'Ranger', price: nil} expect{ interface.update(id, record) }.not_to raise_exception expect( ).to include(record) end it 'shouldnt have a problem with strings containing special characters' do record = {name: "T'Challa[]", price: nil} expect{ interface.update(id, record) }.not_to raise_exception expect( ).to include(record) end it 'shouldn\'t have a problem with non-integer keys' do fill_product_data(prod_interface) expect{ prod_interface.update("foo", name: "baz") }.not_to raise_error expect("foo").to_h[:name] ).to eq "baz" end end ## describe '#delete' do def list_contains(ifce, id) ifce.list.find {|x| x[ifce.id_fld] == id } end let(:id) { interface.list.first[:id] } it 'raises CantContinue if anything hinky happens with the ID' do expect{ interface.delete(:foo) }.to raise_exception CantContinue expect{ interface.delete(99) }.to raise_exception CantContinue end it 'makes the record at ID go away' do expect( list_contains(interface, id) ).to be_truthy interface.delete(id) expect( list_contains(interface, id) ).to be_falsy end it 'shouldn\'t have a problem with non-integer keys' do fill_product_data(prod_interface) expect( list_contains(prod_interface, "foo") ).to be_truthy prod_interface.delete("foo") expect( list_contains(prod_interface, "foo") ).to be_falsy end end ## describe '#execute' do let(:sql) { 'delete from customer where price < 2.0;' } it 'requires an SQL string' do expect{ interface.execute }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{ interface.execute(nil) }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{ interface.execute(14) }.to raise_exception ArgumentError end it 'raises some sort of Pod4 error if it runs into problems' do expect{ interface.execute('delete from not_a_table') }. to raise_exception Pod4Error end it 'executes the string' do expect{ interface.execute(sql) }.not_to raise_exception expect( interface.list.size ).to eq(data.size - 1) expect({|r| r[:name] } ).not_to include 'Barney' end end ## describe '#select' do it 'requires an SQL string' do expect{ }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{ }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{ }.to raise_exception ArgumentError end it 'raises some sort of Pod4 error if it runs into problems' do expect{'select * from not_a_table') }. to raise_exception Pod4Error end it 'returns the result of the sql' do sql1 = 'select name from customer where price < 2.0;' sql2 = 'select name from customer where price < 0.0;' expect{ }.not_to raise_exception expect( ).to eq( [{name: 'Barney'}] ) expect( ).to eq( [] ) end it 'works if you pass a non-select' do # By which I mean: still executes the SQL; returns [] sql = 'delete from customer where price < 2.0;' ret = expect( interface.list.size ).to eq(data.size - 1) expect({|r| r[:name] } ).not_to include 'Barney' expect( ret ).to eq( [] ) end end ## describe "#executep" do # For the time being lets assume that Sequel does its job and the three modes we are calling # actually work let(:sql) { 'delete from customer where price < ?;' } it 'requires an SQL string and a mode' do expect{ interface.executep }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{ interface.executep(nil) }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{ interface.executep(14, :update) }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{ interface.executep(14, :update, 2) }.to raise_exception ArgumentError end it 'requires the mode to be valid' do expect{ interface.executep(sql, :foo, 2) }.to raise_exception ArgumentError end it 'raises some sort of Pod4 error if it runs into problems' do expect{ interface.executep('delete from not_a_table where thingy = ?', :delete, 14) }. to raise_exception Pod4Error end it 'executes the string' do expect{ interface.executep(sql, :delete, 2.0) }.not_to raise_exception expect( interface.list.size ).to eq(data.size - 1) expect({|r| r[:name] } ).not_to include 'Barney' end end describe "#selectp" do it 'requires an SQL string' do expect{ interface.selectp }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{ interface.selectp(nil) }.to raise_exception ArgumentError expect{ interface.selectp(14) }.to raise_exception ArgumentError end it 'raises some sort of Pod4 error if it runs into problems' do expect{ interface.selectp('select * from not_a_table where thingy = ?', 14) }. to raise_exception Pod4Error end it 'returns the result of the sql' do sql = 'select name from customer where price < ?;' expect{ interface.selectp(sql, 2.0) }.not_to raise_exception expect( interface.selectp(sql, 2.0) ).to eq( [{name: 'Barney'}] ) expect( interface.selectp(sql, 0.0) ).to eq( [] ) end it 'works if you pass a non-select' do # By which I mean: still executes the SQL; returns [] sql = 'delete from customer where price < ?;' ret = interface.selectp(sql, 2.0) expect( interface.list.size ).to eq(data.size - 1) expect({|r| r[:name] } ).not_to include 'Barney' expect( ret ).to eq( [] ) end end end