class MockerRegistry { registry = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); clear() { this.registry.clear(); } keys() { return this.registry.keys(); } add(mock) { this.registry.set(mock.url, mock); } register(typeOrEvent, raw, url, factoryOrRedirect) { const type = typeof typeOrEvent === "object" ? typeOrEvent.type : typeOrEvent; if (typeof typeOrEvent === "object") { const event = typeOrEvent; if (event instanceof AutomockedModule || event instanceof AutospiedModule || event instanceof ManualMockedModule || event instanceof RedirectedModule) { throw new TypeError( `[vitest] Cannot register a mock that is already defined. Expected a JSON representation from \`MockedModule.toJSON\`, instead got "${event.type}". Use "registry.add()" to update a mock instead.` ); } if (event.type === "automock") { const module = AutomockedModule.fromJSON(event); this.add(module); return module; } else if (event.type === "autospy") { const module = AutospiedModule.fromJSON(event); this.add(module); return module; } else if (event.type === "redirect") { const module = RedirectedModule.fromJSON(event); this.add(module); return module; } else if (event.type === "manual") { throw new Error(`Cannot set serialized manual mock. Define a factory function manually with \`ManualMockedModule.fromJSON()\`.`); } else { throw new Error(`Unknown mock type: ${event.type}`); } } if (typeof raw !== "string") { throw new TypeError("[vitest] Mocks require a raw string."); } if (typeof url !== "string") { throw new TypeError("[vitest] Mocks require a url string."); } if (type === "manual") { if (typeof factoryOrRedirect !== "function") { throw new TypeError("[vitest] Manual mocks require a factory function."); } const mock = new ManualMockedModule(raw, url, factoryOrRedirect); this.add(mock); return mock; } else if (type === "automock" || type === "autospy") { const mock = type === "automock" ? new AutomockedModule(raw, url) : new AutospiedModule(raw, url); this.add(mock); return mock; } else if (type === "redirect") { if (typeof factoryOrRedirect !== "string") { throw new TypeError("[vitest] Redirect mocks require a redirect string."); } const mock = new RedirectedModule(raw, url, factoryOrRedirect); this.add(mock); return mock; } else { throw new Error(`[vitest] Unknown mock type: ${type}`); } } delete(id) { this.registry.delete(id); } get(id) { return this.registry.get(id); } has(id) { return this.registry.has(id); } } class AutomockedModule { constructor(raw, url) { this.raw = raw; this.url = url; } type = "automock"; static fromJSON(data) { return new AutospiedModule(data.raw, data.url); } toJSON() { return { type: this.type, url: this.url, raw: this.raw }; } } class AutospiedModule { constructor(raw, url) { this.raw = raw; this.url = url; } type = "autospy"; static fromJSON(data) { return new AutospiedModule(data.raw, data.url); } toJSON() { return { type: this.type, url: this.url, raw: this.raw }; } } class RedirectedModule { constructor(raw, url, redirect) { this.raw = raw; this.url = url; this.redirect = redirect; } type = "redirect"; static fromJSON(data) { return new RedirectedModule(data.raw, data.url, data.redirect); } toJSON() { return { type: this.type, url: this.url, raw: this.raw, redirect: this.redirect }; } } class ManualMockedModule { constructor(raw, url, factory) { this.raw = raw; this.url = url; this.factory = factory; } cache; type = "manual"; async resolve() { if (this.cache) { return this.cache; } let exports; try { exports = await this.factory(); } catch (err) { const vitestError = new Error( '[vitest] There was an error when mocking a module. If you are using "vi.mock" factory, make sure there are no top level variables inside, since this call is hoisted to top of the file. Read more:' ); vitestError.cause = err; throw vitestError; } if (exports === null || typeof exports !== "object" || Array.isArray(exports)) { throw new TypeError( `[vitest] vi.mock("${this.raw}", factory?: () => unknown) is not returning an object. Did you mean to return an object with a "default" key?` ); } return this.cache = exports; } static fromJSON(data, factory) { return new ManualMockedModule(data.raw, data.url, factory); } toJSON() { return { type: this.type, url: this.url, raw: this.raw }; } } export { AutomockedModule as A, MockerRegistry as M, RedirectedModule as R, ManualMockedModule as a, AutospiedModule as b };