en: errors: not_blank?: "can't be blank" filled?: "can't be blank" valid_method?: "is not a recognised HTTP method" valid_url?: "is not a valid URL eg. http://example.org" base64?: "is not valid Base64" valid_version_number?: "Version number '%{value}' cannot be parsed to a version number. The expected format (unless this configuration has been overridden) is a semantic version. eg. 1.3.0 or 2.0.4.rc1" name_in_path_matches_name_in_pact?: "does not match %{left} name in path ('%{right}')." valid_consumer_version_number?: "Consumer version number '%{value}' cannot be parsed to a version number. The expected format (unless this configuration has been overridden) is a semantic version. eg. 1.3.0 or 2.0.4.rc1" non_templated_host?: "cannot have a template parameter in the host" pacticipant_exists?: "does not match an existing pacticipant" single_line?: "cannot contain multiple lines" no_spaces?: "cannot contain spaces" environment_with_name_exists?: "with name '%{value}' does not exist" none?: "cannot be provided" pact_broker: messages: response_body_hidden: For security purposes, the response details are not logged. To enable response logging, configure the webhook_host_whitelist property. See %{base_url}/doc/webhooks#whitelist for more information. index: title: Pacts dashboard: title: "%{consumer_name} / %{provider_name}" matrix: pre_verified: This pact was "pre-verified" as it has identical content to a previously verified pact. webhooks: parameters: pactbroker: consumerName: The consumer name providerName: The provider name consumerVersionNumber: The version number of the most recent consumer version associated with the pact content. providerVersionNumber: The provider version number for the verification result consumerVersionTags: The list of tag names for the most recent consumer version associated with the pact content, separated by ", " consumerVersionBranch: The repository branch associated with the consumer version providerVersionTags: The list of tag names for the provider version associated with the verification result, separated by ", ". providerVersionDescriptions: The descriptions of the provider version(s) for which the contract_requiring_verification_published webhook has been triggered. Only populated for the contract_requiring_verification_published event. providerVersionBranch: The repository branch associated with the provider version consumerLabels: The list of labels for the consumer associated with the pact content, separated by ", ". providerLabels: The list of labels for the provider associated with the pact content, separated by ", ". pactUrl: The "permalink" URL to the newly published pact content (using the pact version SHA). verificationResultUrl: The URL to the relevant verification result. githubVerificationStatus: The verification status using the correct keywords for posting to the Github commit status API. See https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/statuses bitbucketVerificationStatus: The verification status using the correct keywords for posting to the Bitbucket commit status API. See https://developer.atlassian.com/server/bitbucket/how-tos/updating-build-status-for-commits/ azureDevOpsVerificationStatus: The verification status using the correct keywords for posting to the Azure DevOps GitStatusState API. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/azure/devops/git/statuses/create?view=azure-devops-rest-6.0 gitlabVerificationStatus: The verification status using the correct keywords for posting to the Gitlab Commits API. See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/commits.html#post-the-build-status-to-a-commit eventName: The name of the event that triggered the webhook buildUrl: The URL of the build that published the resources that have triggered the webhook (currently only supported for contracts published using the 'all in one' endpoint). no_webhooks_enabled_for_event: No enabled webhooks found for the detected events webhook_triggered_for_event: Webhook %{webhook_description} triggered for event %{event_name}. triggered_webhook_see_logs: View logs at %{url} version: created: "%{action} %{pacticipant_name} version %{pacticipant_version_number}" created_for_branch: "%{action} %{pacticipant_name} version %{pacticipant_version_number} with branch %{branch}" created_for_branch_with_tags: "%{action} %{pacticipant_name} version %{pacticipant_version_number} with branch %{branch} and tags %{tags}" created_with_tags: "%{action} %{pacticipant_name} version %{pacticipant_version_number} with tags %{tags}" contract: pact_published: Pact successfully published for %{consumer_name} version %{consumer_version_number} and provider %{provider_name}. same_pact_content_published: Pact successfully republished for %{consumer_name} version %{consumer_version_number} and provider %{provider_name} with no content changes. pact_modified_for_same_version: Pact with changed content published over existing content for %{consumer_name} version %{consumer_version_number} and provider %{provider_name}. This is not recommended in normal cicumstances and may indicate that you have not configured your Pact pipeline correctly. For more information see https://docs.pact.io/go/versioning pact_merged: Pact content merged with existing content for %{consumer_name} version %{consumer_version_number} and provider %{provider_name}. events: pact_published_unchanged_with_single_tag: pact content is the same as previous version with tag %{tag_name} and no new tags were applied pact_published_unchanged_with_multiple_tags: pact content is the same as previous versions with tags %{tag_names} and no new tags were applied next_steps: verifications: Add Pact verification tests to the %{provider_name} build. See https://docs.pact.io/go/provider_verification webhooks: Configure separate %{provider_name} pact verification build and webhook to trigger it when the pact content changes. See https://docs.pact.io/go/webhooks version_branch: Configure the version branch to be the value of your repository branch. errors: validation: blank: "cannot be blank." attribute_missing: "Missing required attribute '%{attribute}'" invalid_http_method: "Invalid HTTP method '%{method}'" invalid_url: "Invalid URL '%{url}'. Expected format: http://example.org" pact_missing_pacticipant_name: "was not found at expected path $.%{pacticipant}.name in the submitted pact file." pact_content_modification_not_allowed: "Cannot change the content of the pact for %{consumer_name} version %{consumer_version_number} and provider %{provider_name}, as race conditions will cause unreliable results for can-i-deploy. Each pact must be published with a unique consumer version number. For more information see https://docs.pact.io/go/versioning" consumer_version_number_missing: "Please specify the consumer version number by setting the X-Pact-Consumer-Version header." consumer_version_number_header_invalid: "X-Pact-Consumer-Version '%{consumer_version_number}' cannot be parsed to a version number. The expected format (unless this configuration has been overridden) is a semantic version. eg. 1.3.0 or 2.0.4.rc1" consumer_version_number_invalid: "Consumer version number '%{consumer_version_number}' cannot be parsed to a version number. The expected format (unless this configuration has been overridden) is a semantic version. eg. 1.3.0 or 2.0.4.rc1" pacticipant_name_mismatch: "in pact ('%{name_in_pact}') does not match %{pacticipant} name in path ('%{name}')." consumer_name_in_content_mismatch_pacticipant_name: "consumer name in contract content ('%{consumer_name_in_content}') must match pacticipantName ('%{pacticipant_name}')" consumer_name_in_contract_mismatch_pacticipant_name: "consumerName ('%{consumer_name_in_contract}') must match pacticipantName ('%{pacticipant_name}')" provider_name_in_content_mismatch: "provider name in contract content ('%{provider_name_in_content}') must match providerName ('%{provider_name}') in contracts" connection_encoding_not_utf8: "The Sequel connection encoding (%{encoding}) is strongly recommended to be \"utf8\". If you need to set it to %{encoding} for some particular reason, then disable this check by setting config.validate_database_connection_config = false" invalid_webhook_uuid: The UUID can only contain the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _ and -, and must be 16 or more characters. pacticipant_not_found: No pacticipant with name '%{name}' found environment_name_must_be_unique: Another environment with name '%{name}' already exists. cannot_specify_tag_and_environment: Cannot specify both a 'to' tag and an environment. cannot_specify_latest_and_environment: Cannot specify both latest=true and an environment. cannot_specify_more_than_one_destination_identifier: Cannot specify more than one of tag, environment and mainBranch. environment_with_name_not_found: "Environment with name '%{name}' does not exist" cannot_modify_version_branch: "The branch for a pacticipant version cannot be changed once set (currently '%{old_branch}', proposed value '%{new_branch}'). Your pact publication/verification publication configurations may be in conflict with each other if you are seeing this error. If the current branch value is incorrect, you must delete the pacticipant version resource at %{version_url} and publish the pacts/verification results again with a consistent branch name." invalid_content_for_content_type: "The content could not be parsed as %{content_type}" cannot_set_currently_deployed_true: The currentlyDeployed property cannot be set back to true. Please record a new deployment. cannot_set_currently_supported_true: The currentlySupported property cannot be set back to true. Please record a new deployment. invalid_limit: The limit must be 1 or greater. duplicate_pacticipant: | This is the first time a pact has been published for "%{new_name}". The name "%{new_name}" is very similar to the following existing pacticipants: %{existing_names} If you meant to specify one of the above names, please correct the pact configuration, and re-publish the pact. If the pact is intended to be for a new consumer or provider, please manually create "%{new_name}" using the following command from the Pact Broker CLI, and then re-publish the pact: pact-broker create-or-update-pacticipant --name "%{new_name}" --broker-base-url %{base_url} For information on the Pact Broker CLI see https://docs.pact.io/go/pbc-cli To disable this check, set `check_for_potential_duplicate_pacticipant_names` to false in the configuration. new_line_in_url_path: URL path cannot contain a new line character. tab_in_url_path: URL path cannot contain a tab character. non_utf_8_char_in_request_body: "Request body has a non UTF-8 character at char %{char_number} and cannot be parsed as JSON. Fragment preceding invalid character is: '%{fragment}'" "400": title: 400 Malformed Request message: The request was malformed and could not be processed. "404": title: 404 Not Found message: The requested document was not found on this server. "500": title: 500 Internal Server Error message: "The server encountered an error while processing this request:
%{error}" "501": title: 501 Not Implemented message: "The server does not support the %{method} method." "503": title: 503 Service Unavailable message: The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. # Used in distance_of_time_in_words(), distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(), time_ago_in_words() datetime: distance_in_words: half_a_minute: "half a minute" less_than_x_minutes: one: "less than 1 minute" other: "less than %{count} minutes" less_than_x_seconds: one: "less than 1 second" other: "less than %{count} seconds" x_seconds: one: "1 second" other: "%{count} seconds" less_than_x_minutes: one: "less than a minute" other: "less than %{count} minutes" x_minutes: one: "1 minute" other: "%{count} minutes" about_x_hours: one: "about 1 hour" other: "about %{count} hours" x_days: one: "1 day" other: "%{count} days" about_x_months: one: "about 1 month" other: "about %{count} months" x_months: one: "1 month" other: "%{count} months" about_x_years: one: "about 1 year" other: "about %{count} years" over_x_years: one: "over 1 year" other: "over %{count} years" almost_x_years: one: "almost 1 year" other: "almost %{count} years"