require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper') context "An array with symbol keys" do setup do @a = [1, 2, 3] @a.keys = [:a, :b, :c] end specify "should provide subscript access" do @a[0].should == 1 @a[0..1].should == [1, 2] @a[1] = 4 @a.should == [1, 4, 3] end specify "should provide key access using symbols" do @a[:a].should == 1 @a[:b].should == 2 @a[:B].should == nil @a[:a] = 11 @a.should == [11, 2, 3] @a[:a].should == 11 @a[:d] = 4 @a.should == [11, 2, 3, 4] @a.keys.should == [:a, :b, :c, :d] end specify "should provide key acess using strings" do @a['a'].should == 1 @a['A'].should be_nil @a['d'] = 4 @a.should == [1, 2, 3, 4] @a.keys.should == [:a, :b, :c, :d] end specify "should provide #store functionality" do, 11) @a.should == [11, 2, 3], 4) @a.should == [11, 2, 3, 4]'d', 44) @a.should == [11, 2, 3, 44] end specify "should provide #to_hash/#to_h functionality" do @a.to_hash.should == {:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3} @a.to_h.should == {:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3} end specify "should provide #fields as alias to #keys" do @a.fields.should == [:a, :b, :c] @a.fields = [:x, :y, :z] @a[:x].should == 1 end specify "should provide #slice functionality with keys" do s = @a.slice(0, 2) s.should == [1, 2] s.keys.should == [:a, :b] s = @a.slice(1..2) s.should == [2, 3] s.keys.should == [:b, :c] end specify "should provide #each_pair iterator" do pairs = [] @a.each_pair {|k, v| pairs << [k, v]} pairs.should == [[:a, 1], [:b, 2], [:c, 3]] end specify "should provide stock #delete functionality for arrays without keys" do a = [1, 2, 3] a.delete(2) a.should == [1, 3] end specify "should provide key-based #delete functionality" do @a.delete(:b) @a.should == [1, 3] @a.keys.should == [:a, :c] @a[:a].should == 1 @a[:c].should == 3 end specify "should separate array keys after #delete/#delete_at" do b = @a.dup b.delete(:b) @a.keys.should == [:a, :b, :c] b.keys.should == [:a, :c] @a.should == [1, 2, 3] b.should == [1, 3] @a[:b].should == 2 b[:b].should == nil end specify "should provide #each_key functionality" do keys = [] @a.each_key {|k| keys << k} keys.should == [:a, :b, :c] end specify "should provide #each_value functionality" do values = [] @a.each_value {|v| values << v} values.should == [1, 2, 3] end specify "should provide stock #include? functionality for arrays without keys" do [1, 2, 3].include?(2).should be_true [1, 2, 3].include?(4).should be_false end specify "should provide #has_key?/#member?/#key?/#include? functionality" do @a.has_key?(:a).should be_true @a.has_key?(:b).should be_true @a.has_key?(:c).should be_true @a.has_key?(:B).should be_false @a.has_key?(:d).should be_false @a.has_key?('a').should be_true @a.has_key?('b').should be_true @a.has_key?('c').should be_true @a.has_key?('A').should be_false @a.has_key?('d').should be_false @a.key?(:a).should be_true @a.key?(:b).should be_true @a.key?(:c).should be_true @a.key?(:B).should be_false @a.key?(:d).should be_false @a.key?('a').should be_true @a.key?('b').should be_true @a.key?('c').should be_true @a.key?('A').should be_false @a.key?('d').should be_false @a.member?(:a).should be_true @a.member?(:b).should be_true @a.member?(:c).should be_true @a.member?(:B).should be_false @a.member?(:d).should be_false @a.member?('a').should be_true @a.member?('b').should be_true @a.member?('c').should be_true @a.member?('A').should be_false @a.member?('d').should be_false @a.include?(:a).should be_true @a.include?(:b).should be_true @a.include?(:c).should be_true @a.include?(:B).should be_false @a.include?(:d).should be_false @a.include?('a').should be_true @a.include?('b').should be_true @a.include?('c').should be_true @a.include?('A').should be_false @a.include?('d').should be_false end specify "should provide original #include? functionality for arrays without keys" do [1, 2, 3].include?(:a).should be_false [1, 2, 3].include?(1).should be_true end specify "should provide #has_value?/#value? functionality" do @a.has_value?(1).should be_true @a.has_value?(2).should be_true @a.has_value?(3).should be_true @a.has_value?(4).should be_false @a.value?(1).should be_true @a.value?(2).should be_true @a.value?(3).should be_true @a.value?(4).should be_false end specify "should provide #fetch functionality" do @a.fetch(:a).should == 1 @a.fetch(:b).should == 2 @a.fetch(:c).should == 3 proc {@a.fetch(:d)}.should raise_error(IndexError) @a.fetch(:d, 4).should == 4 @a.fetch(:d, nil).should == nil @a.fetch(:a) {|v| v.to_s}.should == '1' @a.fetch(:d, 4) {|v| v.to_s}.should == '4' end specify "should provide #values functionality" do @a.values.should == [1, 2, 3] end specify "should provide #dup functionality" do b = @a.dup b.should == [1, 2, 3] b.keys.should == @a.keys b[:a].should == 1 b[:b].should == 2 b[:c].should == 3 b[:d].should be_nil @a.keys << :e @a.keys.should == [:a, :b, :c, :e] b.keys.should == @a.keys end specify "should provide #clone functionality" do b = @a.clone b.should == [1, 2, 3] b.keys.should == @a.keys b[:a].should == 1 b[:b].should == 2 b[:c].should == 3 b[:d].should be_nil @a.keys << :e @a.keys.should == [:a, :b, :c, :e] b.keys.should_not == @a.keys end specify "should provide #merge functionality" do @a.merge(@a).to_hash.should == {:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3} @a.merge({:b => 22, :d => 4}).to_hash.should == {:a => 1, :b => 22, :c => 3, :d => 4} b = [1, 2, 3] b.keys = [:b, :c, :d] @a.merge(b).to_hash.should == {:a => 1, :b => 1, :c => 2, :d => 3} # call with a block. The block returns the old value passed to it @a.merge(b) {|k, o, n| o}.to_hash.should == {:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3, :d => 3} end specify "should provide #merge!/#update!/#update functionality" do @a.merge!(@a) @a.to_hash.should == {:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3} @a.update(:b => 22) @a.to_hash.should == {:a => 1, :b => 22, :c => 3} b = [1, 2, 3] b.keys = [:b, :c, :d] @a.update!(b) @a.to_hash.should == {:a => 1, :b => 1, :c => 2, :d => 3} end end context "An array with string keys" do setup do @a = [1, 2, 3] @a.keys = ['a', 'b', 'c'] end specify "should provide key access using symbols" do @a[:a].should == 1 @a[:b].should == 2 @a[:B].should == nil @a[:a] = 11 @a.should == [11, 2, 3] @a[:a].should == 11 @a[:d] = 4 @a.should == [11, 2, 3, 4] @a.keys.should == ['a', 'b', 'c', :d] end specify "should provide key acess using strings" do @a['a'].should == 1 @a['A'].should be_nil @a['d'] = 4 @a.should == [1, 2, 3, 4] @a.keys.should == ['a', 'b', 'c', :d] end specify "should provide #store functionality" do, 11) @a.should == [11, 2, 3], 4) @a.should == [11, 2, 3, 4]'d', 44) @a.should == [11, 2, 3, 44] end specify "should provide #to_hash/#to_h functionality" do @a.to_hash.should == {:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3} @a.to_h.should == {:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3} end specify "should provide #fields as alias to #keys" do @a.fields.should == ['a', 'b', 'c'] @a.fields = [:x, :y, :z] @a[:x].should == 1 end specify "should provide #slice functionality with keys" do s = @a.slice(0, 2) s.should == [1, 2] s.keys.should == ['a', 'b'] s = @a.slice(1..2) s.should == [2, 3] s.keys.should == ['b', 'c'] end specify "should provide #each_pair iterator" do pairs = [] @a.each_pair {|k, v| pairs << [k, v]} pairs.should == [['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 3]] end specify "should provide key-based #delete functionality" do @a.delete(:b) @a.should == [1, 3] @a.keys.should == ['a', 'c'] @a[:a].should == 1 @a[:c].should == 3 end specify "should provide #each_key functionality" do keys = [] @a.each_key {|k| keys << k} keys.should == ['a', 'b', 'c'] end specify "should provide #each_value functionality" do values = [] @a.each_value {|v| values << v} values.should == [1, 2, 3] end specify "should provide #has_key?/#member?/#key?/#include? functionality" do @a.has_key?(:a).should be_true @a.has_key?(:b).should be_true @a.has_key?(:c).should be_true @a.has_key?(:B).should be_false @a.has_key?(:d).should be_false @a.has_key?('a').should be_true @a.has_key?('b').should be_true @a.has_key?('c').should be_true @a.has_key?('A').should be_false @a.has_key?('d').should be_false @a.key?(:a).should be_true @a.key?(:b).should be_true @a.key?(:c).should be_true @a.key?(:B).should be_false @a.key?(:d).should be_false @a.key?('a').should be_true @a.key?('b').should be_true @a.key?('c').should be_true @a.key?('A').should be_false @a.key?('d').should be_false @a.member?(:a).should be_true @a.member?(:b).should be_true @a.member?(:c).should be_true @a.member?(:B).should be_false @a.member?(:d).should be_false @a.member?('a').should be_true @a.member?('b').should be_true @a.member?('c').should be_true @a.member?('A').should be_false @a.member?('d').should be_false @a.include?(:a).should be_true @a.include?(:b).should be_true @a.include?(:c).should be_true @a.include?(:B).should be_false @a.include?(:d).should be_false @a.include?('a').should be_true @a.include?('b').should be_true @a.include?('c').should be_true @a.include?('A').should be_false @a.include?('d').should be_false end specify "should provide original #include? functionality for arrays without keys" do [1, 2, 3].include?(:a).should be_false [1, 2, 3].include?(1).should be_true end specify "should provide #has_value?/#value? functionality" do @a.has_value?(1).should be_true @a.has_value?(2).should be_true @a.has_value?(3).should be_true @a.has_value?(4).should be_false @a.value?(1).should be_true @a.value?(2).should be_true @a.value?(3).should be_true @a.value?(4).should be_false end specify "should provide #fetch functionality" do @a.fetch(:a).should == 1 @a.fetch(:b).should == 2 @a.fetch(:c).should == 3 proc {@a.fetch(:d)}.should raise_error(IndexError) @a.fetch(:d, 4).should == 4 @a.fetch(:d, nil).should == nil @a.fetch(:a) {|v| v.to_s}.should == '1' @a.fetch(:d, 4) {|v| v.to_s}.should == '4' end specify "should provide #values functionality" do @a.values.should == [1, 2, 3] end specify "should provide #dup functionality" do b = @a.dup b.should == [1, 2, 3] b.keys.should == @a.keys b[:a].should == 1 b[:b].should == 2 b[:c].should == 3 b[:d].should be_nil @a.keys << :e @a.keys.should == ['a', 'b', 'c', :e] b.keys.should == @a.keys end specify "should provide #clone functionality" do b = @a.clone b.should == [1, 2, 3] b.keys.should == @a.keys b[:a].should == 1 b[:b].should == 2 b[:c].should == 3 b[:d].should be_nil @a.keys << :e @a.keys.should == ['a', 'b', 'c', :e] b.keys.should_not == @a.keys end specify "should provide #merge functionality" do @a.merge(@a).to_hash.should == {:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3} @a.merge({:b => 22, :d => 4}).to_hash.should == {:a => 1, :b => 22, :c => 3, :d => 4} b = [1, 2, 3] b.keys = [:b, :c, :d] @a.merge(b).to_hash.should == {:a => 1, :b => 1, :c => 2, :d => 3} # call with a block. The block returns the old value passed to it @a.merge(b) {|k, o, n| o}.to_hash.should == {:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3, :d => 3} end specify "should provide #merge!/#update!/#update functionality" do @a.merge!(@a) @a.to_hash.should == {:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3} @a.update(:b => 22) @a.to_hash.should == {:a => 1, :b => 22, :c => 3} b = [1, 2, 3] b.keys = [:b, :c, :d] @a.update!(b) @a.to_hash.should == {:a => 1, :b => 1, :c => 2, :d => 3} end end context "Array.from_hash" do specify "should construct an array with keys from a hash" do h = {:x => 1, :y => 2, :z => 3} a = Array.from_hash(h) a.to_hash.should == h end end context "Sequel.use_array_tuples" do setup do @c = do def fetch_rows(sql, &block) block[{:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3}] end end @ds = end teardown do Sequel.use_hash_tuples end specify "should cause the dataset to return array tuples instead of hashes" do @ds.first.should == {:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3} Sequel.use_array_tuples a = @ds.first a.class.should == Array a.values.sort.should == [1, 2, 3] {|k| k.to_s}.sort.should == ['a', 'b', 'c'] a[:a].should == 1 a[:b].should == 2 a[:c].should == 3 a[:d].should == nil @ds.transform(:a => [proc {|v| v.to_s}, proc {|v| v.to_i}]) a = @ds.first a[:a].should == '1' @ds.transform({}) a = @ds.first a[:a].should == 1 @ds.set_model(Hash) end specify "should be reversible using Sequel.use_hash_tuples" do Sequel.use_array_tuples @ds.first.class.should == Array Sequel.use_hash_tuples @ds.first.should == {:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3} end end