require './lib/bel/version' do |spec| = 'bel' spec.version = BEL::VERSION spec.summary = ''' Process BEL with ruby. '''.gsub(%r{^\s+}, ' ').gsub(%r{\n}, '') spec.description = ''' The BEL gem allows the reading, writing, and processing of BEL (Biological Expression Language) with a natural DSL. '''.gsub(%r{^\s+}, ' ').gsub(%r{\n}, '') spec.license = 'Apache-2.0' spec.authors = [ 'Anthony Bargnesi', 'Natalie Catlett', 'Nick Bargnesi', 'William Hayes' ] = [ '', '', '', '' ] spec.files = [ Dir.glob('lib/**/*.rb'), Dir.glob('lib/**/*.yml'), Dir.glob('ext/**/*.{c,h,def}'), Dir.glob('lib/bel/libbel/ext/{java,mingw}/**/*.{so,bundle}'), __FILE__, '', '', '', '', 'LICENSE', '', ].flatten! spec.executables = Dir.glob('bin/*').map(&File.method(:basename)) spec.homepage = '' spec.rdoc_options = [ '--title', 'BEL Ruby Documentation', '--main', '', '--line-numbers', '--exclude', 'lib/bel/script.rb', '--exclude', 'lib/1.9/*', '--exclude', 'lib/2.0/*', '--exclude', 'lib/2.1/*', '--exclude', 'lib/2.2/*', '', '', '', '', 'LICENSE', '', ] spec.extensions << 'ext/mri/extconf.rb' spec.required_ruby_version = '>= 2.0.0' spec.add_runtime_dependency 'ffi', '1.9.8' # Example post-install message. # # These aren't real BEL-related gems, but if we can sneak the names passed # abargnesi, maybe one day... ;) # spec.post_install_message = %q( # -- bel.rb notice -- # Install any of these additional gems for more functionality: # bel-rdf, clapper, carillon, peal, ... # ) end # vim: ts=2 sw=2: # encoding: utf-8