# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' require 'webrick' describe Ably::Rest::Client do vary_by_protocol do let(:default_options) { { environment: environment, protocol: protocol, log_retries_as_info: true } } let(:client_options) { default_options } let(:client) { Ably::Rest::Client.new(client_options) } http_defaults = Ably::Rest::Client::HTTP_DEFAULTS def encode64(text) Base64.encode64(text).gsub("\n", '') end context '#initialize' do let(:client_id) { random_str } let(:token_request) { client.auth.create_token_request({}, key_name: key_name, key_secret: key_secret, client_id: client_id) } context 'with only an API key' do let(:client) { Ably::Rest::Client.new(client_options.merge(key: api_key)) } it 'uses basic authentication' do expect(client.auth).to be_using_basic_auth end end context 'with an invalid API key' do let(:client) { Ably::Rest::Client.new(client_options.merge(key: 'app.key:secret', log_level: :fatal)) } it 'logs an entry with a help href url matching the code #TI5' do begin client.channels.get('foo').publish('test') raise 'Expected Ably::Exceptions::ResourceMissing' rescue Ably::Exceptions::ResourceMissing => err expect err.to_s.match(%r{https://help.ably.io/error/40400}) end end end context 'with an explicit string :token' do let(:client) { Ably::Rest::Client.new(client_options.merge(token: random_str)) } it 'uses token authentication' do expect(client.auth).to be_using_token_auth end end context 'with :use_token_auth set to true' do let(:client) { Ably::Rest::Client.new(client_options.merge(key: api_key, use_token_auth: true)) } it 'uses token authentication' do expect(client.auth).to be_using_token_auth end end context 'with a :client_id configured' do let(:client) { Ably::Rest::Client.new(client_options.merge(key: api_key, client_id: random_str)) } it 'uses token authentication' do expect(client.auth).to be_using_token_auth end end context 'with a non string :client_id' do let(:client) { Ably::Rest::Client.new(client_options.merge(key: api_key, client_id: 1)) } it 'raises an ArgumentError' do expect { client.auth }.to raise_error ArgumentError, /client_id.*String/ end end context 'with an invalid wildcard "*" :client_id' do it 'raises an exception' do expect { Ably::Rest::Client.new(client_options.merge(key: api_key, client_id: '*')) }.to raise_error ArgumentError end end context 'with an :auth_callback lambda' do let(:client) { Ably::Rest::Client.new(client_options.merge(auth_callback: lambda { |token_params| token_request })) } it 'calls the auth lambda to get a new token' do expect { client.channel('channel_name').publish('event', 'message') }.to change { client.auth.current_token_details } expect(client.auth.current_token_details.client_id).to eql(client_id) end it 'uses token authentication' do expect(client.auth).to be_using_token_auth end end context 'with :default_token_params' do let(:client) do Ably::Rest::Client.new(client_options.merge( default_token_params: { client_id: 'bob' }, use_token_auth: true, key: api_key )) end it 'overides the default token params (#TO3j11)' do client.auth.authorize expect(client.auth.client_id).to eql('bob') end end context 'with an :auth_callback lambda (clientId provided in library options instead of as a token_request param)' do let(:client) { Ably::Rest::Client.new(client_options.merge(client_id: client_id, auth_callback: lambda { |token_params| token_request })) } let(:token_request) { client.auth.create_token_request({}, key_name: key_name, key_secret: key_secret) } it 'correctly sets the clientId on the token' do expect { client.channel('channel_name').publish('event', 'message') }.to change { client.auth.current_token_details } expect(client.auth.current_token_details.client_id).to eql(client_id) end end context 'with an auth URL' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(key: api_key, auth_url: token_request_url, auth_method: :get) } let(:token_request_url) { 'http://get.token.request.com/' } it 'uses token authentication' do expect(client.auth).to be_using_token_auth end context 'before any REST request' do before do expect(client.auth).to receive(:token_request_from_auth_url).with(token_request_url, hash_including(:auth_method => :get), anything).once do client.auth.create_token_request(client_id: client_id) end end it 'sends an HTTP request to the provided auth URL to get a new token' do expect { client.channel('channel_name').publish('event', 'message') }.to change { client.auth.current_token_details } expect(client.auth.current_token_details.client_id).to eql(client_id) end end end context 'auth headers', webmock: true do let(:channel_name) { random_str } let(:history_params) { { 'direction' => 'backwards', 'limit' => 100 } } let(:history_querystring) { history_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&") } context 'with basic auth', webmock: true do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(key: api_key) } let!(:get_message_history_stub) do stub_request(:get, "https://#{environment}-#{Ably::Rest::Client::DOMAIN}/channels/#{channel_name}/messages?#{history_querystring}"). to_return(body: [], headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) end it 'sends the API key in authentication part of the secure URL (the Authorization: Basic header is not used with the Faraday HTTP library by default)' do client.channel(channel_name).history history_params expect(get_message_history_stub).to have_been_requested end end context 'with token auth', webmock: true do let(:token_string) { random_str } let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(token: token_string) } let!(:get_message_history_stub) do stub_request(:get, "#{http_protocol}://#{environment}-#{Ably::Rest::Client::DOMAIN}/channels/#{channel_name}/messages?#{history_querystring}"). with(headers: { 'Authorization' => "Bearer #{encode64(token_string)}" }). to_return(body: [], headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) end context 'without specifying protocol' do let(:http_protocol) { 'https' } it 'sends the token string over HTTPS in the Authorization Bearer header with Base64 encoding' do client.channel(channel_name).history history_params expect(get_message_history_stub).to have_been_requested end end context 'when setting constructor ClientOption :tls to false' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(token: token_string, tls: false) } let(:http_protocol) { 'http' } it 'sends the token string over HTTP in the Authorization Bearer header with Base64 encoding' do client.channel(channel_name).history history_params expect(get_message_history_stub).to have_been_requested end end end end end context 'using tokens' do let(:client) do Ably::Rest::Client.new(client_options.merge(auth_callback: lambda do |token_params| @request_index ||= 0 @request_index += 1 send("token_request_#{@request_index > 2 ? 'next' : @request_index}") end)) end let(:client_id) { random_str } let(:client_id_2) { client_id } let(:token_request_1) { client.auth.create_token_request({}, token_request_options.merge(client_id: client_id)) } let(:token_request_2) { client.auth.create_token_request({}, token_request_options.merge(client_id: client_id_2)) } # If token expires against whilst runnig tests in a slower CI environment then use this token let(:token_request_next) { client.auth.create_token_request({}, token_request_options.merge(client_id: random_str)) } context 'when expired' do before do # Ensure tokens issued expire immediately after issue stub_const 'Ably::Auth::TOKEN_DEFAULTS', Ably::Auth::TOKEN_DEFAULTS.merge(renew_token_buffer: 0) end let(:token_request_options) { { key_name: key_name, key_secret: key_secret, token_params: { ttl: Ably::Models::TokenDetails::TOKEN_EXPIRY_BUFFER } } } it 'creates a new token automatically when the old token expires' do expect { client.channel('channel_name').publish('event', 'message') }.to change { client.auth.current_token_details } expect(client.auth.current_token_details.client_id).to eql(token_request_1.client_id) sleep 1 expect { client.channel('channel_name').publish('event', 'message') }.to change { client.auth.current_token_details } expect(client.auth.current_token_details.client_id).to eql(token_request_2.client_id) end context 'with a different client_id in the subsequent token' do let(:client_id_2) { random_str } it 'fails to authenticate and raises an exception' do client.channel('channel_name').publish('event', 'message') sleep 1 expect { client.channel('channel_name').publish('event', 'message') }.to raise_error(Ably::Exceptions::IncompatibleClientId) end end end context 'when token has not expired' do let(:token_request_options) { { key_name: key_name, key_secret: key_secret, ttl: 3600 } } it 'reuses the existing token for every request' do expect { client.channel('channel_name').publish('event', 'message') }.to change { client.auth.current_token_details } expect(client.auth.current_token_details.client_id).to eql(token_request_1.client_id) sleep 1 expect { client.channel('channel_name').publish('event', 'message') }.to_not change { client.auth.current_token_details } expect(client.auth.current_token_details.client_id).to eql(token_request_1.client_id) end end end context 'connection transport' do context 'defaults' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(key: api_key, environment: 'production') } context 'for default host' do it "is configured to timeout connection opening in #{http_defaults.fetch(:open_timeout)} seconds" do expect(client.connection.options.open_timeout).to eql(http_defaults.fetch(:open_timeout)) end it "is configured to timeout connection requests in #{http_defaults.fetch(:request_timeout)} seconds" do expect(client.connection.options.timeout).to eql(http_defaults.fetch(:request_timeout)) end end context 'for the fallback hosts' do it "is configured to timeout connection opening in #{http_defaults.fetch(:open_timeout)} seconds" do expect(client.fallback_connection.options.open_timeout).to eql(http_defaults.fetch(:open_timeout)) end it "is configured to timeout connection requests in #{http_defaults.fetch(:request_timeout)} seconds" do expect(client.fallback_connection.options.timeout).to eql(http_defaults.fetch(:request_timeout)) end end end context 'with custom http_open_timeout and http_request_timeout options' do let(:http_open_timeout) { 999 } let(:http_request_timeout) { 666 } let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(key: api_key, http_open_timeout: http_open_timeout, http_request_timeout: http_request_timeout, environment: 'production') } context 'for default host' do it 'is configured to use custom open timeout' do expect(client.connection.options.open_timeout).to eql(http_open_timeout) end it 'is configured to use custom request timeout' do expect(client.connection.options.timeout).to eql(http_request_timeout) end end context 'for the fallback hosts' do it "is configured to timeout connection opening in #{http_defaults.fetch(:open_timeout)} seconds" do expect(client.fallback_connection.options.open_timeout).to eql(http_open_timeout) end it "is configured to timeout connection requests in #{http_defaults.fetch(:request_timeout)} seconds" do expect(client.fallback_connection.options.timeout).to eql(http_request_timeout) end end end end context 'fallback hosts', :webmock do let(:path) { '/channels/test/publish' } let(:publish_block) { lambda { client.channel('test').publish('event', 'data') } } context 'configured' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(key: api_key, environment: 'production') } it 'should make connection attempts to A.ably-realtime.com, B.ably-realtime.com, C.ably-realtime.com, D.ably-realtime.com, E.ably-realtime.com (#RSC15a)' do hosts = [] 5.times do hosts << client.fallback_connection.host end expect(hosts).to match_array(%w(A.ably-realtime.com B.ably-realtime.com C.ably-realtime.com D.ably-realtime.com E.ably-realtime.com)) end end context 'when environment is NOT production (#RSC15b)' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(environment: 'sandbox', key: api_key) } let!(:default_host_request_stub) do stub_request(:post, "https://#{environment}-#{Ably::Rest::Client::DOMAIN}#{path}").to_return do raise Faraday::TimeoutError.new('timeout error message') end end it 'does not retry failed requests with fallback hosts when there is a connection error' do expect { publish_block.call }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::ConnectionTimeout end end context 'when environment is production' do let(:custom_hosts) { %w(A.ably-realtime.com B.ably-realtime.com) } let(:max_retry_count) { 2 } let(:max_retry_duration) { 0.5 } let(:fallback_block) { proc { raise Faraday::SSLError.new('ssl error message') } } let(:client_options) do default_options.merge( environment: nil, key: api_key, http_max_retry_duration: max_retry_duration, http_max_retry_count: max_retry_count, log_level: :error ) end before do stub_const 'Ably::FALLBACK_HOSTS', custom_hosts end let!(:first_fallback_request_stub) do stub_request(:post, "https://#{custom_hosts[0]}#{path}").to_return(&fallback_block) end let!(:second_fallback_request_stub) do stub_request(:post, "https://#{custom_hosts[1]}#{path}").to_return(&fallback_block) end context 'and connection times out' do let!(:default_host_request_stub) do stub_request(:post, "https://#{Ably::Rest::Client::DOMAIN}#{path}").to_return do raise Faraday::TimeoutError.new('timeout error message') end end it "tries fallback hosts #{http_defaults.fetch(:max_retry_count)} times (#RSC15b, #RSC15b)" do expect { publish_block.call }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::ConnectionError, /ssl error message/ expect(default_host_request_stub).to have_been_requested expect(first_fallback_request_stub).to have_been_requested expect(second_fallback_request_stub).to have_been_requested end context "and the total request time exeeds #{http_defaults.fetch(:max_retry_duration)} seconds" do let!(:default_host_request_stub) do stub_request(:post, "https://#{Ably::Rest::Client::DOMAIN}#{path}").to_return do sleep max_retry_duration * 1.5 raise Faraday::TimeoutError.new('timeout error message') end end it 'makes no further attempts to any fallback hosts' do expect { publish_block.call }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::ConnectionTimeout expect(default_host_request_stub).to have_been_requested expect(first_fallback_request_stub).to_not have_been_requested expect(second_fallback_request_stub).to_not have_been_requested end end end context 'and connection fails' do let!(:default_host_request_stub) do stub_request(:post, "https://#{Ably::Rest::Client::DOMAIN}#{path}").to_return do raise Faraday::ConnectionFailed.new('connection failure error message') end end it "tries fallback hosts #{http_defaults.fetch(:max_retry_count)} times" do expect { publish_block.call }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::ConnectionError, /ssl error message/ expect(default_host_request_stub).to have_been_requested expect(first_fallback_request_stub).to have_been_requested expect(second_fallback_request_stub).to have_been_requested end end context 'and first request to primary endpoint fails' do let(:client_options) do default_options.merge( environment: nil, key: api_key, http_max_retry_duration: max_retry_duration, http_max_retry_count: max_retry_count, log_level: :error ) end let(:requests) { [] } let!(:default_host_request_stub) do stub_request(:post, "https://#{Ably::Rest::Client::DOMAIN}#{path}").to_return do requests << true if requests.count == 1 raise Faraday::ConnectionFailed.new('connection failure error message') else { headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, status: 200, body: {}.to_json } end end end it "tries a fallback host, and for the next request tries the primary endpoint again (#RSC15e)" do expect { publish_block.call }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::ConnectionError, /ssl error message/ expect(default_host_request_stub).to have_been_requested expect(first_fallback_request_stub).to have_been_requested expect(requests.count).to eql(1) publish_block.call expect(requests.count).to eql(2) end end context 'and basic authentication fails' do let(:status) { 401 } let!(:default_host_request_stub) do stub_request(:post, "https://#{Ably::Rest::Client::DOMAIN}#{path}").to_return( headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, status: status, body: { "error" => { "statusCode" => 401, "code" => 40101, "message" => "Invalid credentials" } }.to_json ) end it 'does not attempt the fallback hosts as this is an authentication failure' do expect { publish_block.call }.to raise_error(Ably::Exceptions::UnauthorizedRequest) expect(default_host_request_stub).to have_been_requested expect(first_fallback_request_stub).to_not have_been_requested expect(second_fallback_request_stub).to_not have_been_requested end end context 'and server returns a 50x error' do let(:status) { 502 } let(:fallback_block) do proc do { headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' }, status: status } end end let!(:default_host_request_stub) do stub_request(:post, "https://#{Ably::Rest::Client::DOMAIN}#{path}").to_return(&fallback_block) end it 'attempts the fallback hosts as this is an authentication failure (#RSC15d)' do expect { publish_block.call }.to raise_error(Ably::Exceptions::ServerError) expect(default_host_request_stub).to have_been_requested expect(first_fallback_request_stub).to have_been_requested expect(second_fallback_request_stub).to have_been_requested end end end context 'when environment is production and server returns a 50x error' do let(:custom_hosts) { %w(A.foo.com B.foo.com) } let(:max_retry_count) { 2 } let(:max_retry_duration) { 0.5 } let(:fallback_block) { proc { raise Faraday::SSLError.new('ssl error message') } } let(:production_options) do default_options.merge( environment: nil, key: api_key, http_max_retry_duration: max_retry_duration, http_max_retry_count: max_retry_count ) end let(:status) { 502 } let(:fallback_block) do proc do { headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' }, status: status } end end let!(:default_host_request_stub) do stub_request(:post, "https://#{Ably::Rest::Client::DOMAIN}#{path}").to_return(&fallback_block) end context 'with custom fallback hosts provided' do let!(:first_fallback_request_stub) do stub_request(:post, "https://#{custom_hosts[0]}#{path}").to_return(&fallback_block) end let!(:second_fallback_request_stub) do stub_request(:post, "https://#{custom_hosts[1]}#{path}").to_return(&fallback_block) end let(:client_options) { production_options.merge(fallback_hosts: custom_hosts, log_level: :error) } it 'attempts the fallback hosts as this is an authentication failure (#RSC15b, #RSC15a, #TO3k6)' do expect { publish_block.call }.to raise_error(Ably::Exceptions::ServerError) expect(default_host_request_stub).to have_been_requested expect(first_fallback_request_stub).to have_been_requested expect(second_fallback_request_stub).to have_been_requested end end context 'with an empty array of fallback hosts provided (#RSC15b, #RSC15a, #TO3k6)' do let(:client_options) { production_options.merge(fallback_hosts: []) } it 'does not attempt the fallback hosts as this is an authentication failure' do expect { publish_block.call }.to raise_error(Ably::Exceptions::ServerError) expect(default_host_request_stub).to have_been_requested end end context 'using a local web-server', webmock: false do let(:primary_host) { 'local-rest.ably.io' } let(:fallbacks) { ['local.ably.io', 'localhost'] } let(:port) { rand(10000) + 2000 } let(:channel_name) { 'foo' } let(:request_timeout) { 3 } after do @web_server.shutdown end context 'and timing out the primary host' do before do @web_server = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new(:Port => port, :SSLEnable => false, :AccessLog => [], Logger: WEBrick::Log.new("/dev/null")) request_handler = lambda do |result_body| lambda do |req, res| host = req.header["host"].first if host.include?(primary_host) @primary_host_request_count ||= 0 @primary_host_request_count += 1 sleep request_timeout + 0.5 else @fallback_request_count ||= 0 @fallback_request_count += 1 @fallback_hosts_tried ||= [] @fallback_hosts_tried.push(host) if @fallback_request_count <= fail_fallback_request_count sleep request_timeout + 0.5 else res.status = 200 res['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' res.body = result_body end end end end @web_server.mount_proc "/time", &request_handler.call('[1000000000000]') @web_server.mount_proc "/channels/#{channel_name}/publish", &request_handler.call('{}') Thread.new do @web_server.start end end context 'POST with request timeout less than max_retry_duration' do let(:client_options) do default_options.merge( rest_host: primary_host, fallback_hosts: fallbacks, token: 'fake.token', port: port, tls: false, http_request_timeout: request_timeout, http_max_retry_duration: request_timeout * 2.5, log_level: :error ) end let(:fail_fallback_request_count) { 1 } it 'tries the primary host, then both fallback hosts (#RSC15d)' do client.channel(channel_name).publish('event', 'data') expect(@primary_host_request_count).to eql(1) expect(@fallback_request_count).to eql(2) expect(@fallback_hosts_tried.uniq.length).to eql(2) end end context 'GET with request timeout less than max_retry_duration' do let(:client_options) do default_options.merge( rest_host: primary_host, fallback_hosts: fallbacks, token: 'fake.token', port: port, tls: false, http_request_timeout: request_timeout, http_max_retry_duration: request_timeout * 2.5, log_level: :error ) end let(:fail_fallback_request_count) { 1 } it 'tries the primary host, then both fallback hosts (#RSC15d)' do client.time expect(@primary_host_request_count).to eql(1) expect(@fallback_request_count).to eql(2) expect(@fallback_hosts_tried.uniq.length).to eql(2) end end context 'POST with request timeout more than max_retry_duration' do let(:client_options) do default_options.merge( rest_host: primary_host, fallback_hosts: fallbacks, token: 'fake.token', port: port, tls: false, http_request_timeout: request_timeout, http_max_retry_duration: request_timeout / 2, log_level: :error ) end let(:fail_fallback_request_count) { 0 } it 'does not try any fallback hosts (#RSC15d)' do expect { client.channel(channel_name).publish('event', 'data') }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::ConnectionTimeout expect(@primary_host_request_count).to eql(1) expect(@fallback_request_count).to be_nil end end context 'GET with request timeout more than max_retry_duration' do let(:client_options) do default_options.merge( rest_host: primary_host, fallback_hosts: fallbacks, token: 'fake.token', port: port, tls: false, http_request_timeout: request_timeout, http_max_retry_duration: request_timeout / 2, log_level: :error ) end let(:fail_fallback_request_count) { 0 } it 'does not try any fallback hosts (#RSC15d)' do expect { client.time }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::ConnectionTimeout expect(@primary_host_request_count).to eql(1) expect(@fallback_request_count).to be_nil end end end context 'and failing the primary host' do before do @web_server = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new(:Port => port, :SSLEnable => false, :AccessLog => [], Logger: WEBrick::Log.new("/dev/null")) @web_server.mount_proc "/channels/#{channel_name}/publish" do |req, res| if req.header["host"].first.include?(primary_host) @primary_host_requested = true res.status = 500 else @fallback_request_count ||= 0 @fallback_request_count += 1 if @fallback_request_count <= fail_fallback_request_count res.status = 500 else res.status = 200 res['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' res.body = '{}' end end end Thread.new do @web_server.start end end let(:client_options) do default_options.merge( rest_host: primary_host, fallback_hosts: fallbacks, token: 'fake.token', port: port, tls: false, log_level: :error ) end let(:fail_fallback_request_count) { 1 } it 'tries one of the fallback hosts' do client.channel(channel_name).publish('event', 'data') expect(@primary_host_requested).to be_truthy expect(@fallback_request_count).to eql(2) end end context 'to fail the primary host, allow a fallback to succeed, then later trigger a fallback to the primary host (#RSC15f)' do before do @request_count = 0 @primary_host_request_count = 0 @web_server = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new(:Port => port, :SSLEnable => false, :AccessLog => [], Logger: WEBrick::Log.new("/dev/null")) @web_server.mount_proc "/channels/#{channel_name}/publish" do |req, res| @request_count += 1 if req.header["host"].first.include?(primary_host) @primary_host_request_count += 1 # Fail all requests to the primary host so that a fallback is used # Except request 6 which should suceed and clear the fallback host preference if @request_count == 6 res.status = 200 res['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' res.body = '{}' else res.status = 500 end else # Fail the second request (first failed fallback of first request) # Fail the third request on the previously succeeded fallback host to trigger an attempt on the primary host if [2, 5].include?(@request_count) res.status = 500 else res.status = 200 res['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' res.body = '{}' end end end Thread.new do @web_server.start end end let(:client_options) do default_options.merge( rest_host: primary_host, fallback_hosts: fallbacks, token: 'fake.token', port: port, tls: false, log_level: :error ).merge(additional_client_options) end let (:additional_client_options) { {} } it 'succeeds and remembers fallback host preferences across requests' do # Send a request, expect primary endpoint to fail, one fallback to fail, second fallback to succeed client.channel(channel_name).publish('event', 'data') expect(@request_count).to eql(3) expect(fallbacks).to include(client.using_preferred_fallback_host?) successfull_fallback = client.using_preferred_fallback_host? expect(@primary_host_request_count).to eql(1) # Send another request, which should go straight to the fallback as it succeeded previously client.channel(channel_name).publish('event', 'data') expect(@request_count).to eql(4) expect(successfull_fallback).to eql(client.using_preferred_fallback_host?) expect(@primary_host_request_count).to eql(1) # A subsequent request should fail to the fallback, go the primary host and succeed client.channel(channel_name).publish('event', 'data') expect(@request_count).to eql(6) expect(client.using_preferred_fallback_host?).to be_falsey expect(@primary_host_request_count).to eql(2) # A subsequent request will fail on the primary endpoint, and we expect the fallback to be used again client.channel(channel_name).publish('event', 'data') expect(@request_count).to eql(8) expect(fallbacks).to include(client.using_preferred_fallback_host?) successfull_fallback = client.using_preferred_fallback_host? expect(@primary_host_request_count).to eql(3) # Send another request, which should go straight to the fallback as it succeeded previously client.channel(channel_name).publish('event', 'data') expect(@request_count).to eql(9) expect(successfull_fallback).to eql(client.using_preferred_fallback_host?) expect(@primary_host_request_count).to eql(3) end context 'with custom :fallback_retry_timeout' do let (:additional_client_options) { { fallback_retry_timeout: 5 } } it 'stops using the preferred fallback after this time' do # Send a request, expect primary endpoint to fail, one fallback to fail, second fallback to succeed client.channel(channel_name).publish('event', 'data') expect(@request_count).to eql(3) expect(fallbacks).to include(client.using_preferred_fallback_host?) expect(@primary_host_request_count).to eql(1) # Wait for the preferred fallback cache to expire sleep 5 # Send another request, which should go straight to the primary host again as fallback host is expired client.channel(channel_name).publish('event', 'data') expect(@primary_host_request_count).to eql(2) end end end end end context 'when environment is not production and server returns a 50x error' do let(:custom_hosts) { %w(A.foo.com B.foo.com) } let(:max_retry_count) { 2 } let(:max_retry_duration) { 0.5 } let(:fallback_block) { proc { raise Faraday::SSLError.new('ssl error message') } } let(:env) { 'custom-env' } let(:production_options) do default_options.merge( environment: env, key: api_key, http_max_retry_duration: max_retry_duration, http_max_retry_count: max_retry_count, log_level: :fatal, ) end let(:status) { 502 } let(:fallback_block) do proc do { headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' }, status: status } end end let!(:default_host_request_stub) do stub_request(:post, "https://#{env}-#{Ably::Rest::Client::DOMAIN}#{path}").to_return(&fallback_block) end context 'with custom fallback hosts provided (#RSC15b, #TO3k6)' do let!(:first_fallback_request_stub) do stub_request(:post, "https://#{custom_hosts[0]}#{path}").to_return(&fallback_block) end let!(:second_fallback_request_stub) do stub_request(:post, "https://#{custom_hosts[1]}#{path}").to_return(&fallback_block) end let(:client_options) { production_options.merge(fallback_hosts: custom_hosts, log_level: :fatal) } it 'attempts the fallback hosts as this is not an authentication failure' do expect { publish_block.call }.to raise_error(Ably::Exceptions::ServerError) expect(default_host_request_stub).to have_been_requested expect(first_fallback_request_stub).to have_been_requested expect(second_fallback_request_stub).to have_been_requested end end context 'with an empty array of fallback hosts provided (#RSC15b, #TO3k6)' do let(:client_options) { production_options.merge(fallback_hosts: [], log_level: :fatal) } it 'does not attempt the fallback hosts as this is an authentication failure' do expect { publish_block.call }.to raise_error(Ably::Exceptions::ServerError) expect(default_host_request_stub).to have_been_requested end end context 'with fallback_hosts_use_default: true (#RSC15b, #TO3k7)' do let(:custom_hosts) { Ably::FALLBACK_HOSTS[0...2] } before do stub_const 'Ably::FALLBACK_HOSTS', custom_hosts end let!(:first_fallback_request_stub) do stub_request(:post, "https://#{Ably::FALLBACK_HOSTS[0]}#{path}").to_return(&fallback_block) end let!(:second_fallback_request_stub) do stub_request(:post, "https://#{Ably::FALLBACK_HOSTS[1]}#{path}").to_return(&fallback_block) end let(:client_options) { production_options.merge(fallback_hosts: custom_hosts, log_level: :fatal) } it 'attempts the default fallback hosts as this is an authentication failure' do expect { publish_block.call }.to raise_error(Ably::Exceptions::ServerError) expect(default_host_request_stub).to have_been_requested expect(first_fallback_request_stub).to have_been_requested expect(second_fallback_request_stub).to have_been_requested end end end end context 'with a custom host' do let(:custom_host) { 'host.does.not.exist' } let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(key: api_key, rest_host: custom_host) } let(:capability) { { :foo => ["publish"] } } context 'that does not exist' do it 'fails immediately and raises a Faraday Error' do expect { client.channel('test').publish('event', 'data') }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::ConnectionError end context 'fallback hosts', :webmock do let(:path) { '/channels/test/publish' } let!(:custom_host_request_stub) do stub_request(:post, "https://#{custom_host}#{path}").to_return do raise Faraday::ConnectionFailed.new('connection failure error message') end end before do Ably::FALLBACK_HOSTS.each do |host| stub_request(:post, "https://#{host}#{path}").to_return do raise 'Fallbacks should not be used with custom hosts' end end end specify 'are never used' do expect { client.channel('test').publish('event', 'data') }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::ConnectionError expect(custom_host_request_stub).to have_been_requested end end end context 'that times out', :webmock do let(:path) { '/keys/app_id.key_name/requestToken' } let!(:custom_host_request_stub) do stub_request(:post, "https://#{custom_host}#{path}").to_return do raise Faraday::TimeoutError.new('timeout error message') end end it 'fails immediately and raises a Faraday Error' do expect { client.auth.request_token }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::ConnectionTimeout end context 'fallback hosts' do before do Ably::FALLBACK_HOSTS.each do |host| stub_request(:post, "https://#{host}#{path}").to_return do raise 'Fallbacks should not be used with custom hosts' end end end specify 'are never used' do expect { client.auth.request_token }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::ConnectionTimeout expect(custom_host_request_stub).to have_been_requested end end end end context 'HTTP configuration options' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(key: api_key) } context 'defaults' do specify '#http_open_timeout is 4s' do expect(client.http_defaults[:open_timeout]).to eql(4) end specify '#http_request_timeout is 10s' do expect(client.http_defaults[:request_timeout]).to eql(10) end specify '#http_max_retry_count is 3' do expect(client.http_defaults[:max_retry_count]).to eql(3) end specify '#http_max_retry_duration is 15s' do expect(client.http_defaults[:max_retry_duration]).to eql(15) end end context 'configured' do let(:client_options) do default_options.merge( key: api_key, http_open_timeout: 1, http_request_timeout: 2, http_max_retry_count: 33, http_max_retry_duration: 4 ) end specify '#http_open_timeout uses provided value' do expect(client.http_defaults[:open_timeout]).to eql(1) end specify '#http_request_timeout uses provided value' do expect(client.http_defaults[:request_timeout]).to eql(2) end specify '#http_max_retry_count uses provided value' do expect(client.http_defaults[:max_retry_count]).to eql(33) end specify '#http_max_retry_duration uses provided value' do expect(client.http_defaults[:max_retry_duration]).to eql(4) end end it 'is frozen' do expect(client.http_defaults).to be_frozen end end context '#auth' do let(:dummy_auth_url) { 'http://dummy.url' } let(:unique_ttl) { 1234 } let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(auth_url: dummy_auth_url, ttl: unique_ttl) } it 'is provides access to the Auth object' do expect(client.auth).to be_kind_of(Ably::Auth) end it 'configures the Auth object with all ClientOptions passed to client in the initializer' do expect(client.auth.options[:ttl]).to eql(unique_ttl) expect(client.auth.options[:auth_url]).to eql(dummy_auth_url) end end context 'version headers', :webmock do [nil, 'foo'].each do |variant| context "with variant #{variant ? variant : 'none'}" do if variant before do Ably.lib_variant = variant end after do Ably.lib_variant = nil end end let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(key: api_key) } let!(:publish_message_stub) do lib = ['ruby'] lib << variant if variant lib << Ably::VERSION stub_request(:post, "#{client.endpoint}/channels/foo/publish"). with(headers: { 'X-Ably-Version' => Ably::PROTOCOL_VERSION, 'X-Ably-Lib' => lib.join('-') }). to_return(status: 201, body: '{}', headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) end it 'sends a protocol version and lib version header (#G4, #RSC7a, #RSC7b)' do client.channels.get('foo').publish("event") expect(publish_message_stub).to have_been_requested expect(Ably::PROTOCOL_VERSION).to eql('1.1') end end end end context '#request (#RSC19*)' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(key: api_key) } context 'get' do it 'returns an HttpPaginatedResponse object' do response = client.request(:get, 'time') expect(response).to be_a(Ably::Models::HttpPaginatedResponse) expect(response.status_code).to eql(200) end context '404 request to invalid URL' do it 'returns an object with 404 status code and error message' do response = client.request(:get, 'does-not-exist') expect(response).to be_a(Ably::Models::HttpPaginatedResponse) expect(response.error_message).to match(/Could not find/) expect(response.error_code).to eql(40400) expect(response.status_code).to eql(404) end end context 'paged results' do let(:channel_name) { random_str } it 'provides paging' do 10.times do client.request(:post, "/channels/#{channel_name}/publish", {}, { 'name' => 'test' }) end response = client.request(:get, "/channels/#{channel_name}/messages", { limit: 2 }) expect(response.items.length).to eql(2) expect(response).to be_has_next next_page = response.next expect(next_page.items.length).to eql(2) expect(next_page).to be_has_next first_page_ids = response.items.map { |message| message['id'] }.uniq.sort next_page_ids = next_page.items.map { |message| message['id'] }.uniq.sort expect(first_page_ids).to_not eql(next_page_ids) next_page = next_page.next expect(next_page.items.length).to eql(2) end end end end context 'request_id generation' do context 'Timeout error' do context 'with option add_request_ids: true', :webmock, :prevent_log_stubbing do let(:custom_logger_object) { TestLogger.new } let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(key: api_key, logger: custom_logger_object, add_request_ids: true) } before do @request_id = nil stub_request(:get, Addressable::Template.new("#{client.endpoint}/time{?request_id}")).with do |request| @request_id = request.uri.query_values['request_id'] end.to_return do raise Faraday::TimeoutError.new('timeout error message') end end it 'has an error with the same request_id of the request' do expect { client.time }.to raise_error(Ably::Exceptions::ConnectionTimeout, /#{@request_id}/) expect(@request_id).to be_a(String) expect(@request_id).to_not be_empty expect(custom_logger_object.logs.find { |severity, message| message.match(/#{@request_id}/i)} ).to_not be_nil end end context 'with option add_request_ids: true and REST operations with a message body' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge({ key: api_key, add_request_ids: true }) } let(:channel_name) { random_str } let(:channel) { client.channels.get(channel_name) } context 'with mocks to inspect the params', :webmock do before do stub_request(:post, Addressable::Template.new("#{client.endpoint}/channels/#{channel_name}/publish{?request_id}")). with do |request| @request_id = request.uri.query_values['request_id'] end.to_return(:status => 200, :body => [], :headers => { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) end context 'with a single publish' do it 'succeeds and sends the request_id as a param' do channel.publish('name', { body: random_str }) expect(@request_id.to_s).to_not be_empty end end context 'with an array publish' do it 'succeeds and sends the request_id as a param' do channel.publish([{ body: random_str }, { body: random_str }]) expect(@request_id.to_s).to_not be_empty end end end context 'without mocks to ensure the requests are accepted' do context 'with a single publish' do it 'succeeds and sends the request_id as a param' do channel.publish('name', { body: random_str }) expect(channel.history.items.length).to eql(1) end end context 'with an array publish' do it 'succeeds and sends the request_id as a param' do channel.publish([{ body: random_str }, { body: random_str }]) expect(channel.history.items.length).to eql(2) end end end end context 'option add_request_ids: true and specified fallback hosts', :webmock do let(:client_options) { { key: api_key, fallback_hosts_use_default: true, add_request_ids: true, log_level: :error, log_retries_as_info: true } } let(:requests) { [] } before do @request_id = nil hosts = Ably::FALLBACK_HOSTS + ['rest.ably.io'] hosts.each do |host| stub_request(:get, Addressable::Template.new("https://#{host.downcase}/time{?request_id}")).with do |request| @request_id = request.uri.query_values['request_id'] requests << @request_id end.to_return do raise Faraday::TimeoutError.new('timeout error message') end end end specify 'request_id is the same across retries' do expect{ client.time }.to raise_error(Ably::Exceptions::ConnectionTimeout, /#{@request_id}/) expect(@request_id).to be_a(String) expect(@request_id).to_not be_empty expect(requests.uniq.count).to eql(1) expect(requests.uniq.first).to eql(@request_id) end end context 'without request_id' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(key: api_key, http_request_timeout: 0) } it 'does not include request_id in ConnectionTimeout error' do begin client.stats rescue Ably::Exceptions::ConnectionTimeout => err expect(err.request_id).to eql(nil) end end end end context 'UnauthorizedRequest nonce error' do let(:token_params) { { nonce: "samenonce_#{protocol}", timestamp: Time.now.to_i } } it 'includes request_id in UnauthorizedRequest error due to replayed nonce' do client1 = Ably::Rest::Client.new(default_options.merge(key: api_key)) client2 = Ably::Rest::Client.new(default_options.merge(key: api_key, add_request_ids: true)) expect { client1.auth.request_token(token_params) }.not_to raise_error begin client2.auth.request_token(token_params) rescue Ably::Exceptions::UnauthorizedRequest => err expect(err.request_id).to_not eql(nil) end end end end context 'failed request logging', :prevent_log_stubbing do let(:custom_logger) { TestLogger.new } let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(key: api_key, logger: custom_logger, log_retries_as_info: false) } it 'is absent when requests do not fail' do client.time expect(custom_logger.logs(min_severity: :warn)).to be_empty end context 'with the first request failing' do let(:client_options) do default_options.merge( rest_host: 'non.existent.domain.local', fallback_hosts: [[environment, Ably::Rest::Client::DOMAIN].join('-')], key: api_key, logger: custom_logger, log_retries_as_info: false) end it 'is present with success message when requests do not actually fail' do client.time expect(custom_logger.logs(min_severity: :warn).select { |severity, msg| msg.match(/Retry/) }.length).to eql(1) expect(custom_logger.logs(min_severity: :warn).select { |severity, msg| msg.match(/SUCCEEDED/) }.length).to eql(1) end end context 'with all requests failing' do let(:client_options) do default_options.merge( rest_host: 'non.existent.domain.local', fallback_hosts: ['non2.existent.domain.local'], key: api_key, logger: custom_logger, log_retries_as_info: false) end it 'is present when all requests fail' do expect { client.time }.to raise_error(Ably::Exceptions::ConnectionError) expect(custom_logger.logs(min_severity: :warn).select { |severity, msg| msg.match(/Retry/) }.length).to be >= 2 expect(custom_logger.logs(min_severity: :error).select { |severity, msg| msg.match(/FAILED/) }.length).to eql(1) end end end end end