% render "layouts/basic.html" do %# HTML tags can be embedded in mark down files if you want to do specific custom %# formatting like this, but in most cases that is not required.
spec.add_development_dependency "origen_arm_debug", ">= <%= Origen.app.version %>"
__NOTE:__ You will also need to include require 'origen_arm_debug'
somewhere in your environment
if your app is a plugin.
### How To Use
The most common way to use the Arm Debugger plugin is through the Origen register API via
and write_register
You must include a compatible physical driver depending on what debug
interface your device has, one of the following can be used:
* [JTAG](http://origen-sdk.org/jtag)
* [Single Wire Debug](http://origen-sdk.org/swd)
class DUT
include Origen::TopLevel
# Include the required physical driver, JTAG in this example
include OrigenJTAG
def initialize
reg :myreg, 0x0012, size: 16 do |reg|
reg.bits 15..8, :upper_byte
reg.bits 7..0, :lower_byte
# Simple example using default wait-states and latency:
# mem_ap: APSEL = 0x00 (base_address[31:24])
# mem2_ap: APSEL = 0x01 (base_address[31:24])
mem_aps = {
mem_ap: { base_address: 0x00000000 }
mem2_ap: { base_address: 0x10000000 }
sub_block :arm_debug, class_name: 'OrigenARMDebug::DAP', mem_aps: mem_aps
# Hook the ARMDebug module into the register API, any register read
# requests will use the ARM Debug protocol by default
def read_register(reg, options={})
arm_debug.mem_ap.read_register(reg, options)
# As above for write requests
def write_register(reg, options={})
arm_debug.mem_ap.write_register(reg, options)
DUT.new.myreg.write!(0x55AA) # => Will generate the required vectors using the ARM debug protocol
You can access the lower-level API using conventional Origen register transactions:
arm_debug.sw_dp.ctrlstat.write!(0x5000_0000) # Power-up
arm_debug.sw_dp.ctrlstat.read!(0xF0000000) # Verify
arm_debug.sw_dp.select.write!(0) # Select AHB-AP, bank 0
# Set the SIZE field of CSW to 0x2 (32-bit transfers) + AddrInc=1
You can also adjust the intermediate wait-states and latency parameters:
* [AP.apreg_access_wait](http://origen-sdk.org/arm_debug/api/OrigenARMDebug/AP.html#apreg_access_wait-instance_method)
* [MemAP.apmem_access_wait](http://origen-sdk.org/arm_debug/api/OrigenARMDebug/MemAP.html#apmem_access_wait-instance_method)
* [MemAP.latency](http://origen-sdk.org/arm_debug/api/OrigenARMDebug/MemAP.html#latency-instance_method)
# Assuming ahb_ap has been previously defined
dut.arm_debug.ahb_ap.apmem_access_wait = 16
dut.arm_debug.ahb_ap.apreg_access_wait = 12
dut.arm_debug.ahb_ap.latency = 8
# You can define these at instantiation as well
mem_aps = {
mem_ap: { base_address: 0x00000000, latency: 8, apreg_access_wait: 12, apmem_access_wait: 16 }
mem2_ap: { base_address: 0x10000000, latency: 8, apreg_access_wait: 12, apmem_access_wait: 16 }
sub_block :arm_debug, class_name: 'OrigenARMDebug::DAP', mem_aps: mem_aps
When used with the JTAG physical driver these are the default IR size 4 and the default register select values are:
idcode_select = 0b1110
abort_select = 0b1000
dpacc_select = 0b1010
apacc_select = 0b1011
You can set non-default values at instantiation like this:
mem_aps = {
mem_ap: { base_address: 0x00000000 }
mem2_ap: { base_address: 0x10000000 }
instantiation_options[:class_name] = 'OrigenARMDebug::DAP'
instantiation_options[:mem_aps] = mem_aps
instantiation_options[:ir_size] = 8
instantiation_options[:idcode_select] = 0xFE
instantiation_options[:abort_select] = 0xF8
instantiation_options[:dpacc_select] = 0xFA
instantiation_options[:apacc_select] = 0xFB
sub_block :arm_debug, instantiation_options
### Company Customization
It may be the case that your application needs additional, customized Access Ports (AP) which are allowed but
not defined by the standard ARM Debug Interface. The following example shows how you can use the generic AP
class as a starting point and add extra registers as defined by your specific implementation.
require 'origen_arm_debug'
module ARMDebugCOMPANY
# New AP class inherited from generic AP class provided by origen_arm_debug
class CustomAP < OrigenARMDebug::AP
# Initialize AP parameters and registers
def initialize(options = {})
# Standard AP-register latency for most devices. Can be overriden by
# top-level if necessary
@apreg_access_wait = 8
# Add example registers associated with CustomAP.
# Custom registers can also be added by ARMDebug owner with add_reg or
# overloading entire instantiate_registers methd
# Ex: arm_debug.company_ap.add_reg(:custom_reg_3, 0x08)
def instantiate_registers(options = {})
add_reg :custom_reg_1, 0x00
add_reg :custom_reg_2, 0x04
class DUT
include Origen::TopLevel
include ARMDebugCOMPANY
# Also include the required physical driver, JTAG in this example
include OrigenJTAG
def initialize
reg :myreg, 0x0012, size: 16 do |reg|
reg.bits 15..8, :upper_byte
reg.bits 7..0, :lower_byte
# Some standard AP parameters values
std_memap_config = { latency: 16, apreg_access_wait: 8, apmem_access_wait: 8, csw_reset: 0x23000040 }
# 2 MemAPs using standard parameters (above)
mem_aps = {
mem_ap_0: { base_address: 0x00000000 }.merge(std_memap_config), # AP Select = 0x00
mem_ap_1: { base_address: 0x01000000 }.merge(std_memap_config), # AP Select = 0x01
# Add Company-Customized AP class @ APSEL = 0x04
custom_ap = {
company_ap: { class_name: 'ARMDebugCOMPANY::CustomAP', base_address: 0x04000000, apreg_access_wait: 8 }
sub_block :arm_debug, class_name: 'OrigenARMDebug::DAP',
base_address: 0,
mem_aps: mem_aps,
aps: custom_ap
### How To Setup a Development Environment
[Clone the repository from Github](https://github.com/Origen-SDK/origen_arm_debug).
An instance of the OrigenARMDebug driver is hooked up to a dummy DUT
object for use in the console:
origen i
> dut.arm_debug
=> #