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<h2>Project Editor</h2>

<p>The Project Editor is displayed through the Project | Edit menu item and allows creating or
modifying NUnit test projects. It should be noted that a Test Project is active whenever any tests
have been loaded, even if no project was explicitly created or referenced. In the case of an
assembly being loaded, an internal wrapper project is created. This allows the user to change
settings and save the project directly without needing to perform any extra steps. The editor
consists of a common area and two tabs, as seen in the image below.</p>

<h3>Common Area</h3>

<p>The common area of the Project Editor contains information pertaining to
   the project as a whole. Information that applies to a particular configuration
   is displayed in the General and Assemblies tabs.
<h4>Project Path</h4>
<p>This label shows the full path to the project file. In the case of a 
   wrapper project, the path is set to the same directory as the assembly
   that was initially opened.
<h4>Application Base</h4> 
<p>This TextBox allows the user to change the project AppBase, which defaults to 
   the directory of the project file. The button to the right of the TextBox
   allows the user to browse and select a directory.
<h4>Process Model</h4>
<p>This dropdown list allows you to specify how operating system processes are
   used in loading and running the tests in this project. Four settings are
   <li>The <b>Default</b> setting refers to the option selected by the user
       on the Assembly Isolation page of the NUnit Settings Dialog.
   <li><b>Single</b> means that tests are run in a test domain in the
   	   same process as NUnit. This is the way previous versions of NUnit
	   ran tests.
   <li><b>Separate</b> means that all the tests are run in a separate process 
       that NUnit creates.
   <li><b>Multiple</b> means that NUnit will create a separate process for
       each test assembly in the project and run its tests there.
<h4>Domain Usage</h4>
<p>This dropdown list allows you to specify how tests are loaded into
   AppDomains by NUnit. Three settings are defined:
   <li>The <b>Default</b> setting refers to the option selected by the user
       on the Assembly Isolation page of the NUnit Settings Dialog.
   <li><b>Single</b> means that all tests will run in a single test domain
       created by NUnit. This was the way versions of NUnit prior to 2.4
	   ran tests.
   <li><b>Multiple</b> means that each test assembly is loaded into a
       separate AppDomain. This setting is not available when Multiple
	   processes are selected in the Process Model dropown.
<p>This dropdown list allows you to select the particular configuration
   within a project that is displayed in the bottom part of the dialog.
<h4>Edit Configs...</h4>
<p>This button opens the  
   <a href="configEditor.html">Configuration Editor</a>,
   which allows you to add, delete or rename configs and set the
   active configuration.

<div class="screenshot-left">
<img src="img/generalTab.jpg"></div>

<h3>General Tab</h3>

<p>The General tab allows setting a number of options pertaining to the selected configuration, all of
which will be stored in the NUnit project file as attributes of the <config> xml node.</p>

<p>This dropdown allows you to select a particular runtime framework to be used
   for loading and running tests under the current configuration. Currently,
   only Microsoft .NET and Mono are supported. If <b>Any</b> is selected, the 
   tests will be run under the same runtime that NUnit itself is currently using.

<p>This ComboBox allows you to select the particular version of the runtime framework
   to be used for loading and running tests under the current configuration. The
   dropdown list contains entries for
<p>If you select "Default" the assemblies in the project are examined to determine  
   the version that is required.
   See <a href="runtimeSelection.html">Runtime Selection</a> for 
   more information on how NUnit selects the version to be used.

<p>In special cases, you may wish to enter a version number that is not listed
   in the list box. You may specify the version using two, three or four
   components. The version you provide will be saved as you enter it. Leaving
   the text box blank is equivalent to selecting "Default." 
<p><b>Note:</b> Running tests under a different runtime or version from the one that NUnit
   is currently using will force them to run in a separate process.
<p><b>Note:</b> To conform with normal usage, specifying Mono as the runtime
   with "1.0" as the version results in use of the Mono 1.0 profile, equating
   to version 1.1.4322.
<p>The ApplicationBase defaults to the directory containing the project file. Beginning
with NUnit 2.2.3, it may be set to any location that is desired.</p>

<h4>Configuration File Name</h4>
<p>The configuration file defaults to the name of the test project with the extension changed
from .nunit to .config. The user may substitute another name.</p>

<p>By default, the PrivateBinPath is generated from the assembly locations specified on the
Assemblies Tab. For those applications requiring a different level of control, it may be
specified manually or using this editor or placed in the configuration file.</p>

<h3>Assemblies Tab</h3>

<p>The assemblies tab contains the list of assemblies that form part of this test project.</p>

<p>Note: Although the dialog shows the location of assemblies as absolute paths, they are always
persisted in the NUnit project file as paths relative to the application base. This allows moving
projects as a whole to a different directory location.</p>

<div class="screenshot-left">
<img src="img/assembliesTab.jpg"></div>

<p>Opens a dialog allowing adding an assembly to this configuration. If Visual
Stuio support is enabled, you may also select and add a VS project.</p>

<p>After confirmation, removes the selected assembly from this configuration.</p>

<h4>Assembly Path</h4>
<p>This text box displays the full path to the selected assembly. You may edit
the contents to change the path to the assembly.


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