# Copyright:: Copyright 2013-2017 Chef Software, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Ohai.plugin(:Azure) do require "ohai/mixin/azure_metadata" require "ohai/mixin/http_helper" include Ohai::Mixin::AzureMetadata include Ohai::Mixin::HttpHelper provides "azure" collect_data do # Before we had the metadata endpoint we relied exclusively on # the knife-azure plugin populating data to the hint file. # Please see the lib/chef/knife/azure_server_create.rb file in that # project for details azure_metadata_from_hints = hint?("azure") if azure_metadata_from_hints logger.trace("Plugin Azure: Azure hint is present. Parsing any hint data.") azure Mash.new azure_metadata_from_hints.each { |k, v| azure[k] = v } azure["metadata"] = parse_metadata elsif has_waagent? || has_dhcp_option_245? logger.trace("Plugin Azure: No hints present, but system appears to be on Azure.") azure Mash.new azure["metadata"] = parse_metadata else logger.trace("Plugin Azure: No hints present and doesn't appear to be on Azure.") false end end # check for either the waagent or the unknown-245 DHCP option that Azure uses # http://blog.mszcool.com/index.php/2015/04/detecting-if-a-virtual-machine-runs-in-microsoft-azure-linux-windows-to-protect-your-software-when-distributed-via-the-azure-marketplace/ def has_waagent? if File.exist?("/usr/sbin/waagent") || Dir.exist?('C:\WindowsAzure') logger.trace("Plugin Azure: Found waagent used by Azure.") true end end def has_dhcp_option_245? has_245 = false if File.exist?("/var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.eth0.leases") File.open("/var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.eth0.leases").each do |line| if line =~ /unknown-245/ logger.trace("Plugin Azure: Found unknown-245 DHCP option used by Azure.") has_245 = true break end end end has_245 end # create the basic structure we'll store our data in def initialize_metadata_mash_compute metadata = Mash.new metadata["compute"] = Mash.new metadata end def initialize_metadata_mash_network(metadata) metadata["network"] = Mash.new metadata["network"]["interfaces"] = Mash.new %w{public_ipv4 local_ipv4 public_ipv6 local_ipv6}.each do |type| metadata["network"][type] = [] end metadata end def fetch_ip_data(data, type, field) ips = [] data[type]["ipAddress"].each do |val| ips << val[field] unless val[field].empty? end ips end def parse_metadata return nil unless can_socket_connect?(Ohai::Mixin::AzureMetadata::AZURE_METADATA_ADDR, 80) endpoint_data = fetch_metadata return nil if endpoint_data.nil? metadata = initialize_metadata_mash_compute # blindly add everything in compute to our data structure endpoint_data["compute"].each do |k, v| metadata["compute"][k] = v end # receiving network output is not guaranteed unless endpoint_data["network"].nil? metadata = initialize_metadata_mash_network(metadata) # parse out per interface interface IP data endpoint_data["network"]["interface"].each do |int| metadata["network"]["interfaces"][int["macAddress"]] = Mash.new metadata["network"]["interfaces"][int["macAddress"]]["mac"] = int["macAddress"] metadata["network"]["interfaces"][int["macAddress"]]["public_ipv6"] = fetch_ip_data(int, "ipv6", "publicIpAddress") metadata["network"]["interfaces"][int["macAddress"]]["public_ipv4"] = fetch_ip_data(int, "ipv4", "publicIpAddress") metadata["network"]["interfaces"][int["macAddress"]]["local_ipv6"] = fetch_ip_data(int, "ipv6", "privateIpAddress") metadata["network"]["interfaces"][int["macAddress"]]["local_ipv4"] = fetch_ip_data(int, "ipv4", "privateIpAddress") end # aggregate the total IP data %w{public_ipv4 local_ipv4 public_ipv6 local_ipv6}.each do |type| metadata["network"]["interfaces"].each_value do |val| metadata["network"][type].concat val[type] unless val[type].empty? end end end metadata end end