.flatpickr-calendar { // Custom Flatpickr styling for Spree + BS4. .flatpickr-current-month { span.cur-month:hover { background: transparent; } .numInputWrapper { margin-left: 3px; border-radius: $border-radius; overflow: hidden; } .flatpickr-monthDropdown-months { @include prefix(( appearance: none ), webkit moz ms khtml); padding: 0.2em; border-radius: $border-radius; } } .numInputWrapper span.arrowUp { border-color: transparent; border-radius: 0; } .numInputWrapper span.arrowDown { border-color: transparent; border-radius: 0; } .flatpickr-day { margin: 2px 0; border-radius: $border-radius ; } .flatpickr-months .flatpickr-prev-month:hover svg, .flatpickr-months .flatpickr-next-month:hover svg { fill: $primary; } .flatpickr-time { border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px; &:after { display: none; } .numInputWrapper { span { border-color: transparent; border-radius: 0; } } } // Required to stop an opened cal showing above the nav bar. &.open { z-index: $zindex-dropdown; } } // Mixin for calendar toggle icon show/hide. @mixin swith-appended-icon { &:placeholder-shown:not(:focus) + * { @content; } } .input-group.datePickerFrom, .input-group.datePickerTo, .input-group.datepicker { input.flatpickr-alt-input[readonly] { // Flatpickr alternate input is read-only, // style it as an active input field. background-color: white !important; // Fix a bug where occasionally the whole screen will highlight // if you clicked the Flatpcikr input box while moving the cursor. @include prefix(( appearance: none, touch-callout: none, user-select: none ), webkit moz ms khtml); @include swith-appended-icon { opacity: 0; } } // Required for calendar toggle icon show/hide. .append_under { position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0; height: 100%; } // Styling for calendar toggle icon toggle .input-group-append:not(:last-child) > .force-round { z-index: 5; border-top-right-radius: $border-radius !important; border-bottom-right-radius: $border-radius !important; } // Styling for calendar toggle icon toggle .form-control:not(:first-child), .input-group >.flatpickr-alt-input:not(:first-child) { border-top-left-radius: $border-radius !important; border-bottom-left-radius: $border-radius !important; } }