require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' module Cucumber describe StepMother do it "should report file and line numbers for both duplicate step definitions" do m = m.register_step_proc /Three (.*) mice/ do |disability| end begin m.register_step_proc /Three (.*) mice/ do |disability| end violated("Should raise error") rescue => e e.message.should =~ %r{Duplicate step definitions:.+step_mother_spec\.rb:8:in `/Three \(\.\*\) mice/'.+step_mother_spec\.rb\:12:in `/Three \(\.\*\) mice/'}m end end it "should report file and line numbers for multiple step definitions" do m = m.register_step_proc /Three (.*) mice/ do |disability| end m.register_step_proc /Three blind (.*)/ do |animal| end begin m.regexp_args_proc('Three blind mice') violated("Should raise error") rescue => e e.message.should =~ %r{Multiple step definitions match "Three blind mice": .+step_mother_spec\.rb:24:in `/Three \(\.\*\) mice/' .+step_mother_spec\.rb:27:in `/Three blind \(\.\*\)/' }m end end it "should mark step as pending when it doesn't match any procs" do pending "think some more about what to expect here" do m = step = mock('step') step.should_receive(:pending!) raise "FIXME" m.execute(step) end end it "should mark a step as pending if it does not have a proc" do m = m.register_step_proc /I have no body/ regexp, args, proc = m.regexp_args_proc "I have no body" proc.should == StepMother::PENDING end it "should report that a step has a definition if the step is registered" do m = m.register_step_proc /I am a real step definition/ do end m.has_step_definition?('I am a real step definition').should be_true end it "should report that a step does not have a definition if it has not been registered" do m = m.has_step_definition?('I am a step without a definition').should be_false end end end