// Last commit: 3981a7c (2013-05-28 05:00:14 -0700) (function() { var define, requireModule; (function() { var registry = {}, seen = {}; define = function(name, deps, callback) { registry[name] = { deps: deps, callback: callback }; }; requireModule = function(name) { if (seen[name]) { return seen[name]; } seen[name] = {}; var mod = registry[name], deps = mod.deps, callback = mod.callback, reified = [], exports; for (var i=0, l=deps.length; i * © 2011 Colin Snover * Released under MIT license. */ Ember.Date = Ember.Date || {}; var origParse = Date.parse, numericKeys = [ 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 ]; Ember.Date.parse = function (date) { var timestamp, struct, minutesOffset = 0; // ES5 § states that the string should attempt to be parsed as a Date Time String Format string // before falling back to any implementation-specific date parsing, so that’s what we do, even if native // implementations could be faster // 1 YYYY 2 MM 3 DD 4 HH 5 mm 6 ss 7 msec 8 Z 9 ± 10 tzHH 11 tzmm if ((struct = /^(\d{4}|[+\-]\d{6})(?:-(\d{2})(?:-(\d{2}))?)?(?:T(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?::(\d{2})(?:\.(\d{3}))?)?(?:(Z)|([+\-])(\d{2})(?::(\d{2}))?)?)?$/.exec(date))) { // avoid NaN timestamps caused by “undefined” values being passed to Date.UTC for (var i = 0, k; (k = numericKeys[i]); ++i) { struct[k] = +struct[k] || 0; } // allow undefined days and months struct[2] = (+struct[2] || 1) - 1; struct[3] = +struct[3] || 1; if (struct[8] !== 'Z' && struct[9] !== undefined) { minutesOffset = struct[10] * 60 + struct[11]; if (struct[9] === '+') { minutesOffset = 0 - minutesOffset; } } timestamp = Date.UTC(struct[1], struct[2], struct[3], struct[4], struct[5] + minutesOffset, struct[6], struct[7]); } else { timestamp = origParse ? origParse(date) : NaN; } return timestamp; }; if (Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES === true || Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES.Date) { Date.parse = Ember.Date.parse; } })(); (function() { })(); (function() { var Evented = Ember.Evented, // ember-runtime/mixins/evented Deferred = Ember.DeferredMixin, // ember-runtime/mixins/evented run = Ember.run, // ember-metal/run-loop get = Ember.get; // ember-metal/accessors var LoadPromise = Ember.Mixin.create(Evented, Deferred, { init: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.one('didLoad', this, function() { run(this, 'resolve', this); }); this.one('becameError', this, function() { run(this, 'reject', this); }); if (get(this, 'isLoaded')) { this.trigger('didLoad'); } } }); DS.LoadPromise = LoadPromise; })(); (function() { /** */ var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set; var LoadPromise = DS.LoadPromise; // system/mixins/load_promise /** A record array is an array that contains records of a certain type. The record array materializes records as needed when they are retrieved for the first time. You should not create record arrays yourself. Instead, an instance of DS.RecordArray or its subclasses will be returned by your application's store in response to queries. @module data @submodule data-record-array @main data-record-array @class RecordArray @namespace DS @extends Ember.ArrayProxy @uses Ember.Evented @uses DS.LoadPromise */ DS.RecordArray = Ember.ArrayProxy.extend(LoadPromise, { /** The model type contained by this record array. @type DS.Model */ type: null, // The array of client ids backing the record array. When a // record is requested from the record array, the record // for the client id at the same index is materialized, if // necessary, by the store. content: null, isLoaded: false, isUpdating: false, // The store that created this record array. store: null, objectAtContent: function(index) { var content = get(this, 'content'), reference = content.objectAt(index), store = get(this, 'store'); if (reference) { return store.recordForReference(reference); } }, materializedObjectAt: function(index) { var reference = get(this, 'content').objectAt(index); if (!reference) { return; } if (get(this, 'store').recordIsMaterialized(reference)) { return this.objectAt(index); } }, update: function() { if (get(this, 'isUpdating')) { return; } var store = get(this, 'store'), type = get(this, 'type'); store.fetchAll(type, this); }, addReference: function(reference) { get(this, 'content').addObject(reference); }, removeReference: function(reference) { get(this, 'content').removeObject(reference); } }); })(); (function() { /** @module data @submodule data-record-array */ var get = Ember.get; /** @class FilteredRecordArray @namespace DS @extends DS.RecordArray @constructor */ DS.FilteredRecordArray = DS.RecordArray.extend({ filterFunction: null, isLoaded: true, replace: function() { var type = get(this, 'type').toString(); throw new Error("The result of a client-side filter (on " + type + ") is immutable."); }, updateFilter: Ember.observer(function() { var manager = get(this, 'manager'); manager.updateFilter(this, get(this, 'type'), get(this, 'filterFunction')); }, 'filterFunction') }); })(); (function() { /** @module data @submodule data-record-array */ var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set; /** @class AdapterPopulatedRecordArray @namespace DS @extends DS.RecordArray @constructor */ DS.AdapterPopulatedRecordArray = DS.RecordArray.extend({ query: null, replace: function() { var type = get(this, 'type').toString(); throw new Error("The result of a server query (on " + type + ") is immutable."); }, load: function(references) { this.setProperties({ content: Ember.A(references), isLoaded: true }); // TODO: does triggering didLoad event should be the last action of the runLoop? Ember.run.once(this, 'trigger', 'didLoad'); } }); })(); (function() { /** @module data @submodule data-record-array */ var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set; /** A ManyArray is a RecordArray that represents the contents of a has-many relationship. The ManyArray is instantiated lazily the first time the relationship is requested. ### Inverses Often, the relationships in Ember Data applications will have an inverse. For example, imagine the following models are defined: App.Post = DS.Model.extend({ comments: DS.hasMany('App.Comment') }); App.Comment = DS.Model.extend({ post: DS.belongsTo('App.Post') }); If you created a new instance of `App.Post` and added a `App.Comment` record to its `comments` has-many relationship, you would expect the comment's `post` property to be set to the post that contained the has-many. We call the record to which a relationship belongs the relationship's _owner_. @class ManyArray @namespace DS @extends DS.RecordArray @constructor */ DS.ManyArray = DS.RecordArray.extend({ init: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this._changesToSync = Ember.OrderedSet.create(); }, /** @private The record to which this relationship belongs. @property {DS.Model} */ owner: null, /** @private `true` if the relationship is polymorphic, `false` otherwise. @property {Boolean} */ isPolymorphic: false, // LOADING STATE isLoaded: false, loadingRecordsCount: function(count) { this.loadingRecordsCount = count; }, loadedRecord: function() { this.loadingRecordsCount--; if (this.loadingRecordsCount === 0) { set(this, 'isLoaded', true); this.trigger('didLoad'); } }, fetch: function() { var references = get(this, 'content'), store = get(this, 'store'), owner = get(this, 'owner'); store.fetchUnloadedReferences(references, owner); }, // Overrides Ember.Array's replace method to implement replaceContent: function(index, removed, added) { // Map the array of record objects into an array of client ids. added = added.map(function(record) { Ember.assert("You can only add records of " + (get(this, 'type') && get(this, 'type').toString()) + " to this relationship.", !get(this, 'type') || (get(this, 'type').detectInstance(record)) ); return get(record, '_reference'); }, this); this._super(index, removed, added); }, arrangedContentDidChange: function() { this.fetch(); }, arrayContentWillChange: function(index, removed, added) { var owner = get(this, 'owner'), name = get(this, 'name'); if (!owner._suspendedRelationships) { // This code is the first half of code that continues inside // of arrayContentDidChange. It gets or creates a change from // the child object, adds the current owner as the old // parent if this is the first time the object was removed // from a ManyArray, and sets `newParent` to null. // // Later, if the object is added to another ManyArray, // the `arrayContentDidChange` will set `newParent` on // the change. for (var i=index; i "created.uncommitted" The `DS.Model` states are themselves stateless. What we mean is that, though each instance of a record also has a unique instance of a `DS.StateManager`, the hierarchical states that each of *those* points to is a shared data structure. For performance reasons, instead of each record getting its own copy of the hierarchy of states, each state manager points to this global, immutable shared instance. How does a state know which record it should be acting on? We pass a reference to the current state manager as the first parameter to every method invoked on a state. The state manager passed as the first parameter is where you should stash state about the record if needed; you should never store data on the state object itself. If you need access to the record being acted on, you can retrieve the state manager's `record` property. For example, if you had an event handler `myEvent`: myEvent: function(manager) { var record = manager.get('record'); record.doSomething(); } For more information about state managers in general, see the Ember.js documentation on `Ember.StateManager`. ### Events, Flags, and Transitions A state may implement zero or more events, flags, or transitions. #### Events Events are named functions that are invoked when sent to a record. The state manager will first look for a method with the given name on the current state. If no method is found, it will search the current state's parent, and then its grandparent, and so on until reaching the top of the hierarchy. If the root is reached without an event handler being found, an exception will be raised. This can be very helpful when debugging new features. Here's an example implementation of a state with a `myEvent` event handler: aState: DS.State.create({ myEvent: function(manager, param) { console.log("Received myEvent with "+param); } }) To trigger this event: record.send('myEvent', 'foo'); //=> "Received myEvent with foo" Note that an optional parameter can be sent to a record's `send()` method, which will be passed as the second parameter to the event handler. Events should transition to a different state if appropriate. This can be done by calling the state manager's `transitionTo()` method with a path to the desired state. The state manager will attempt to resolve the state path relative to the current state. If no state is found at that path, it will attempt to resolve it relative to the current state's parent, and then its parent, and so on until the root is reached. For example, imagine a hierarchy like this: * created * start <-- currentState * inFlight * updated * inFlight If we are currently in the `start` state, calling `transitionTo('inFlight')` would transition to the `created.inFlight` state, while calling `transitionTo('updated.inFlight')` would transition to the `updated.inFlight` state. Remember that *only events* should ever cause a state transition. You should never call `transitionTo()` from outside a state's event handler. If you are tempted to do so, create a new event and send that to the state manager. #### Flags Flags are Boolean values that can be used to introspect a record's current state in a more user-friendly way than examining its state path. For example, instead of doing this: var statePath = record.get('stateManager.currentPath'); if (statePath === 'created.inFlight') { doSomething(); } You can say: if (record.get('isNew') && record.get('isSaving')) { doSomething(); } If your state does not set a value for a given flag, the value will be inherited from its parent (or the first place in the state hierarchy where it is defined). The current set of flags are defined below. If you want to add a new flag, in addition to the area below, you will also need to declare it in the `DS.Model` class. #### Transitions Transitions are like event handlers but are called automatically upon entering or exiting a state. To implement a transition, just call a method either `enter` or `exit`: myState: DS.State.create({ // Gets called automatically when entering // this state. enter: function(manager) { console.log("Entered myState"); } }) Note that enter and exit events are called once per transition. If the current state changes, but changes to another child state of the parent, the transition event on the parent will not be triggered. @class States @namespace DS @extends Ember.State */ var stateProperty = Ember.computed(function(key) { var parent = get(this, 'parentState'); if (parent) { return get(parent, key); } }).property(); var hasDefinedProperties = function(object) { for (var name in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(name) && object[name]) { return true; } } return false; }; var didChangeData = function(manager) { var record = get(manager, 'record'); record.materializeData(); }; var willSetProperty = function(manager, context) { context.oldValue = get(get(manager, 'record'), context.name); var change = DS.AttributeChange.createChange(context); get(manager, 'record')._changesToSync[context.name] = change; }; var didSetProperty = function(manager, context) { var change = get(manager, 'record')._changesToSync[context.name]; change.value = get(get(manager, 'record'), context.name); change.sync(); }; DS.State = Ember.State.extend({ isLoading: stateProperty, isLoaded: stateProperty, isReloading: stateProperty, isDirty: stateProperty, isSaving: stateProperty, isDeleted: stateProperty, isError: stateProperty, isNew: stateProperty, isValid: stateProperty, // For states that are substates of a // DirtyState (updated or created), it is // useful to be able to determine which // type of dirty state it is. dirtyType: stateProperty }); // Implementation notes: // // Each state has a boolean value for all of the following flags: // // * isLoaded: The record has a populated `data` property. When a // record is loaded via `store.find`, `isLoaded` is false // until the adapter sets it. When a record is created locally, // its `isLoaded` property is always true. // * isDirty: The record has local changes that have not yet been // saved by the adapter. This includes records that have been // created (but not yet saved) or deleted. // * isSaving: The record's transaction has been committed, but // the adapter has not yet acknowledged that the changes have // been persisted to the backend. // * isDeleted: The record was marked for deletion. When `isDeleted` // is true and `isDirty` is true, the record is deleted locally // but the deletion was not yet persisted. When `isSaving` is // true, the change is in-flight. When both `isDirty` and // `isSaving` are false, the change has persisted. // * isError: The adapter reported that it was unable to save // local changes to the backend. This may also result in the // record having its `isValid` property become false if the // adapter reported that server-side validations failed. // * isNew: The record was created on the client and the adapter // did not yet report that it was successfully saved. // * isValid: No client-side validations have failed and the // adapter did not report any server-side validation failures. // The dirty state is a abstract state whose functionality is // shared between the `created` and `updated` states. // // The deleted state shares the `isDirty` flag with the // subclasses of `DirtyState`, but with a very different // implementation. // // Dirty states have three child states: // // `uncommitted`: the store has not yet handed off the record // to be saved. // `inFlight`: the store has handed off the record to be saved, // but the adapter has not yet acknowledged success. // `invalid`: the record has invalid information and cannot be // send to the adapter yet. var DirtyState = DS.State.extend({ initialState: 'uncommitted', // FLAGS isDirty: true, // SUBSTATES // When a record first becomes dirty, it is `uncommitted`. // This means that there are local pending changes, but they // have not yet begun to be saved, and are not invalid. uncommitted: DS.State.extend({ // EVENTS willSetProperty: willSetProperty, didSetProperty: didSetProperty, becomeDirty: Ember.K, willCommit: function(manager) { manager.transitionTo('inFlight'); }, becameClean: function(manager) { var record = get(manager, 'record'); record.withTransaction(function(t) { t.remove(record); }); manager.transitionTo('loaded.materializing'); }, becameInvalid: function(manager) { manager.transitionTo('invalid'); }, rollback: function(manager) { get(manager, 'record').rollback(); } }), // Once a record has been handed off to the adapter to be // saved, it is in the 'in flight' state. Changes to the // record cannot be made during this window. inFlight: DS.State.extend({ // FLAGS isSaving: true, // TRANSITIONS enter: function(manager) { var record = get(manager, 'record'); record.becameInFlight(); }, // EVENTS materializingData: function(manager) { set(manager, 'lastDirtyType', get(this, 'dirtyType')); manager.transitionTo('materializing'); }, didCommit: function(manager) { var dirtyType = get(this, 'dirtyType'), record = get(manager, 'record'); record.withTransaction(function(t) { t.remove(record); }); manager.transitionTo('saved'); manager.send('invokeLifecycleCallbacks', dirtyType); }, didChangeData: didChangeData, becameInvalid: function(manager, errors) { var record = get(manager, 'record'); set(record, 'errors', errors); manager.transitionTo('invalid'); manager.send('invokeLifecycleCallbacks'); }, becameError: function(manager) { manager.transitionTo('error'); manager.send('invokeLifecycleCallbacks'); } }), // A record is in the `invalid` state when its client-side // invalidations have failed, or if the adapter has indicated // the the record failed server-side invalidations. invalid: DS.State.extend({ // FLAGS isValid: false, exit: function(manager) { var record = get(manager, 'record'); record.withTransaction(function (t) { t.remove(record); }); }, // EVENTS deleteRecord: function(manager) { manager.transitionTo('deleted'); get(manager, 'record').clearRelationships(); }, willSetProperty: willSetProperty, didSetProperty: function(manager, context) { var record = get(manager, 'record'), errors = get(record, 'errors'), key = context.name; set(errors, key, null); if (!hasDefinedProperties(errors)) { manager.send('becameValid'); } didSetProperty(manager, context); }, becomeDirty: Ember.K, rollback: function(manager) { manager.send('becameValid'); manager.send('rollback'); }, becameValid: function(manager) { manager.transitionTo('uncommitted'); }, invokeLifecycleCallbacks: function(manager) { var record = get(manager, 'record'); record.trigger('becameInvalid', record); } }) }); // The created and updated states are created outside the state // chart so we can reopen their substates and add mixins as // necessary. var createdState = DirtyState.create({ dirtyType: 'created', // FLAGS isNew: true }); var updatedState = DirtyState.create({ dirtyType: 'updated' }); createdState.states.uncommitted.reopen({ deleteRecord: function(manager) { var record = get(manager, 'record'); record.clearRelationships(); manager.transitionTo('deleted.saved'); } }); createdState.states.uncommitted.reopen({ rollback: function(manager) { this._super(manager); manager.transitionTo('deleted.saved'); } }); updatedState.states.uncommitted.reopen({ deleteRecord: function(manager) { var record = get(manager, 'record'); manager.transitionTo('deleted'); record.clearRelationships(); } }); var states = { rootState: Ember.State.create({ // FLAGS isLoading: false, isLoaded: false, isReloading: false, isDirty: false, isSaving: false, isDeleted: false, isError: false, isNew: false, isValid: true, // SUBSTATES // A record begins its lifecycle in the `empty` state. // If its data will come from the adapter, it will // transition into the `loading` state. Otherwise, if // the record is being created on the client, it will // transition into the `created` state. empty: DS.State.create({ // EVENTS loadingData: function(manager) { manager.transitionTo('loading'); }, loadedData: function(manager) { manager.transitionTo('loaded.created'); } }), // A record enters this state when the store askes // the adapter for its data. It remains in this state // until the adapter provides the requested data. // // Usually, this process is asynchronous, using an // XHR to retrieve the data. loading: DS.State.create({ // FLAGS isLoading: true, // EVENTS loadedData: didChangeData, materializingData: function(manager) { manager.transitionTo('loaded.materializing.firstTime'); }, becameError: function(manager) { manager.transitionTo('error'); manager.send('invokeLifecycleCallbacks'); } }), // A record enters this state when its data is populated. // Most of a record's lifecycle is spent inside substates // of the `loaded` state. loaded: DS.State.create({ initialState: 'saved', // FLAGS isLoaded: true, // SUBSTATES materializing: DS.State.create({ // EVENTS willSetProperty: Ember.K, didSetProperty: Ember.K, didChangeData: didChangeData, finishedMaterializing: function(manager) { manager.transitionTo('loaded.saved'); }, // SUBSTATES firstTime: DS.State.create({ // FLAGS isLoaded: false, exit: function(manager) { var record = get(manager, 'record'); once(function() { record.trigger('didLoad'); }); } }) }), reloading: DS.State.create({ // FLAGS isReloading: true, // TRANSITIONS enter: function(manager) { var record = get(manager, 'record'), store = get(record, 'store'); store.reloadRecord(record); }, exit: function(manager) { var record = get(manager, 'record'); once(record, 'trigger', 'didReload'); }, // EVENTS loadedData: didChangeData, materializingData: function(manager) { manager.transitionTo('loaded.materializing'); } }), // If there are no local changes to a record, it remains // in the `saved` state. saved: DS.State.create({ // EVENTS willSetProperty: willSetProperty, didSetProperty: didSetProperty, didChangeData: didChangeData, loadedData: didChangeData, reloadRecord: function(manager) { manager.transitionTo('loaded.reloading'); }, materializingData: function(manager) { manager.transitionTo('loaded.materializing'); }, becomeDirty: function(manager) { manager.transitionTo('updated'); }, deleteRecord: function(manager) { manager.transitionTo('deleted'); get(manager, 'record').clearRelationships(); }, unloadRecord: function(manager) { var record = get(manager, 'record'); // clear relationships before moving to deleted state // otherwise it fails record.clearRelationships(); manager.transitionTo('deleted.saved'); }, didCommit: function(manager) { var record = get(manager, 'record'); record.withTransaction(function(t) { t.remove(record); }); manager.send('invokeLifecycleCallbacks', get(manager, 'lastDirtyType')); }, invokeLifecycleCallbacks: function(manager, dirtyType) { var record = get(manager, 'record'); if (dirtyType === 'created') { record.trigger('didCreate', record); } else { record.trigger('didUpdate', record); } record.trigger('didCommit', record); } }), // A record is in this state after it has been locally // created but before the adapter has indicated that // it has been saved. created: createdState, // A record is in this state if it has already been // saved to the server, but there are new local changes // that have not yet been saved. updated: updatedState }), // A record is in this state if it was deleted from the store. deleted: DS.State.create({ initialState: 'uncommitted', dirtyType: 'deleted', // FLAGS isDeleted: true, isLoaded: true, isDirty: true, // TRANSITIONS setup: function(manager) { var record = get(manager, 'record'), store = get(record, 'store'); store.recordArrayManager.remove(record); }, // SUBSTATES // When a record is deleted, it enters the `start` // state. It will exit this state when the record's // transaction starts to commit. uncommitted: DS.State.create({ // EVENTS willCommit: function(manager) { manager.transitionTo('inFlight'); }, rollback: function(manager) { get(manager, 'record').rollback(); }, becomeDirty: Ember.K, becameClean: function(manager) { var record = get(manager, 'record'); record.withTransaction(function(t) { t.remove(record); }); manager.transitionTo('loaded.materializing'); } }), // After a record's transaction is committing, but // before the adapter indicates that the deletion // has saved to the server, a record is in the // `inFlight` substate of `deleted`. inFlight: DS.State.create({ // FLAGS isSaving: true, // TRANSITIONS enter: function(manager) { var record = get(manager, 'record'); record.becameInFlight(); }, // EVENTS didCommit: function(manager) { var record = get(manager, 'record'); record.withTransaction(function(t) { t.remove(record); }); manager.transitionTo('saved'); manager.send('invokeLifecycleCallbacks'); } }), // Once the adapter indicates that the deletion has // been saved, the record enters the `saved` substate // of `deleted`. saved: DS.State.create({ // FLAGS isDirty: false, setup: function(manager) { var record = get(manager, 'record'), store = get(record, 'store'); store.dematerializeRecord(record); }, invokeLifecycleCallbacks: function(manager) { var record = get(manager, 'record'); record.trigger('didDelete', record); record.trigger('didCommit', record); } }) }), // If the adapter indicates that there was an unknown // error saving a record, the record enters the `error` // state. error: DS.State.create({ isError: true, // EVENTS invokeLifecycleCallbacks: function(manager) { var record = get(manager, 'record'); record.trigger('becameError', record); } }) }) }; DS.StateManager = Ember.StateManager.extend({ record: null, initialState: 'rootState', states: states, unhandledEvent: function(manager, originalEvent) { var record = manager.get('record'), contexts = [].slice.call(arguments, 2), errorMessage; errorMessage = "Attempted to handle event `" + originalEvent + "` "; errorMessage += "on " + record.toString() + " while in state "; errorMessage += get(manager, 'currentState.path') + ". Called with "; errorMessage += arrayMap.call(contexts, function(context){ return Ember.inspect(context); }).join(', '); throw new Ember.Error(errorMessage); } }); })(); (function() { var LoadPromise = DS.LoadPromise; // system/mixins/load_promise var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set, map = Ember.EnumerableUtils.map; var retrieveFromCurrentState = Ember.computed(function(key, value) { return get(get(this, 'stateManager.currentState'), key); }).property('stateManager.currentState').readOnly(); /** The model class that all Ember Data records descend from. @module data @submodule data-model @main data-model @class Model @namespace DS @extends Ember.Object @constructor */ DS.Model = Ember.Object.extend(Ember.Evented, LoadPromise, { isLoading: retrieveFromCurrentState, isLoaded: retrieveFromCurrentState, isReloading: retrieveFromCurrentState, isDirty: retrieveFromCurrentState, isSaving: retrieveFromCurrentState, isDeleted: retrieveFromCurrentState, isError: retrieveFromCurrentState, isNew: retrieveFromCurrentState, isValid: retrieveFromCurrentState, dirtyType: retrieveFromCurrentState, clientId: null, id: null, transaction: null, stateManager: null, errors: null, /** Create a JSON representation of the record, using the serialization strategy of the store's adapter. @method serialize @param {Object} options Available options: * `includeId`: `true` if the record's ID should be included in the JSON representation. @returns {Object} an object whose values are primitive JSON values only */ serialize: function(options) { var store = get(this, 'store'); return store.serialize(this, options); }, /** Use {{#crossLink "DS.JSONSerializer"}}DS.JSONSerializer{{/crossLink}} to get the JSON representation of a record. @method toJSON @param {Object} options Available options: * `includeId`: `true` if the record's ID should be included in the JSON representation. @returns {Object} A JSON representation of the object. */ toJSON: function(options) { var serializer = DS.JSONSerializer.create(); return serializer.serialize(this, options); }, /** Fired when the record is loaded from the server. @event didLoad */ didLoad: Ember.K, /** Fired when the record is reloaded from the server. @event didReload */ didReload: Ember.K, /** Fired when the record is updated. @event didUpdate */ didUpdate: Ember.K, /** Fired when the record is created. @event didCreate */ didCreate: Ember.K, /** Fired when the record is deleted. @event didDelete */ didDelete: Ember.K, /** Fired when the record becomes invalid. @event becameInvalid */ becameInvalid: Ember.K, /** Fired when the record enters the error state. @event becameError */ becameError: Ember.K, data: Ember.computed(function() { if (!this._data) { this.setupData(); } return this._data; }).property(), materializeData: function() { this.send('materializingData'); get(this, 'store').materializeData(this); this.suspendRelationshipObservers(function() { this.notifyPropertyChange('data'); }); }, _data: null, init: function() { this._super(); var stateManager = DS.StateManager.create({ record: this }); set(this, 'stateManager', stateManager); this._setup(); stateManager.goToState('empty'); }, _setup: function() { this._changesToSync = {}; }, send: function(name, context) { return get(this, 'stateManager').send(name, context); }, withTransaction: function(fn) { var transaction = get(this, 'transaction'); if (transaction) { fn(transaction); } }, loadingData: function() { this.send('loadingData'); }, loadedData: function() { this.send('loadedData'); }, didChangeData: function() { this.send('didChangeData'); }, deleteRecord: function() { this.send('deleteRecord'); }, unloadRecord: function() { Ember.assert("You can only unload a loaded, non-dirty record.", !get(this, 'isDirty')); this.send('unloadRecord'); }, clearRelationships: function() { this.eachRelationship(function(name, relationship) { if (relationship.kind === 'belongsTo') { set(this, name, null); } else if (relationship.kind === 'hasMany') { this.clearHasMany(relationship); } }, this); }, updateRecordArrays: function() { var store = get(this, 'store'); if (store) { store.dataWasUpdated(this.constructor, get(this, '_reference'), this); } }, /** If the adapter did not return a hash in response to a commit, merge the changed attributes and relationships into the existing saved data. */ adapterDidCommit: function() { var attributes = get(this, 'data').attributes; get(this.constructor, 'attributes').forEach(function(name, meta) { attributes[name] = get(this, name); }, this); this.send('didCommit'); this.updateRecordArraysLater(); }, adapterDidDirty: function() { this.send('becomeDirty'); this.updateRecordArraysLater(); }, dataDidChange: Ember.observer(function() { this.reloadHasManys(); this.send('finishedMaterializing'); }, 'data'), reloadHasManys: function() { var relationships = get(this.constructor, 'relationshipsByName'); this.updateRecordArraysLater(); relationships.forEach(function(name, relationship) { if (relationship.kind === 'hasMany') { this.hasManyDidChange(relationship.key); } }, this); }, hasManyDidChange: function(key) { var cachedValue = this.cacheFor(key); if (cachedValue) { var type = get(this.constructor, 'relationshipsByName').get(key).type; var store = get(this, 'store'); var ids = this._data.hasMany[key] || []; var references = map(ids, function(id) { if (typeof id === 'object') { if( id.clientId ) { // if it was already a reference, return the reference return id; } else { // tuple for a polymorphic association. return store.referenceForId(id.type, id.id); } } return store.referenceForId(type, id); }); set(cachedValue, 'content', Ember.A(references)); } }, updateRecordArraysLater: function() { Ember.run.once(this, this.updateRecordArrays); }, setupData: function() { this._data = { attributes: {}, belongsTo: {}, hasMany: {}, id: null }; }, materializeId: function(id) { set(this, 'id', id); }, materializeAttributes: function(attributes) { Ember.assert("Must pass a hash of attributes to materializeAttributes", !!attributes); this._data.attributes = attributes; }, materializeAttribute: function(name, value) { this._data.attributes[name] = value; }, materializeHasMany: function(name, tuplesOrReferencesOrOpaque) { var tuplesOrReferencesOrOpaqueType = typeof tuplesOrReferencesOrOpaque; if (tuplesOrReferencesOrOpaque && tuplesOrReferencesOrOpaqueType !== 'string' && tuplesOrReferencesOrOpaque.length > 1) { Ember.assert('materializeHasMany expects tuples, references or opaque token, not ' + tuplesOrReferencesOrOpaque[0], tuplesOrReferencesOrOpaque[0].hasOwnProperty('id') && tuplesOrReferencesOrOpaque[0].type); } if( tuplesOrReferencesOrOpaqueType === "string" ) { this._data.hasMany[name] = tuplesOrReferencesOrOpaque; } else { var references = tuplesOrReferencesOrOpaque; if (tuplesOrReferencesOrOpaque && Ember.isArray(tuplesOrReferencesOrOpaque)) { references = this._convertTuplesToReferences(tuplesOrReferencesOrOpaque); } this._data.hasMany[name] = references; } }, materializeBelongsTo: function(name, tupleOrReference) { if (tupleOrReference) { Ember.assert('materializeBelongsTo expects a tuple or a reference, not a ' + tupleOrReference, !tupleOrReference || (tupleOrReference.hasOwnProperty('id') && tupleOrReference.hasOwnProperty('type'))); } this._data.belongsTo[name] = tupleOrReference; }, _convertTuplesToReferences: function(tuplesOrReferences) { return map(tuplesOrReferences, function(tupleOrReference) { return this._convertTupleToReference(tupleOrReference); }, this); }, _convertTupleToReference: function(tupleOrReference) { var store = get(this, 'store'); if(tupleOrReference.clientId) { return tupleOrReference; } else { return store.referenceForId(tupleOrReference.type, tupleOrReference.id); } }, rollback: function() { this._setup(); this.send('becameClean'); this.suspendRelationshipObservers(function() { this.notifyPropertyChange('data'); }); }, toStringExtension: function() { return get(this, 'id'); }, /** @private The goal of this method is to temporarily disable specific observers that take action in response to application changes. This allows the system to make changes (such as materialization and rollback) that should not trigger secondary behavior (such as setting an inverse relationship or marking records as dirty). The specific implementation will likely change as Ember proper provides better infrastructure for suspending groups of observers, and if Array observation becomes more unified with regular observers. */ suspendRelationshipObservers: function(callback, binding) { var observers = get(this.constructor, 'relationshipNames').belongsTo; var self = this; try { this._suspendedRelationships = true; Ember._suspendObservers(self, observers, null, 'belongsToDidChange', function() { Ember._suspendBeforeObservers(self, observers, null, 'belongsToWillChange', function() { callback.call(binding || self); }); }); } finally { this._suspendedRelationships = false; } }, becameInFlight: function() { }, /** @private */ resolveOn: function(successEvent) { var model = this; return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) { function success() { this.off('becameError', error); this.off('becameInvalid', error); resolve(this); } function error() { this.off(successEvent, success); reject(this); } model.one(successEvent, success); model.one('becameError', error); model.one('becameInvalid', error); }); }, /** Save the record. @method save */ save: function() { this.get('store').scheduleSave(this); return this.resolveOn('didCommit'); }, /** Reload the record from the adapter. This will only work if the record has already finished loading and has not yet been modified (`isLoaded` but not `isDirty`, or `isSaving`). @method reload */ reload: function() { this.send('reloadRecord'); return this.resolveOn('didReload'); }, // FOR USE DURING COMMIT PROCESS adapterDidUpdateAttribute: function(attributeName, value) { // If a value is passed in, update the internal attributes and clear // the attribute cache so it picks up the new value. Otherwise, // collapse the current value into the internal attributes because // the adapter has acknowledged it. if (value !== undefined) { get(this, 'data.attributes')[attributeName] = value; this.notifyPropertyChange(attributeName); } else { value = get(this, attributeName); get(this, 'data.attributes')[attributeName] = value; } this.updateRecordArraysLater(); }, adapterDidInvalidate: function(errors) { this.send('becameInvalid', errors); }, adapterDidError: function() { this.send('becameError'); }, /** @private Override the default event firing from Ember.Evented to also call methods with the given name. */ trigger: function(name) { Ember.tryInvoke(this, name, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); this._super.apply(this, arguments); } }); // Helper function to generate store aliases. // This returns a function that invokes the named alias // on the default store, but injects the class as the // first parameter. var storeAlias = function(methodName) { return function() { var store = get(DS, 'defaultStore'), args = [].slice.call(arguments); args.unshift(this); Ember.assert("Your application does not have a 'Store' property defined. Attempts to call '" + methodName + "' on model classes will fail. Please provide one as with 'YourAppName.Store = DS.Store.extend()'", !!store); return store[methodName].apply(store, args); }; }; DS.Model.reopenClass({ /** @private Alias DS.Model's `create` method to `_create`. This allows us to create DS.Model instances from within the store, but if end users accidentally call `create()` (instead of `createRecord()`), we can raise an error. */ _create: DS.Model.create, /** @private Override the class' `create()` method to raise an error. This prevents end users from inadvertently calling `create()` instead of `createRecord()`. The store is still able to create instances by calling the `_create()` method. */ create: function() { throw new Ember.Error("You should not call `create` on a model. Instead, call `createRecord` with the attributes you would like to set."); }, /** See {{#crossLink "DS.Store/find:method"}}`DS.Store.find()`{{/crossLink}}. @method find @param {Object|String|Array|null} query A query to find records by. */ find: storeAlias('find'), /** See {{#crossLink "DS.Store/all:method"}}`DS.Store.all()`{{/crossLink}}. @method all @return {DS.RecordArray} */ all: storeAlias('all'), /** See {{#crossLink "DS.Store/findQuery:method"}}`DS.Store.findQuery()`{{/crossLink}}. @method query @param {Object} query an opaque query to be used by the adapter @return {DS.AdapterPopulatedRecordArray} */ query: storeAlias('findQuery'), /** See {{#crossLink "DS.Store/filter:method"}}`DS.Store.filter()`{{/crossLink}}. @method filter @param {Function} filter @return {DS.FilteredRecordArray} */ filter: storeAlias('filter'), /** See {{#crossLink "DS.Store/createRecord:method"}}`DS.Store.createRecord()`{{/crossLink}}. @method createRecord @param {Object} properties a hash of properties to set on the newly created record. @returns DS.Model */ createRecord: storeAlias('createRecord') }); })(); (function() { /** @module data @submodule data-model */ var get = Ember.get; DS.Model.reopenClass({ attributes: Ember.computed(function() { var map = Ember.Map.create(); this.eachComputedProperty(function(name, meta) { if (meta.isAttribute) { Ember.assert("You may not set `id` as an attribute on your model. Please remove any lines that look like: `id: DS.attr('')` from " + this.toString(), name !== 'id'); meta.name = name; map.set(name, meta); } }); return map; }) }); DS.Model.reopen({ eachAttribute: function(callback, binding) { get(this.constructor, 'attributes').forEach(function(name, meta) { callback.call(binding, name, meta); }, binding); }, attributeWillChange: Ember.beforeObserver(function(record, key) { var reference = get(record, '_reference'), store = get(record, 'store'); record.send('willSetProperty', { reference: reference, store: store, name: key }); }), attributeDidChange: Ember.observer(function(record, key) { record.send('didSetProperty', { name: key }); }) }); function getAttr(record, options, key) { var attributes = get(record, 'data').attributes; var value = attributes[key]; if (value === undefined) { if (typeof options.defaultValue === "function") { value = options.defaultValue(); } else { value = options.defaultValue; } } return value; } DS.attr = function(type, options) { options = options || {}; var meta = { type: type, isAttribute: true, options: options }; return Ember.computed(function(key, value, oldValue) { if (arguments.length > 1) { Ember.assert("You may not set `id` as an attribute on your model. Please remove any lines that look like: `id: DS.attr('')` from " + this.constructor.toString(), key !== 'id'); } else { value = getAttr(this, options, key); } return value; // `data` is never set directly. However, it may be // invalidated from the state manager's setData // event. }).property('data').meta(meta); }; })(); (function() { /** @module data @submodule data-model */ })(); (function() { /** An AttributeChange object is created whenever a record's attribute changes value. It is used to track changes to a record between transaction commits. */ var AttributeChange = DS.AttributeChange = function(options) { this.reference = options.reference; this.store = options.store; this.name = options.name; this.oldValue = options.oldValue; }; AttributeChange.createChange = function(options) { return new AttributeChange(options); }; AttributeChange.prototype = { sync: function() { this.store.recordAttributeDidChange(this.reference, this.name, this.value, this.oldValue); // TODO: Use this object in the commit process this.destroy(); }, /** If the AttributeChange is destroyed (either by being rolled back or being committed), remove it from the list of pending changes on the record. */ destroy: function() { var record = this.reference.record; delete record._changesToSync[this.name]; } }; })(); (function() { var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set; var forEach = Ember.EnumerableUtils.forEach; DS.RelationshipChange = function(options) { this.parentReference = options.parentReference; this.childReference = options.childReference; this.firstRecordReference = options.firstRecordReference; this.firstRecordKind = options.firstRecordKind; this.firstRecordName = options.firstRecordName; this.secondRecordReference = options.secondRecordReference; this.secondRecordKind = options.secondRecordKind; this.secondRecordName = options.secondRecordName; this.changeType = options.changeType; this.store = options.store; this.committed = {}; }; DS.RelationshipChangeAdd = function(options){ DS.RelationshipChange.call(this, options); }; DS.RelationshipChangeRemove = function(options){ DS.RelationshipChange.call(this, options); }; /** @private */ DS.RelationshipChange.create = function(options) { return new DS.RelationshipChange(options); }; /** @private */ DS.RelationshipChangeAdd.create = function(options) { return new DS.RelationshipChangeAdd(options); }; /** @private */ DS.RelationshipChangeRemove.create = function(options) { return new DS.RelationshipChangeRemove(options); }; DS.OneToManyChange = {}; DS.OneToNoneChange = {}; DS.ManyToNoneChange = {}; DS.OneToOneChange = {}; DS.ManyToManyChange = {}; DS.RelationshipChange._createChange = function(options){ if(options.changeType === "add"){ return DS.RelationshipChangeAdd.create(options); } if(options.changeType === "remove"){ return DS.RelationshipChangeRemove.create(options); } }; DS.RelationshipChange.determineRelationshipType = function(recordType, knownSide){ var knownKey = knownSide.key, key, otherKind; var knownKind = knownSide.kind; var inverse = recordType.inverseFor(knownKey); if (inverse){ key = inverse.name; otherKind = inverse.kind; } if (!inverse){ return knownKind === "belongsTo" ? "oneToNone" : "manyToNone"; } else{ if(otherKind === "belongsTo"){ return knownKind === "belongsTo" ? "oneToOne" : "manyToOne"; } else{ return knownKind === "belongsTo" ? "oneToMany" : "manyToMany"; } } }; DS.RelationshipChange.createChange = function(firstRecordReference, secondRecordReference, store, options){ // Get the type of the child based on the child's client ID var firstRecordType = firstRecordReference.type, changeType; changeType = DS.RelationshipChange.determineRelationshipType(firstRecordType, options); if (changeType === "oneToMany"){ return DS.OneToManyChange.createChange(firstRecordReference, secondRecordReference, store, options); } else if (changeType === "manyToOne"){ return DS.OneToManyChange.createChange(secondRecordReference, firstRecordReference, store, options); } else if (changeType === "oneToNone"){ return DS.OneToNoneChange.createChange(firstRecordReference, secondRecordReference, store, options); } else if (changeType === "manyToNone"){ return DS.ManyToNoneChange.createChange(firstRecordReference, secondRecordReference, store, options); } else if (changeType === "oneToOne"){ return DS.OneToOneChange.createChange(firstRecordReference, secondRecordReference, store, options); } else if (changeType === "manyToMany"){ return DS.ManyToManyChange.createChange(firstRecordReference, secondRecordReference, store, options); } }; /** @private */ DS.OneToNoneChange.createChange = function(childReference, parentReference, store, options) { var key = options.key; var change = DS.RelationshipChange._createChange({ parentReference: parentReference, childReference: childReference, firstRecordReference: childReference, store: store, changeType: options.changeType, firstRecordName: key, firstRecordKind: "belongsTo" }); store.addRelationshipChangeFor(childReference, key, parentReference, null, change); return change; }; /** @private */ DS.ManyToNoneChange.createChange = function(childReference, parentReference, store, options) { var key = options.key; var change = DS.RelationshipChange._createChange({ parentReference: childReference, childReference: parentReference, secondRecordReference: childReference, store: store, changeType: options.changeType, secondRecordName: options.key, secondRecordKind: "hasMany" }); store.addRelationshipChangeFor(childReference, key, parentReference, null, change); return change; }; /** @private */ DS.ManyToManyChange.createChange = function(childReference, parentReference, store, options) { // If the name of the belongsTo side of the relationship is specified, // use that // If the type of the parent is specified, look it up on the child's type // definition. var key = options.key; var change = DS.RelationshipChange._createChange({ parentReference: parentReference, childReference: childReference, firstRecordReference: childReference, secondRecordReference: parentReference, firstRecordKind: "hasMany", secondRecordKind: "hasMany", store: store, changeType: options.changeType, firstRecordName: key }); store.addRelationshipChangeFor(childReference, key, parentReference, null, change); return change; }; /** @private */ DS.OneToOneChange.createChange = function(childReference, parentReference, store, options) { var key; // If the name of the belongsTo side of the relationship is specified, // use that // If the type of the parent is specified, look it up on the child's type // definition. if (options.parentType) { key = options.parentType.inverseFor(options.key).name; } else if (options.key) { key = options.key; } else { Ember.assert("You must pass either a parentType or belongsToName option to OneToManyChange.forChildAndParent", false); } var change = DS.RelationshipChange._createChange({ parentReference: parentReference, childReference: childReference, firstRecordReference: childReference, secondRecordReference: parentReference, firstRecordKind: "belongsTo", secondRecordKind: "belongsTo", store: store, changeType: options.changeType, firstRecordName: key }); store.addRelationshipChangeFor(childReference, key, parentReference, null, change); return change; }; DS.OneToOneChange.maintainInvariant = function(options, store, childReference, key){ if (options.changeType === "add" && store.recordIsMaterialized(childReference)) { var child = store.recordForReference(childReference); var oldParent = get(child, key); if (oldParent){ var correspondingChange = DS.OneToOneChange.createChange(childReference, oldParent.get('_reference'), store, { parentType: options.parentType, hasManyName: options.hasManyName, changeType: "remove", key: options.key }); store.addRelationshipChangeFor(childReference, key, options.parentReference , null, correspondingChange); correspondingChange.sync(); } } }; /** @private */ DS.OneToManyChange.createChange = function(childReference, parentReference, store, options) { var key; // If the name of the belongsTo side of the relationship is specified, // use that // If the type of the parent is specified, look it up on the child's type // definition. if (options.parentType) { key = options.parentType.inverseFor(options.key).name; DS.OneToManyChange.maintainInvariant( options, store, childReference, key ); } else if (options.key) { key = options.key; } else { Ember.assert("You must pass either a parentType or belongsToName option to OneToManyChange.forChildAndParent", false); } var change = DS.RelationshipChange._createChange({ parentReference: parentReference, childReference: childReference, firstRecordReference: childReference, secondRecordReference: parentReference, firstRecordKind: "belongsTo", secondRecordKind: "hasMany", store: store, changeType: options.changeType, firstRecordName: key }); store.addRelationshipChangeFor(childReference, key, parentReference, change.getSecondRecordName(), change); return change; }; DS.OneToManyChange.maintainInvariant = function(options, store, childReference, key){ var child = childReference.record; if (options.changeType === "add" && child) { var oldParent = get(child, key); if (oldParent){ var correspondingChange = DS.OneToManyChange.createChange(childReference, oldParent.get('_reference'), store, { parentType: options.parentType, hasManyName: options.hasManyName, changeType: "remove", key: options.key }); store.addRelationshipChangeFor(childReference, key, options.parentReference, correspondingChange.getSecondRecordName(), correspondingChange); correspondingChange.sync(); } } }; DS.OneToManyChange.ensureSameTransaction = function(changes){ var records = Ember.A(); forEach(changes, function(change){ records.addObject(change.getSecondRecord()); records.addObject(change.getFirstRecord()); }); return DS.Transaction.ensureSameTransaction(records); }; DS.RelationshipChange.prototype = { getSecondRecordName: function() { var name = this.secondRecordName, parent; if (!name) { parent = this.secondRecordReference; if (!parent) { return; } var childType = this.firstRecordReference.type; var inverse = childType.inverseFor(this.firstRecordName); this.secondRecordName = inverse.name; } return this.secondRecordName; }, /** Get the name of the relationship on the belongsTo side. @return {String} */ getFirstRecordName: function() { var name = this.firstRecordName; return name; }, /** @private */ destroy: function() { var childReference = this.childReference, belongsToName = this.getFirstRecordName(), hasManyName = this.getSecondRecordName(), store = this.store; store.removeRelationshipChangeFor(childReference, belongsToName, this.parentReference, hasManyName, this.changeType); }, /** @private */ getByReference: function(reference) { var store = this.store; // return null or undefined if the original reference was null or undefined if (!reference) { return reference; } if (reference.record) { return reference.record; } }, getSecondRecord: function(){ return this.getByReference(this.secondRecordReference); }, /** @private */ getFirstRecord: function() { return this.getByReference(this.firstRecordReference); }, /** @private Make sure that all three parts of the relationship change are part of the same transaction. If any of the three records is clean and in the default transaction, and the rest are in a different transaction, move them all into that transaction. */ ensureSameTransaction: function() { var child = this.getFirstRecord(), parentRecord = this.getSecondRecord(); var transaction = DS.Transaction.ensureSameTransaction([child, parentRecord]); this.transaction = transaction; return transaction; }, callChangeEvents: function(){ var child = this.getFirstRecord(), parentRecord = this.getSecondRecord(); var dirtySet = new Ember.OrderedSet(); // TODO: This implementation causes a race condition in key-value // stores. The fix involves buffering changes that happen while // a record is loading. A similar fix is required for other parts // of ember-data, and should be done as new infrastructure, not // a one-off hack. [tomhuda] if (parentRecord && get(parentRecord, 'isLoaded')) { this.store.recordHasManyDidChange(dirtySet, parentRecord, this); } if (child) { this.store.recordBelongsToDidChange(dirtySet, child, this); } dirtySet.forEach(function(record) { record.adapterDidDirty(); }); }, coalesce: function(){ var relationshipPairs = this.store.relationshipChangePairsFor(this.firstRecordReference); forEach(relationshipPairs, function(pair){ var addedChange = pair["add"]; var removedChange = pair["remove"]; if(addedChange && removedChange) { addedChange.destroy(); removedChange.destroy(); } }); } }; DS.RelationshipChangeAdd.prototype = Ember.create(DS.RelationshipChange.create({})); DS.RelationshipChangeRemove.prototype = Ember.create(DS.RelationshipChange.create({})); DS.RelationshipChangeAdd.prototype.changeType = "add"; DS.RelationshipChangeAdd.prototype.sync = function() { var secondRecordName = this.getSecondRecordName(), firstRecordName = this.getFirstRecordName(), firstRecord = this.getFirstRecord(), secondRecord = this.getSecondRecord(); //Ember.assert("You specified a hasMany (" + hasManyName + ") on " + (!belongsToName && (newParent || oldParent || this.lastParent).constructor) + " but did not specify an inverse belongsTo on " + child.constructor, belongsToName); //Ember.assert("You specified a belongsTo (" + belongsToName + ") on " + child.constructor + " but did not specify an inverse hasMany on " + (!hasManyName && (newParent || oldParent || this.lastParentRecord).constructor), hasManyName); this.ensureSameTransaction(); this.callChangeEvents(); if (secondRecord && firstRecord) { if(this.secondRecordKind === "belongsTo"){ secondRecord.suspendRelationshipObservers(function(){ set(secondRecord, secondRecordName, firstRecord); }); } else if(this.secondRecordKind === "hasMany"){ secondRecord.suspendRelationshipObservers(function(){ get(secondRecord, secondRecordName).addObject(firstRecord); }); } } if (firstRecord && secondRecord && get(firstRecord, firstRecordName) !== secondRecord) { if(this.firstRecordKind === "belongsTo"){ firstRecord.suspendRelationshipObservers(function(){ set(firstRecord, firstRecordName, secondRecord); }); } else if(this.firstRecordKind === "hasMany"){ firstRecord.suspendRelationshipObservers(function(){ get(firstRecord, firstRecordName).addObject(secondRecord); }); } } this.coalesce(); }; DS.RelationshipChangeRemove.prototype.changeType = "remove"; DS.RelationshipChangeRemove.prototype.sync = function() { var secondRecordName = this.getSecondRecordName(), firstRecordName = this.getFirstRecordName(), firstRecord = this.getFirstRecord(), secondRecord = this.getSecondRecord(); //Ember.assert("You specified a hasMany (" + hasManyName + ") on " + (!belongsToName && (newParent || oldParent || this.lastParent).constructor) + " but did not specify an inverse belongsTo on " + child.constructor, belongsToName); //Ember.assert("You specified a belongsTo (" + belongsToName + ") on " + child.constructor + " but did not specify an inverse hasMany on " + (!hasManyName && (newParent || oldParent || this.lastParentRecord).constructor), hasManyName); this.ensureSameTransaction(firstRecord, secondRecord, secondRecordName, firstRecordName); this.callChangeEvents(); if (secondRecord && firstRecord) { if(this.secondRecordKind === "belongsTo"){ secondRecord.suspendRelationshipObservers(function(){ set(secondRecord, secondRecordName, null); }); } else if(this.secondRecordKind === "hasMany"){ secondRecord.suspendRelationshipObservers(function(){ get(secondRecord, secondRecordName).removeObject(firstRecord); }); } } if (firstRecord && get(firstRecord, firstRecordName)) { if(this.firstRecordKind === "belongsTo"){ firstRecord.suspendRelationshipObservers(function(){ set(firstRecord, firstRecordName, null); }); } else if(this.firstRecordKind === "hasMany"){ firstRecord.suspendRelationshipObservers(function(){ get(firstRecord, firstRecordName).removeObject(secondRecord); }); } } this.coalesce(); }; })(); (function() { /** @module data @submodule data-changes */ })(); (function() { var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set, isNone = Ember.isNone; DS.belongsTo = function(type, options) { Ember.assert("The first argument DS.belongsTo must be a model type or string, like DS.belongsTo(App.Person)", !!type && (typeof type === 'string' || DS.Model.detect(type))); options = options || {}; var meta = { type: type, isRelationship: true, options: options, kind: 'belongsTo' }; return Ember.computed(function(key, value) { if (typeof type === 'string') { type = get(this, type, false) || get(Ember.lookup, type); } if (arguments.length === 2) { Ember.assert("You can only add a record of " + type.toString() + " to this relationship", !value || type.detectInstance(value)); return value === undefined ? null : value; } var data = get(this, 'data').belongsTo, store = get(this, 'store'), belongsTo; belongsTo = data[key]; // TODO (tomdale) The value of the belongsTo in the data hash can be // one of: // 1. null/undefined // 2. a record reference // 3. a tuple returned by the serializer's polymorphism code // // We should really normalize #3 to be the same as #2 to reduce the // complexity here. if (isNone(belongsTo)) { return null; } // The data has been normalized to a record reference, so // just ask the store for the record for that reference, // materializing it if necessary. if (belongsTo.clientId) { return store.recordForReference(belongsTo); } // The data has been normalized into a type/id pair by the // serializer's polymorphism code. return store.findById(belongsTo.type, belongsTo.id); }).property('data').meta(meta); }; /** These observers observe all `belongsTo` relationships on the record. See `relationships/ext` to see how these observers get their dependencies. */ DS.Model.reopen({ /** @private */ belongsToWillChange: Ember.beforeObserver(function(record, key) { if (get(record, 'isLoaded')) { var oldParent = get(record, key); var childReference = get(record, '_reference'), store = get(record, 'store'); if (oldParent){ var change = DS.RelationshipChange.createChange(childReference, get(oldParent, '_reference'), store, { key: key, kind:"belongsTo", changeType: "remove" }); change.sync(); this._changesToSync[key] = change; } } }), /** @private */ belongsToDidChange: Ember.immediateObserver(function(record, key) { if (get(record, 'isLoaded')) { var newParent = get(record, key); if(newParent){ var childReference = get(record, '_reference'), store = get(record, 'store'); var change = DS.RelationshipChange.createChange(childReference, get(newParent, '_reference'), store, { key: key, kind:"belongsTo", changeType: "add" }); change.sync(); if(this._changesToSync[key]){ DS.OneToManyChange.ensureSameTransaction([change, this._changesToSync[key]], store); } } } delete this._changesToSync[key]; }) }); })(); (function() { var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set, forEach = Ember.EnumerableUtils.forEach; var hasRelationship = function(type, options) { options = options || {}; var meta = { type: type, isRelationship: true, options: options, kind: 'hasMany' }; return Ember.computed(function(key, value) { var data = get(this, 'data').hasMany, store = get(this, 'store'), ids, relationship; if (typeof type === 'string') { type = get(this, type, false) || get(Ember.lookup, type); } //ids can be references or opaque token //(e.g. `{url: '/relationship'}`) that will be passed to the adapter ids = data[key]; relationship = store.findMany(type, ids, this, meta); set(relationship, 'owner', this); set(relationship, 'name', key); set(relationship, 'isPolymorphic', options.polymorphic); return relationship; }).property().meta(meta); }; DS.hasMany = function(type, options) { Ember.assert("The type passed to DS.hasMany must be defined", !!type); return hasRelationship(type, options); }; function clearUnmaterializedHasMany(record, relationship) { var store = get(record, 'store'), data = get(record, 'data').hasMany; var references = data[relationship.key]; if (!references) { return; } var inverse = record.constructor.inverseFor(relationship.key); if (inverse) { forEach(references, function(reference) { var childRecord; if (childRecord = reference.record) { record.suspendRelationshipObservers(function() { set(childRecord, inverse.name, null); }); } }); } } DS.Model.reopen({ clearHasMany: function(relationship) { var hasMany = this.cacheFor(relationship.name); if (hasMany) { hasMany.clear(); } else { clearUnmaterializedHasMany(this, relationship); } } }); })(); (function() { var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set; /** @private This file defines several extensions to the base `DS.Model` class that add support for one-to-many relationships. */ DS.Model.reopen({ // This Ember.js hook allows an object to be notified when a property // is defined. // // In this case, we use it to be notified when an Ember Data user defines a // belongs-to relationship. In that case, we need to set up observers for // each one, allowing us to track relationship changes and automatically // reflect changes in the inverse has-many array. // // This hook passes the class being set up, as well as the key and value // being defined. So, for example, when the user does this: // // DS.Model.extend({ // parent: DS.belongsTo(App.User) // }); // // This hook would be called with "parent" as the key and the computed // property returned by `DS.belongsTo` as the value. didDefineProperty: function(proto, key, value) { // Check if the value being set is a computed property. if (value instanceof Ember.Descriptor) { // If it is, get the metadata for the relationship. This is // populated by the `DS.belongsTo` helper when it is creating // the computed property. var meta = value.meta(); if (meta.isRelationship && meta.kind === 'belongsTo') { Ember.addObserver(proto, key, null, 'belongsToDidChange'); Ember.addBeforeObserver(proto, key, null, 'belongsToWillChange'); } if (meta.isAttribute) { Ember.addObserver(proto, key, null, 'attributeDidChange'); Ember.addBeforeObserver(proto, key, null, 'attributeWillChange'); } meta.parentType = proto.constructor; } } }); /** These DS.Model extensions add class methods that provide relationship introspection abilities about relationships. A note about the computed properties contained here: **These properties are effectively sealed once called for the first time.** To avoid repeatedly doing expensive iteration over a model's fields, these values are computed once and then cached for the remainder of the runtime of your application. If your application needs to modify a class after its initial definition (for example, using `reopen()` to add additional attributes), make sure you do it before using your model with the store, which uses these properties extensively. */ DS.Model.reopenClass({ /** For a given relationship name, returns the model type of the relationship. For example, if you define a model like this: App.Post = DS.Model.extend({ comments: DS.hasMany(App.Comment) }); Calling `App.Post.typeForRelationship('comments')` will return `App.Comment`. @param {String} name the name of the relationship @return {subclass of DS.Model} the type of the relationship, or undefined */ typeForRelationship: function(name) { var relationship = get(this, 'relationshipsByName').get(name); return relationship && relationship.type; }, inverseFor: function(name) { var inverseType = this.typeForRelationship(name); if (!inverseType) { return null; } var options = this.metaForProperty(name).options; var inverseName, inverseKind; if (options.inverse) { inverseName = options.inverse; inverseKind = Ember.get(inverseType, 'relationshipsByName').get(inverseName).kind; } else { var possibleRelationships = findPossibleInverses(this, inverseType); if (possibleRelationships.length === 0) { return null; } Ember.assert("You defined the '" + name + "' relationship on " + this + ", but multiple possible inverse relationships of type " + this + " were found on " + inverseType + ".", possibleRelationships.length === 1); inverseName = possibleRelationships[0].name; inverseKind = possibleRelationships[0].kind; } function findPossibleInverses(type, inverseType, possibleRelationships) { possibleRelationships = possibleRelationships || []; var relationshipMap = get(inverseType, 'relationships'); if (!relationshipMap) { return; } var relationships = relationshipMap.get(type); if (relationships) { possibleRelationships.push.apply(possibleRelationships, relationshipMap.get(type)); } if (type.superclass) { findPossibleInverses(type.superclass, inverseType, possibleRelationships); } return possibleRelationships; } return { type: inverseType, name: inverseName, kind: inverseKind }; }, /** The model's relationships as a map, keyed on the type of the relationship. The value of each entry is an array containing a descriptor for each relationship with that type, describing the name of the relationship as well as the type. For example, given the following model definition: App.Blog = DS.Model.extend({ users: DS.hasMany(App.User), owner: DS.belongsTo(App.User), posts: DS.hasMany(App.Post) }); This computed property would return a map describing these relationships, like this: var relationships = Ember.get(App.Blog, 'relationships'); relationships.get(App.User); //=> [ { name: 'users', kind: 'hasMany' }, // { name: 'owner', kind: 'belongsTo' } ] relationships.get(App.Post); //=> [ { name: 'posts', kind: 'hasMany' } ] @type Ember.Map @readOnly */ relationships: Ember.computed(function() { var map = new Ember.MapWithDefault({ defaultValue: function() { return []; } }); // Loop through each computed property on the class this.eachComputedProperty(function(name, meta) { // If the computed property is a relationship, add // it to the map. if (meta.isRelationship) { if (typeof meta.type === 'string') { meta.type = Ember.get(Ember.lookup, meta.type); } var relationshipsForType = map.get(meta.type); relationshipsForType.push({ name: name, kind: meta.kind }); } }); return map; }), /** A hash containing lists of the model's relationships, grouped by the relationship kind. For example, given a model with this definition: App.Blog = DS.Model.extend({ users: DS.hasMany(App.User), owner: DS.belongsTo(App.User), posts: DS.hasMany(App.Post) }); This property would contain the following: var relationshipNames = Ember.get(App.Blog, 'relationshipNames'); relationshipNames.hasMany; //=> ['users', 'posts'] relationshipNames.belongsTo; //=> ['owner'] @type Object @readOnly */ relationshipNames: Ember.computed(function() { var names = { hasMany: [], belongsTo: [] }; this.eachComputedProperty(function(name, meta) { if (meta.isRelationship) { names[meta.kind].push(name); } }); return names; }), /** An array of types directly related to a model. Each type will be included once, regardless of the number of relationships it has with the model. For example, given a model with this definition: App.Blog = DS.Model.extend({ users: DS.hasMany(App.User), owner: DS.belongsTo(App.User), posts: DS.hasMany(App.Post) }); This property would contain the following: var relatedTypes = Ember.get(App.Blog, 'relatedTypes'); //=> [ App.User, App.Post ] @type Ember.Array @readOnly */ relatedTypes: Ember.computed(function() { var type, types = Ember.A([]); // Loop through each computed property on the class, // and create an array of the unique types involved // in relationships this.eachComputedProperty(function(name, meta) { if (meta.isRelationship) { type = meta.type; if (typeof type === 'string') { type = get(this, type, false) || get(Ember.lookup, type); } Ember.assert("You specified a hasMany (" + meta.type + ") on " + meta.parentType + " but " + meta.type + " was not found.", type); if (!types.contains(type)) { Ember.assert("Trying to sideload " + name + " on " + this.toString() + " but the type doesn't exist.", !!type); types.push(type); } } }); return types; }), /** A map whose keys are the relationships of a model and whose values are relationship descriptors. For example, given a model with this definition: App.Blog = DS.Model.extend({ users: DS.hasMany(App.User), owner: DS.belongsTo(App.User), posts: DS.hasMany(App.Post) }); This property would contain the following: var relationshipsByName = Ember.get(App.Blog, 'relationshipsByName'); relationshipsByName.get('users'); //=> { key: 'users', kind: 'hasMany', type: App.User } relationshipsByName.get('owner'); //=> { key: 'owner', kind: 'belongsTo', type: App.User } @type Ember.Map @readOnly */ relationshipsByName: Ember.computed(function() { var map = Ember.Map.create(), type; this.eachComputedProperty(function(name, meta) { if (meta.isRelationship) { meta.key = name; type = meta.type; if (typeof type === 'string') { type = get(this, type, false) || get(Ember.lookup, type); meta.type = type; } map.set(name, meta); } }); return map; }), /** A map whose keys are the fields of the model and whose values are strings describing the kind of the field. A model's fields are the union of all of its attributes and relationships. For example: App.Blog = DS.Model.extend({ users: DS.hasMany(App.User), owner: DS.belongsTo(App.User), posts: DS.hasMany(App.Post), title: DS.attr('string') }); var fields = Ember.get(App.Blog, 'fields'); fields.forEach(function(field, kind) { console.log(field, kind); }); // prints: // users, hasMany // owner, belongsTo // posts, hasMany // title, attribute @type Ember.Map @readOnly */ fields: Ember.computed(function() { var map = Ember.Map.create(); this.eachComputedProperty(function(name, meta) { if (meta.isRelationship) { map.set(name, meta.kind); } else if (meta.isAttribute) { map.set(name, 'attribute'); } }); return map; }), /** Given a callback, iterates over each of the relationships in the model, invoking the callback with the name of each relationship and its relationship descriptor. @param {Function} callback the callback to invoke @param {any} binding the value to which the callback's `this` should be bound */ eachRelationship: function(callback, binding) { get(this, 'relationshipsByName').forEach(function(name, relationship) { callback.call(binding, name, relationship); }); }, /** Given a callback, iterates over each of the types related to a model, invoking the callback with the related type's class. Each type will be returned just once, regardless of how many different relationships it has with a model. @param {Function} callback the callback to invoke @param {any} binding the value to which the callback's `this` should be bound */ eachRelatedType: function(callback, binding) { get(this, 'relatedTypes').forEach(function(type) { callback.call(binding, type); }); } }); DS.Model.reopen({ /** Given a callback, iterates over each of the relationships in the model, invoking the callback with the name of each relationship and its relationship descriptor. @param {Function} callback the callback to invoke @param {any} binding the value to which the callback's `this` should be bound */ eachRelationship: function(callback, binding) { this.constructor.eachRelationship(callback, binding); } }); })(); (function() { /** @module data @submodule data-relationships */ })(); (function() { var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set; var once = Ember.run.once; var forEach = Ember.EnumerableUtils.forEach; DS.RecordArrayManager = Ember.Object.extend({ init: function() { this.filteredRecordArrays = Ember.MapWithDefault.create({ defaultValue: function() { return []; } }); this.changedReferences = []; }, referenceDidChange: function(reference) { this.changedReferences.push(reference); once(this, this.updateRecordArrays); }, recordArraysForReference: function(reference) { reference.recordArrays = reference.recordArrays || Ember.OrderedSet.create(); return reference.recordArrays; }, /** @private This method is invoked whenever data is loaded into the store by the adapter or updated by the adapter, or when an attribute changes on a record. It updates all filters that a record belongs to. To avoid thrashing, it only runs once per run loop per record. @param {Class} type @param {Number|String} clientId */ updateRecordArrays: function() { forEach(this.changedReferences, function(reference) { var type = reference.type, recordArrays = this.filteredRecordArrays.get(type), filter; forEach(recordArrays, function(array) { filter = get(array, 'filterFunction'); this.updateRecordArray(array, filter, type, reference); }, this); // loop through all manyArrays containing an unloaded copy of this // clientId and notify them that the record was loaded. var manyArrays = reference.loadingRecordArrays; if (manyArrays) { for (var i=0, l=manyArrays.length; i blog_post) // 2. Extract the part after `blog_post_` (`blog_comments`) // 3. Underscore it, to become `blogComments` var typeString = type.toString().split(".")[1].underscore(); return name.match(new RegExp("^" + typeString + "_(.*)$"))[1].camelize(); } }); ``` @method keyForHasMany @param {DS.Model subclass} type the type of the record with the `belongsTo` relationship. @param {String} name the relationship name to convert into a key @returns {String} the key */ keyForHasMany: function(type, name) { return this.keyForAttributeName(type, name); }, //......................... //. MATERIALIZATION HOOKS //......................... materialize: function(record, serialized, prematerialized) { var id; if (Ember.isNone(get(record, 'id'))) { if (prematerialized && prematerialized.hasOwnProperty('id')) { id = prematerialized.id; } else { id = this.extractId(record.constructor, serialized); } record.materializeId(id); } this.materializeAttributes(record, serialized, prematerialized); this.materializeRelationships(record, serialized, prematerialized); }, deserializeValue: function(value, attributeType) { var transform = this.transforms ? this.transforms[attributeType] : null; Ember.assert("You tried to use a attribute type (" + attributeType + ") that has not been registered", transform); return transform.deserialize(value); }, materializeAttributes: function(record, serialized, prematerialized) { record.eachAttribute(function(name, attribute) { if (prematerialized && prematerialized.hasOwnProperty(name)) { record.materializeAttribute(name, prematerialized[name]); } else { this.materializeAttribute(record, serialized, name, attribute.type); } }, this); }, materializeAttribute: function(record, serialized, attributeName, attributeType) { var value = this.extractAttribute(record.constructor, serialized, attributeName); value = this.deserializeValue(value, attributeType); record.materializeAttribute(attributeName, value); }, materializeRelationships: function(record, hash, prematerialized) { record.eachRelationship(function(name, relationship) { if (relationship.kind === 'hasMany') { if (prematerialized && prematerialized.hasOwnProperty(name)) { var tuplesOrReferencesOrOpaque = this._convertPrematerializedHasMany(relationship.type, prematerialized[name]); record.materializeHasMany(name, tuplesOrReferencesOrOpaque); } else { this.materializeHasMany(name, record, hash, relationship, prematerialized); } } else if (relationship.kind === 'belongsTo') { if (prematerialized && prematerialized.hasOwnProperty(name)) { var tupleOrReference = this._convertTuple(relationship.type, prematerialized[name]); record.materializeBelongsTo(name, tupleOrReference); } else { this.materializeBelongsTo(name, record, hash, relationship, prematerialized); } } }, this); }, materializeHasMany: function(name, record, hash, relationship) { var type = record.constructor, key = this._keyForHasMany(type, relationship.key), idsOrTuples = this.extractHasMany(type, hash, key), tuples = idsOrTuples; if(idsOrTuples && Ember.isArray(idsOrTuples)) { tuples = this._convertTuples(relationship.type, idsOrTuples); } record.materializeHasMany(name, tuples); }, materializeBelongsTo: function(name, record, hash, relationship) { var type = record.constructor, key = this._keyForBelongsTo(type, relationship.key), idOrTuple, tuple = null; if(relationship.options && relationship.options.polymorphic) { idOrTuple = this.extractBelongsToPolymorphic(type, hash, key); } else { idOrTuple = this.extractBelongsTo(type, hash, key); } if(!isNone(idOrTuple)) { tuple = this._convertTuple(relationship.type, idOrTuple); } record.materializeBelongsTo(name, tuple); }, _convertPrematerializedHasMany: function(type, prematerializedHasMany) { var tuplesOrReferencesOrOpaque; if( typeof prematerializedHasMany === 'string' ) { tuplesOrReferencesOrOpaque = prematerializedHasMany; } else { tuplesOrReferencesOrOpaque = this._convertTuples(type, prematerializedHasMany); } return tuplesOrReferencesOrOpaque; }, _convertTuples: function(type, idsOrTuples) { return map.call(idsOrTuples, function(idOrTuple) { return this._convertTuple(type, idOrTuple); }, this); }, _convertTuple: function(type, idOrTuple) { var foundType; if (typeof idOrTuple === 'object') { if (DS.Model.detect(idOrTuple.type)) { return idOrTuple; } else { foundType = this.typeFromAlias(idOrTuple.type); Ember.assert("Unable to resolve type " + idOrTuple.type + ". You may need to configure your serializer aliases.", !!foundType); return {id: idOrTuple.id, type: foundType}; } } return {id: idOrTuple, type: type}; }, /** @private This method is called to get the primary key for a given type. If a primary key configuration exists for this type, this method will return the configured value. Otherwise, it will call the public `primaryKey` hook. @method _primaryKey @param {DS.Model subclass} type @returns {String} the primary key for the type */ _primaryKey: function(type) { var config = this.configurationForType(type), primaryKey = config && config.primaryKey; if (primaryKey) { return primaryKey; } else { return this.primaryKey(type); } }, /** @private This method looks up the key for the attribute name and transforms the attribute's value using registered transforms. Specifically: 1. Look up the key for the attribute name. If available, this will use any registered mappings. Otherwise, it will invoke the public `keyForAttributeName` hook. 2. Get the value from the record using the `attributeName`. 3. Transform the value using registered transforms for the `attributeType`. 4. Invoke the public `addAttribute` hook with the hash, key, and transformed value. @method _addAttribute @param {any} data the serialized representation being built @param {DS.Model} record the record to serialize @param {String} attributeName the name of the attribute on the record @param {String} attributeType the type of the attribute (e.g. `string` or `boolean`) */ _addAttribute: function(data, record, attributeName, attributeType) { var key = this._keyForAttributeName(record.constructor, attributeName); var value = get(record, attributeName); this.addAttribute(data, key, this.serializeValue(value, attributeType)); }, /** @private This method looks up the primary key for the `type` and invokes `serializeId` on the `id`. It then invokes the public `addId` hook with the primary key and the serialized id. @method _addId @param {any} data the serialized representation that is being built @param {Ember.Model subclass} type @param {any} id the materialized id from the record */ _addId: function(hash, type, id) { var primaryKey = this._primaryKey(type); this.addId(hash, primaryKey, this.serializeId(id)); }, /** @private This method is called to get a key used in the data from an attribute name. It first checks for any mappings before calling the public hook `keyForAttributeName`. @method _keyForAttributeName @param {DS.Model subclass} type the type of the record with the attribute name `name` @param {String} name the attribute name to convert into a key @returns {String} the key */ _keyForAttributeName: function(type, name) { return this._keyFromMappingOrHook('keyForAttributeName', type, name); }, /** @private This method is called to get a key used in the data from a belongsTo relationship. It first checks for any mappings before calling the public hook `keyForBelongsTo`. @method _keyForBelongsTo @param {DS.Model subclass} type the type of the record with the `belongsTo` relationship. @param {String} name the relationship name to convert into a key @returns {String} the key */ _keyForBelongsTo: function(type, name) { return this._keyFromMappingOrHook('keyForBelongsTo', type, name); }, keyFor: function(description) { var type = description.parentType, name = description.key; switch (description.kind) { case 'belongsTo': return this._keyForBelongsTo(type, name); case 'hasMany': return this._keyForHasMany(type, name); } }, /** @private This method is called to get a key used in the data from a hasMany relationship. It first checks for any mappings before calling the public hook `keyForHasMany`. @method _keyForHasMany @param {DS.Model subclass} type the type of the record with the `hasMany` relationship. @param {String} name the relationship name to convert into a key @returns {String} the key */ _keyForHasMany: function(type, name) { return this._keyFromMappingOrHook('keyForHasMany', type, name); }, /** @private This method converts the relationship name to a key for serialization, and then invokes the public `addBelongsTo` hook. @method _addBelongsTo @param {any} data the serialized representation that is being built @param {DS.Model} record the record to serialize @param {String} name the relationship name @param {Object} relationship an object representing the relationship */ _addBelongsTo: function(data, record, name, relationship) { var key = this._keyForBelongsTo(record.constructor, name); this.addBelongsTo(data, record, key, relationship); }, /** @private This method converts the relationship name to a key for serialization, and then invokes the public `addHasMany` hook. @method _addHasMany @param {any} data the serialized representation that is being built @param {DS.Model} record the record to serialize @param {String} name the relationship name @param {Object} relationship an object representing the relationship */ _addHasMany: function(data, record, name, relationship) { var key = this._keyForHasMany(record.constructor, name); this.addHasMany(data, record, key, relationship); }, /** @private An internal method that handles checking whether a mapping exists for a particular attribute or relationship name before calling the public hooks. If a mapping is found, and the mapping has a key defined, use that instead of invoking the hook. @method _keyFromMappingOrHook @param {String} publicMethod the public hook to invoke if a mapping is not found (e.g. `keyForAttributeName`) @param {DS.Model subclass} type the type of the record with the attribute or relationship name. @param {String} name the attribute or relationship name to convert into a key */ _keyFromMappingOrHook: function(publicMethod, type, name) { var key = this.mappingOption(type, name, 'key'); if (key) { return key; } else { return this[publicMethod](type, name); } }, /** TRANSFORMS */ registerTransform: function(type, transform) { this.transforms[type] = transform; }, registerEnumTransform: function(type, objects) { var transform = { deserialize: function(serialized) { return Ember.A(objects).objectAt(serialized); }, serialize: function(deserialized) { return Ember.EnumerableUtils.indexOf(objects, deserialized); }, values: objects }; this.registerTransform(type, transform); }, /** MAPPING CONVENIENCE */ map: function(type, mappings) { this.mappings.set(type, mappings); }, configure: function(type, configuration) { if (type && !configuration) { Ember.merge(this.globalConfigurations, type); return; } var config, alias; if (configuration.alias) { alias = configuration.alias; this.aliases.set(alias, type); delete configuration.alias; } config = Ember.create(this.globalConfigurations); Ember.merge(config, configuration); this.configurations.set(type, config); }, typeFromAlias: function(alias) { this._completeAliases(); return this.aliases.get(alias); }, mappingForType: function(type) { this._reifyMappings(); return this.mappings.get(type) || {}; }, configurationForType: function(type) { this._reifyConfigurations(); return this.configurations.get(type) || this.globalConfigurations; }, _completeAliases: function() { this._pluralizeAliases(); this._reifyAliases(); }, _pluralizeAliases: function() { if (this._didPluralizeAliases) { return; } var aliases = this.aliases, sideloadMapping = this.aliases.sideloadMapping, plural, self = this; aliases.forEach(function(key, type) { plural = self.pluralize(key); Ember.assert("The '" + key + "' alias has already been defined", !aliases.get(plural)); aliases.set(plural, type); }); // This map is only for backward compatibility with the `sideloadAs` option. if (sideloadMapping) { sideloadMapping.forEach(function(key, type) { Ember.assert("The '" + key + "' alias has already been defined", !aliases.get(key) || (aliases.get(key)===type) ); aliases.set(key, type); }); delete this.aliases.sideloadMapping; } this._didPluralizeAliases = true; }, _reifyAliases: function() { if (this._didReifyAliases) { return; } var aliases = this.aliases, reifiedAliases = Ember.Map.create(), foundType; aliases.forEach(function(key, type) { if (typeof type === 'string') { foundType = Ember.get(Ember.lookup, type); Ember.assert("Could not find model at path " + key, type); reifiedAliases.set(key, foundType); } else { reifiedAliases.set(key, type); } }); this.aliases = reifiedAliases; this._didReifyAliases = true; }, _reifyMappings: function() { if (this._didReifyMappings) { return; } var mappings = this.mappings, reifiedMappings = Ember.Map.create(); mappings.forEach(function(key, mapping) { if (typeof key === 'string') { var type = Ember.get(Ember.lookup, key); Ember.assert("Could not find model at path " + key, type); reifiedMappings.set(type, mapping); } else { reifiedMappings.set(key, mapping); } }); this.mappings = reifiedMappings; this._didReifyMappings = true; }, _reifyConfigurations: function() { if (this._didReifyConfigurations) { return; } var configurations = this.configurations, reifiedConfigurations = Ember.Map.create(); configurations.forEach(function(key, mapping) { if (typeof key === 'string' && key !== 'plurals') { var type = Ember.get(Ember.lookup, key); Ember.assert("Could not find model at path " + key, type); reifiedConfigurations.set(type, mapping); } else { reifiedConfigurations.set(key, mapping); } }); this.configurations = reifiedConfigurations; this._didReifyConfigurations = true; }, mappingOption: function(type, name, option) { var mapping = this.mappingForType(type)[name]; return mapping && mapping[option]; }, configOption: function(type, option) { var config = this.configurationForType(type); return config[option]; }, // EMBEDDED HELPERS embeddedType: function(type, name) { return this.mappingOption(type, name, 'embedded'); }, eachEmbeddedRecord: function(record, callback, binding) { this.eachEmbeddedBelongsToRecord(record, callback, binding); this.eachEmbeddedHasManyRecord(record, callback, binding); }, eachEmbeddedBelongsToRecord: function(record, callback, binding) { this.eachEmbeddedBelongsTo(record.constructor, function(name, relationship, embeddedType) { var embeddedRecord = get(record, name); if (embeddedRecord) { callback.call(binding, embeddedRecord, embeddedType); } }); }, eachEmbeddedHasManyRecord: function(record, callback, binding) { this.eachEmbeddedHasMany(record.constructor, function(name, relationship, embeddedType) { var array = get(record, name); for (var i=0, l=get(array, 'length'); i 'low' Server Response / Load: { myTask: {priority: 0} } @method registerEnumTransform @param {String} type of the transform @param {Array} array of String objects to use for the enumerated values. This is an ordered list and the index values will be used for the transform. */ registerEnumTransform: function(attributeType, objects) { get(this, 'serializer').registerEnumTransform(attributeType, objects); }, /** If the globally unique IDs for your records should be generated on the client, implement the `generateIdForRecord()` method. This method will be invoked each time you create a new record, and the value returned from it will be assigned to the record's `primaryKey`. Most traditional REST-like HTTP APIs will not use this method. Instead, the ID of the record will be set by the server, and your adapter will update the store with the new ID when it calls `didCreateRecord()`. Only implement this method if you intend to generate record IDs on the client-side. The `generateIdForRecord()` method will be invoked with the requesting store as the first parameter and the newly created record as the second parameter: generateIdForRecord: function(store, record) { var uuid = App.generateUUIDWithStatisticallyLowOddsOfCollision(); return uuid; } @method generateIdForRecord @param {DS.Store} store @param {DS.Model} record */ generateIdForRecord: null, materialize: function(record, data, prematerialized) { get(this, 'serializer').materialize(record, data, prematerialized); }, serialize: function(record, options) { return get(this, 'serializer').serialize(record, options); }, extractId: function(type, data) { return get(this, 'serializer').extractId(type, data); }, groupByType: function(enumerable) { var map = Ember.MapWithDefault.create({ defaultValue: function() { return Ember.OrderedSet.create(); } }); enumerable.forEach(function(item) { map.get(item.constructor).add(item); }); return map; }, commit: function(store, commitDetails) { this.save(store, commitDetails); }, save: function(store, commitDetails) { var adapter = this; function filter(records) { var filteredSet = Ember.OrderedSet.create(); records.forEach(function(record) { if (adapter.shouldSave(record)) { filteredSet.add(record); } }); return filteredSet; } this.groupByType(commitDetails.created).forEach(function(type, set) { this.createRecords(store, type, filter(set)); }, this); this.groupByType(commitDetails.updated).forEach(function(type, set) { this.updateRecords(store, type, filter(set)); }, this); this.groupByType(commitDetails.deleted).forEach(function(type, set) { this.deleteRecords(store, type, filter(set)); }, this); }, shouldSave: Ember.K, createRecords: function(store, type, records) { records.forEach(function(record) { this.createRecord(store, type, record); }, this); }, updateRecords: function(store, type, records) { records.forEach(function(record) { this.updateRecord(store, type, record); }, this); }, deleteRecords: function(store, type, records) { records.forEach(function(record) { this.deleteRecord(store, type, record); }, this); }, findMany: function(store, type, ids) { ids.forEach(function(id) { this.find(store, type, id); }, this); } }); DS.Adapter.reopenClass({ registerTransform: function(attributeType, transform) { var registeredTransforms = this._registeredTransforms || {}; registeredTransforms[attributeType] = transform; this._registeredTransforms = registeredTransforms; }, registerEnumTransform: function(attributeType, objects) { var registeredEnumTransforms = this._registeredEnumTransforms || {}; registeredEnumTransforms[attributeType] = objects; this._registeredEnumTransforms = registeredEnumTransforms; }, map: DS._Mappable.generateMapFunctionFor('attributes', function(key, newValue, map) { var existingValue = map.get(key); merge(existingValue, newValue); }), configure: DS._Mappable.generateMapFunctionFor('configurations', function(key, newValue, map) { var existingValue = map.get(key); // If a mapping configuration is provided, peel it off and apply it // using the DS.Adapter.map API. var mappings = newValue && newValue.mappings; if (mappings) { this.map(key, mappings); delete newValue.mappings; } merge(existingValue, newValue); }), resolveMapConflict: function(oldValue, newValue) { merge(newValue, oldValue); return newValue; } }); })(); (function() { /** @module data @submodule data-serializers */ /** @class FixtureSerializer @constructor @namespace DS @extends DS.Serializer */ var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set; DS.FixtureSerializer = DS.Serializer.extend({ deserializeValue: function(value, attributeType) { return value; }, serializeValue: function(value, attributeType) { return value; }, addId: function(data, key, id) { data[key] = id; }, addAttribute: function(hash, key, value) { hash[key] = value; }, addBelongsTo: function(hash, record, key, relationship) { var id = get(record, relationship.key+'.id'); if (!Ember.isNone(id)) { hash[key] = id; } }, addHasMany: function(hash, record, key, relationship) { var ids = get(record, relationship.key).map(function(item) { return item.get('id'); }); hash[relationship.key] = ids; }, extract: function(loader, fixture, type, record) { if (record) { loader.updateId(record, fixture); } this.extractRecordRepresentation(loader, type, fixture); }, extractMany: function(loader, fixtures, type, records) { var objects = fixtures, references = []; if (records) { records = records.toArray(); } for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) { if (records) { loader.updateId(records[i], objects[i]); } var reference = this.extractRecordRepresentation(loader, type, objects[i]); references.push(reference); } loader.populateArray(references); }, extractId: function(type, hash) { var primaryKey = this._primaryKey(type); if (hash.hasOwnProperty(primaryKey)) { // Ensure that we coerce IDs to strings so that record // IDs remain consistent between application runs; especially // if the ID is serialized and later deserialized from the URL, // when type information will have been lost. return hash[primaryKey]+''; } else { return null; } }, extractAttribute: function(type, hash, attributeName) { var key = this._keyForAttributeName(type, attributeName); return hash[key]; }, extractHasMany: function(type, hash, key) { return hash[key]; }, extractBelongsTo: function(type, hash, key) { var val = hash[key]; if (val != null) { val = val + ''; } return val; }, extractBelongsToPolymorphic: function(type, hash, key) { var keyForId = this.keyForPolymorphicId(key), keyForType, id = hash[keyForId]; if (id) { keyForType = this.keyForPolymorphicType(key); return {id: id, type: hash[keyForType]}; } return null; }, keyForPolymorphicId: function(key) { return key; }, keyForPolymorphicType: function(key) { return key + '_type'; } }); })(); (function() { /** @module data @submodule data-adapters */ var get = Ember.get, fmt = Ember.String.fmt, dump = Ember.get(window, 'JSON.stringify') || function(object) { return object.toString(); }; /** `DS.FixtureAdapter` is an adapter that loads records from memory. Its primarily used for development and testing. You can also use `DS.FixtureAdapter` while working on the API but are not ready to integrate yet. It is a fully functioning adapter. All CRUD methods are implemented. You can also implement query logic that a remote system would do. Its possible to do develop your entire application with `DS.FixtureAdapter`. @class FixtureAdapter @constructor @namespace DS @extends DS.Adapter */ DS.FixtureAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend({ simulateRemoteResponse: true, latency: 50, serializer: DS.FixtureSerializer, /* Implement this method in order to provide data associated with a type */ fixturesForType: function(type) { if (type.FIXTURES) { var fixtures = Ember.A(type.FIXTURES); return fixtures.map(function(fixture){ var fixtureIdType = typeof fixture.id; if(fixtureIdType !== "number" && fixtureIdType !== "string"){ throw new Error(fmt('the id property must be defined as a number or string for fixture %@', [dump(fixture)])); } fixture.id = fixture.id + ''; return fixture; }); } return null; }, /* Implement this method in order to query fixtures data */ queryFixtures: function(fixtures, query, type) { Ember.assert('Not implemented: You must override the DS.FixtureAdapter::queryFixtures method to support querying the fixture store.'); }, updateFixtures: function(type, fixture) { if(!type.FIXTURES) { type.FIXTURES = []; } var fixtures = type.FIXTURES; this.deleteLoadedFixture(type, fixture); fixtures.push(fixture); }, /* Implement this method in order to provide provide json for CRUD methods */ mockJSON: function(type, record) { return this.serialize(record, { includeId: true }); }, /* Adapter methods */ generateIdForRecord: function(store, record) { return Ember.guidFor(record); }, find: function(store, type, id) { var fixtures = this.fixturesForType(type), fixture; Ember.warn("Unable to find fixtures for model type " + type.toString(), fixtures); if (fixtures) { fixture = Ember.A(fixtures).findProperty('id', id); } if (fixture) { this.simulateRemoteCall(function() { this.didFindRecord(store, type, fixture, id); }, this); } }, findMany: function(store, type, ids) { var fixtures = this.fixturesForType(type); Ember.assert("Unable to find fixtures for model type "+type.toString(), !!fixtures); if (fixtures) { fixtures = fixtures.filter(function(item) { return ids.indexOf(item.id) !== -1; }); } if (fixtures) { this.simulateRemoteCall(function() { this.didFindMany(store, type, fixtures); }, this); } }, findAll: function(store, type) { var fixtures = this.fixturesForType(type); Ember.assert("Unable to find fixtures for model type "+type.toString(), !!fixtures); this.simulateRemoteCall(function() { this.didFindAll(store, type, fixtures); }, this); }, findQuery: function(store, type, query, array) { var fixtures = this.fixturesForType(type); Ember.assert("Unable to find fixtures for model type "+type.toString(), !!fixtures); fixtures = this.queryFixtures(fixtures, query, type); if (fixtures) { this.simulateRemoteCall(function() { this.didFindQuery(store, type, fixtures, array); }, this); } }, createRecord: function(store, type, record) { var fixture = this.mockJSON(type, record); this.updateFixtures(type, fixture); this.simulateRemoteCall(function() { this.didCreateRecord(store, type, record, fixture); }, this); }, updateRecord: function(store, type, record) { var fixture = this.mockJSON(type, record); this.updateFixtures(type, fixture); this.simulateRemoteCall(function() { this.didUpdateRecord(store, type, record, fixture); }, this); }, deleteRecord: function(store, type, record) { var fixture = this.mockJSON(type, record); this.deleteLoadedFixture(type, fixture); this.simulateRemoteCall(function() { this.didDeleteRecord(store, type, record); }, this); }, /* @private */ deleteLoadedFixture: function(type, record) { var existingFixture = this.findExistingFixture(type, record); if(existingFixture) { var index = type.FIXTURES.indexOf(existingFixture); type.FIXTURES.splice(index, 1); return true; } }, findExistingFixture: function(type, record) { var fixtures = this.fixturesForType(type); var id = this.extractId(type, record); return this.findFixtureById(fixtures, id); }, findFixtureById: function(fixtures, id) { return Ember.A(fixtures).find(function(r) { if(''+get(r, 'id') === ''+id) { return true; } else { return false; } }); }, simulateRemoteCall: function(callback, context) { if (get(this, 'simulateRemoteResponse')) { // Schedule with setTimeout Ember.run.later(context, callback, get(this, 'latency')); } else { // Asynchronous, but at the of the runloop with zero latency Ember.run.once(context, callback); } } }); })(); (function() { /** @module data @submodule data-serializers */ /** @class RESTSerializer @constructor @namespace DS @extends DS.Serializer */ var get = Ember.get; DS.RESTSerializer = DS.JSONSerializer.extend({ keyForAttributeName: function(type, name) { return Ember.String.decamelize(name); }, keyForBelongsTo: function(type, name) { var key = this.keyForAttributeName(type, name); if (this.embeddedType(type, name)) { return key; } return key + "_id"; }, keyForHasMany: function(type, name) { var key = this.keyForAttributeName(type, name); if (this.embeddedType(type, name)) { return key; } return this.singularize(key) + "_ids"; }, keyForPolymorphicId: function(key) { return key; }, keyForPolymorphicType: function(key) { return key.replace(/_id$/, '_type'); }, extractValidationErrors: function(type, json) { var errors = {}; get(type, 'attributes').forEach(function(name) { var key = this._keyForAttributeName(type, name); if (json['errors'].hasOwnProperty(key)) { errors[name] = json['errors'][key]; } }, this); return errors; } }); })(); (function() { /*global jQuery*/ /** @module data @submodule data-adapters */ var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set; function rejectionHandler(reason) { Ember.Logger.error(reason, reason.message); throw reason; } /** The REST adapter allows your store to communicate with an HTTP server by transmitting JSON via XHR. Most Ember.js apps that consume a JSON API should use the REST adapter. This adapter is designed around the idea that the JSON exchanged with the server should be conventional. ## JSON Structure The REST adapter expects the JSON returned from your server to follow these conventions. ### Object Root The JSON payload should be an object that contains the record inside a root property. For example, in response to a `GET` request for `/posts/1`, the JSON should look like this: ```js { "post": { title: "I'm Running to Reform the W3C's Tag", author: "Yehuda Katz" } } ``` ### Conventional Names Attribute names in your JSON payload should be the underscored versions of the attributes in your Ember.js models. For example, if you have a `Person` model: ```js App.Person = DS.Model.extend({ firstName: DS.attr('string'), lastName: DS.attr('string'), occupation: DS.attr('string') }); ``` The JSON returned should look like this: ```js { "person": { "first_name": "Barack", "last_name": "Obama", "occupation": "President" } } ``` @class RESTAdapter @constructor @namespace DS @extends DS.Adapter */ DS.RESTAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend({ namespace: null, bulkCommit: false, since: 'since', serializer: DS.RESTSerializer, init: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, shouldSave: function(record) { var reference = get(record, '_reference'); return !reference.parent; }, dirtyRecordsForRecordChange: function(dirtySet, record) { this._dirtyTree(dirtySet, record); }, dirtyRecordsForHasManyChange: function(dirtySet, record, relationship) { var embeddedType = get(this, 'serializer').embeddedType(record.constructor, relationship.secondRecordName); if (embeddedType === 'always') { relationship.childReference.parent = relationship.parentReference; this._dirtyTree(dirtySet, record); } }, _dirtyTree: function(dirtySet, record) { dirtySet.add(record); get(this, 'serializer').eachEmbeddedRecord(record, function(embeddedRecord, embeddedType) { if (embeddedType !== 'always') { return; } if (dirtySet.has(embeddedRecord)) { return; } this._dirtyTree(dirtySet, embeddedRecord); }, this); var reference = record.get('_reference'); if (reference.parent) { var store = get(record, 'store'); var parent = store.recordForReference(reference.parent); this._dirtyTree(dirtySet, parent); } }, createRecord: function(store, type, record) { var root = this.rootForType(type); var adapter = this; var data = {}; data[root] = this.serialize(record, { includeId: true }); return this.ajax(this.buildURL(root), "POST", { data: data }).then(function(json){ adapter.didCreateRecord(store, type, record, json); }, function(xhr) { adapter.didError(store, type, record, xhr); throw xhr; }).then(null, rejectionHandler); }, createRecords: function(store, type, records) { var adapter = this; if (get(this, 'bulkCommit') === false) { return this._super(store, type, records); } var root = this.rootForType(type), plural = this.pluralize(root); var data = {}; data[plural] = []; records.forEach(function(record) { data[plural].push(this.serialize(record, { includeId: true })); }, this); return this.ajax(this.buildURL(root), "POST", { data: data }).then(function(json) { adapter.didCreateRecords(store, type, records, json); }).then(null, rejectionHandler); }, updateRecord: function(store, type, record) { var id, root, adapter, data; id = get(record, 'id'); root = this.rootForType(type); adapter = this; data = {}; data[root] = this.serialize(record); return this.ajax(this.buildURL(root, id), "PUT",{ data: data }).then(function(json){ adapter.didUpdateRecord(store, type, record, json); }, function(xhr) { adapter.didError(store, type, record, xhr); throw xhr; }).then(null, rejectionHandler); }, updateRecords: function(store, type, records) { var root, plural, adapter, data; if (get(this, 'bulkCommit') === false) { return this._super(store, type, records); } root = this.rootForType(type); plural = this.pluralize(root); adapter = this; data = {}; data[plural] = []; records.forEach(function(record) { data[plural].push(this.serialize(record, { includeId: true })); }, this); return this.ajax(this.buildURL(root, "bulk"), "PUT", { data: data }).then(function(json) { adapter.didUpdateRecords(store, type, records, json); }).then(null, rejectionHandler); }, deleteRecord: function(store, type, record) { var id, root, adapter; id = get(record, 'id'); root = this.rootForType(type); adapter = this; return this.ajax(this.buildURL(root, id), "DELETE").then(function(json){ adapter.didDeleteRecord(store, type, record, json); }, function(xhr){ adapter.didError(store, type, record, xhr); throw xhr; }).then(null, rejectionHandler); }, deleteRecords: function(store, type, records) { var root, plural, serializer, adapter, data; if (get(this, 'bulkCommit') === false) { return this._super(store, type, records); } root = this.rootForType(type); plural = this.pluralize(root); serializer = get(this, 'serializer'); adapter = this; data = {}; data[plural] = []; records.forEach(function(record) { data[plural].push(serializer.serializeId( get(record, 'id') )); }); return this.ajax(this.buildURL(root, 'bulk'), "DELETE", { data: data }).then(function(json){ adapter.didDeleteRecords(store, type, records, json); }).then(null, rejectionHandler); }, find: function(store, type, id) { var root = this.rootForType(type), adapter = this; return this.ajax(this.buildURL(root, id), "GET"). then(function(json){ adapter.didFindRecord(store, type, json, id); }).then(null, rejectionHandler); }, findAll: function(store, type, since) { var root, adapter; root = this.rootForType(type); adapter = this; return this.ajax(this.buildURL(root), "GET",{ data: this.sinceQuery(since) }).then(function(json) { adapter.didFindAll(store, type, json); }).then(null, rejectionHandler); }, findQuery: function(store, type, query, recordArray) { var root = this.rootForType(type), adapter = this; return this.ajax(this.buildURL(root), "GET", { data: query }).then(function(json){ adapter.didFindQuery(store, type, json, recordArray); }).then(null, rejectionHandler); }, findMany: function(store, type, ids, owner) { var root = this.rootForType(type), adapter = this; ids = this.serializeIds(ids); return this.ajax(this.buildURL(root), "GET", { data: {ids: ids} }).then(function(json) { adapter.didFindMany(store, type, json); }).then(null, rejectionHandler); }, /** @private This method serializes a list of IDs using `serializeId` @return {Array} an array of serialized IDs */ serializeIds: function(ids) { var serializer = get(this, 'serializer'); return Ember.EnumerableUtils.map(ids, function(id) { return serializer.serializeId(id); }); }, didError: function(store, type, record, xhr) { if (xhr.status === 422) { var json = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText), serializer = get(this, 'serializer'), errors = serializer.extractValidationErrors(type, json); store.recordWasInvalid(record, errors); } else { this._super.apply(this, arguments); } }, ajax: function(url, type, hash) { var adapter = this; return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) { hash = hash || {}; hash.url = url; hash.type = type; hash.dataType = 'json'; hash.context = adapter; if (hash.data && type !== 'GET') { hash.contentType = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'; hash.data = JSON.stringify(hash.data); } hash.success = function(json) { Ember.run(null, resolve, json); }; hash.error = function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { Ember.run(null, reject, errorThrown); }; jQuery.ajax(hash); }); }, url: "", rootForType: function(type) { var serializer = get(this, 'serializer'); return serializer.rootForType(type); }, pluralize: function(string) { var serializer = get(this, 'serializer'); return serializer.pluralize(string); }, buildURL: function(record, suffix) { var url = [this.url]; Ember.assert("Namespace URL (" + this.namespace + ") must not start with slash", !this.namespace || this.namespace.toString().charAt(0) !== "/"); Ember.assert("Record URL (" + record + ") must not start with slash", !record || record.toString().charAt(0) !== "/"); Ember.assert("URL suffix (" + suffix + ") must not start with slash", !suffix || suffix.toString().charAt(0) !== "/"); if (!Ember.isNone(this.namespace)) { url.push(this.namespace); } url.push(this.pluralize(record)); if (suffix !== undefined) { url.push(suffix); } return url.join("/"); }, sinceQuery: function(since) { var query = {}; query[get(this, 'since')] = since; return since ? query : null; } }); })(); (function() { /** Adapters included with Ember-Data. @module data @submodule data-adapters @main data-adapters */ })(); (function() { //Copyright (C) 2011 by Living Social, Inc. //Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of //this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in //the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to //use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies //of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do //so, subject to the following conditions: //The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all //copies or substantial portions of the Software. //THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR //IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, //FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE //AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER //LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, //OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE //SOFTWARE. /** Ember Data @module data */ })(); })();