require 'itamae-mitsurin' require 'itamae-mitsurin/mitsurin' module ItamaeMitsurin module Resource class AwsEbsVolume < Base define_attribute :action, default: :create define_attribute :name, type: String, default_name: true define_attribute :region, type: String define_attribute :availability_zone, type: String define_attribute :device, type: String define_attribute :instance_id, type: String define_attribute :volume_type, type: String define_attribute :size, type: Integer def action_create(options) ec2 = attributes.region) volumes = ec2.describe_volumes({ filters: [ { name: 'tag:Name', values: [ ], }, ], }).volumes if volumes.empty? @volume = ec2.create_volume( size: attributes[:size], # attributes.size returns the size of attributes hash availability_zone: attributes.availability_zone, volume_type: attributes.volume_type, ) ec2.wait_until(:volume_available, volume_ids: [ @volume.volume_id ]) ec2.create_tags({ resources: [ @volume.volume_id ], tags: [ { key: 'Name', value:, }, ], }) ItamaeMitsurin.logger.color(:green) do "create volume compleated!" end updated! else @volume = volumes[0] end end def action_attach(options) ec2 = attributes.region) volumes = ec2.describe_volumes({ filters: [ { name: 'tag:Name', values: [ ], }, ], }).volumes unless volumes.empty? @volume = ec2.attach_volume({ volume_id: @volume.volume_id, instance_id: attributes.instance_id, device: attributes.device }) ec2.wait_until(:volume_in_use, volume_ids: [ @volume.volume_id ]) ItamaeMitsurin.logger.color(:green) do "attach volume compleated!" end updated! else @volume = volumes[0] end end end end end