###* History ======== In an Unpoly app, every page has an URL. [Fragment updates](/up.link) automatically update the URL. @class up.history ### up.history = (($) -> u = up.util ###* Configures behavior when the user goes back or forward in browser history. @property up.history.config @param {Array} [config.popTargets=['body']] An array of CSS selectors to replace when the user goes back in history. @param {boolean} [config.restoreScroll=true] Whether to restore the known scroll positions when the user goes back or forward in history. @stable ### config = u.config enabled: true popTargets: ['body'] restoreScroll: true ###* Returns the previous URL in the browser history. Note that this will only work reliably for history changes that were applied by [`up.history.push()`](/up.history.replace) or [`up.history.replace()`](/up.history.replace). @function up.history.previousUrl @internal ### previousUrl = undefined nextPreviousUrl = undefined reset = -> config.reset() previousUrl = undefined nextPreviousUrl = undefined normalizeUrl = (url, normalizeOptions) -> normalizeOptions ||= {} normalizeOptions.hash = true u.normalizeUrl(url, normalizeOptions) ###* Returns a normalized URL for the current history entry. @function up.history.url @experimental ### currentUrl = (normalizeOptions) -> normalizeUrl(up.browser.url(), normalizeOptions) isCurrentUrl = (url) -> normalizeOptions = { stripTrailingSlash: true } normalizeUrl(url, normalizeOptions) == currentUrl(normalizeOptions) ###* Remembers the given URL so we can offer `up.history.previousUrl()`. @function observeNewUrl @internal ### observeNewUrl = (url) -> if nextPreviousUrl previousUrl = nextPreviousUrl nextPreviousUrl = undefined nextPreviousUrl = url ###* Replaces the current history entry and updates the browser's location bar with the given URL. When the user navigates to the replaced history entry at a later time, Unpoly will [`replace`](/up.replace) the document body with the body from that URL. Note that functions like [`up.replace()`](/up.replace) or [`up.submit()`](/up.submit) will automatically update the browser's location bar for you. @function up.history.replace @param {string} url @internal ### replace = (url) -> manipulate('replaceState', url) ###* Adds a new history entry and updates the browser's address bar with the given URL. When the user navigates to the added history entry at a later time, Unpoly will [`replace`](/up.replace) the document body with the body from that URL. Note that functions like [`up.replace()`](/up.replace) or [`up.submit()`](/up.submit) will automatically update the browser's location bar for you. Emits events [`up:history:push`](/up:history:push) and [`up:history:pushed`](/up:history:pushed). @function up.history.push @param {string} url The URL for the history entry to be added. @experimental ### push = (url, options) -> options = u.options(options, force: false) url = normalizeUrl(url) if (options.force || !isCurrentUrl(url)) && up.bus.nobodyPrevents('up:history:push', url: url, message: "Adding history entry for #{url}") if manipulate('pushState', url) up.emit('up:history:pushed', url: url, message: "Advanced to location #{url}") else up.emit('up:history:muted', url: url, message: "Did not advance to #{url} (history is unavailable)") ###* This event is [emitted](/up.emit) before a new history entry is added. @event up:history:push @param {string} event.url The URL for the history entry that is going to be added. @param event.preventDefault() Event listeners may call this method to prevent the history entry from being added. @experimental ### ###* This event is [emitted](/up.emit) after a new history entry has been added. @event up:history:pushed @param {string} event.url The URL for the history entry that has been added. @experimental ### manipulate = (method, url) -> if up.browser.canPushState() && config.enabled state = buildState() window.history[method](state, '', url) observeNewUrl(currentUrl()) true else false buildState = -> fromUp: true restoreStateOnPop = (state) -> if state?.fromUp url = currentUrl() # We can't let people prevent this event, since `popstate` is also unpreventable. up.emit('up:history:restore', url: url, message: "Restoring location #{url}") popSelector = config.popTargets.join(', ') replaced = up.replace popSelector, url, history: false, # don't push a new state title: true, # do extract the title from the response reveal: false, transition: 'none', saveScroll: false # since the URL was already changed by the browser, don't save scroll state restoreScroll: config.restoreScroll layer: 'page' # Don't replace elements in a modal that might still be open replaced.then -> url = currentUrl() up.emit('up:history:restored', url: url, message: "Restored location #{url}") else up.puts 'Ignoring a state not pushed by Unpoly (%o)', state pop = (event) -> observeNewUrl(currentUrl()) up.layout.saveScroll(url: previousUrl) state = event.originalEvent.state restoreStateOnPop(state) ###* This event is [emitted](/up.emit) before a history entry will be restored. History entries are restored when the user uses the *Back* or *Forward* button. @event up:history:restore @param {string} event.url The URL for the history entry that has been restored. @internal ### ###* This event is [emitted](/up.emit) after a history entry has been restored. History entries are restored when the user uses the *Back* or *Forward* button. @event up:history:restored @param {string} event.url The URL for the history entry that has been restored. @experimental ### if up.browser.canPushState() register = -> $(window).on "popstate", pop replace(currentUrl(), force: true) if jasmine? # Can't delay this in tests. register() else # Defeat an unnecessary popstate that some browsers trigger # on pageload (Safari, Chrome < 34). # We should check in 2023 if we can remove this. setTimeout register, 100 ###* Changes the link's destination so it points to the previous URL. Note that this will *not* call `location.back()`, but will set the link's `up-href` attribute to the actual, previous URL. If no previous URL is known, the link will not be changed. \#\#\# Example This link ... Go back ... will be transformed to: Go back @selector a[up-back] @stable ### up.macro 'a[up-back], [up-href][up-back]', ($link) -> if u.isPresent(previousUrl) u.setMissingAttrs $link, 'up-href': previousUrl, 'up-restore-scroll': '' $link.removeAttr 'up-back' up.link.makeFollowable($link) up.on 'up:framework:reset', reset config: config push: push replace: replace url: currentUrl isUrl: isCurrentUrl previousUrl: -> previousUrl normalizeUrl: normalizeUrl )(jQuery)