module Awetestlib module Regression module Find def get_select_list(browser, how, what, desc = '') list = browser.select_list(how, what) if validate(browser, @myName, __LINE__) passed_to_log("Select list #{how}='#{what}' found and returned.") return list end rescue failed_to_log("Unable to return select list #{how}='#{what}': '#{$!}' (#{__LINE__})") end def get_select_options(browser, how, what, dump = false) list = browser.select_list(how, what) dump_select_list_options(list) if dump list.options rescue failed_to_log("Unable to get select options for #{how}=>#{what}. '#{$!}'") end def get_select_options_by_id(browser, strg, dump = false) get_select_options(browser, :id, strg, dump) end def get_select_options_by_name(browser, strg, dump = false) get_select_options(browser, :name, strg, dump) end def get_selected_options(browser, how, what) begin list = browser.select_list(how, what) rescue => e if not rescue_me(e, __method__, "browser.select_list(#{how}, '#{what}')", "#{browser.class}") raise e end end list.selected_options end def get_selected_options_by_id(browser, strg) get_selected_options(browser, :id, strg) end alias get_selected_option_by_id get_selected_options_by_id def get_selected_options_by_name(browser, strg) get_selected_options(browser, :name, strg) end alias get_selected_option_by_name get_selected_options_by_name =begin rdoc :category: A_rdoc_test Returns a reference to a division element. Used to assign a div element to a variable which can then be passed to methods that require a *browser* parameter. _Parameters_:: *browser* - a reference to the browser window or container element to be tested *how* - the element attribute used to identify the specific element. Valid values depend on the kind of element. Common values: :text, :id, :title, :name, :class, :href (:link only) *what* - a string or a regular expression to be found in the *how* attribute that uniquely identifies the element. *desc* - a string containing a message or description intended to appear in the log and/or report output _Example_ mainwindow = open_browser('') # open a browser to click(mainwindow, :button, :id, 'an id string') # click a button that opens another browser window popup = attach_browser(mainwindow, :url, '[url of new window]') *or* popup = attach_browser(mainwindow, :title, '[title of new window]') =end def get_div(browser, how, what, desc = '', dbg = false) msg = "Get division #{how}=>#{what}." msg << " #{desc}" if desc.length > 0 Watir::Wait.until { browser.div(how, what).exists? } div = browser.div(how, what) debug_to_log(div.inspect) if dbg if validate(browser, @myName, __LINE__) if div passed_to_log(msg) return div else failed_to_log(msg) end end rescue failed_to_log("Unable to '#{msg}' '#{$!}'") end def get_div_by_id(browser, strg, desc = '', dbg = false) get_div(browser, :id, strg, desc, dbg) end =begin rdoc :category: A_rdoc_test Returns a reference to a division element identified by the value in its class attribute. Calls get_div() _Parameters_:: *browser* - a reference to the browser window or container element to be tested *strg* - a string or a regular expression to be found in the *how* attribute that uniquely identifies the element. *desc* - a string containing a message or description intended to appear in the log and/or report output _Example_ mainwindow = open_browser('') # open a browser to click(mainwindow, :button, :id, 'an id string') # click a button that opens another browser window popup = attach_browser(mainwindow, :url, '[url of new window]') *or* popup = attach_browser(mainwindow, :title, '[title of new window]') =end def get_div_by_class(browser, strg, desc = '', dbg = false) get_div(browser, :class, strg, desc, dbg) end def get_div_by_text(browser, strg, desc = '', dbg = false) get_div(browser, :text, strg, desc, dbg) end def get_form(browser, how, strg) begin # Watir::Wait.until( browser.form(how, strg).exists? ) # fails in wait_until rescue => e if not rescue_me(e, __method__, "browser.form(#{how}, '#{strg}').exists?", "#{browser.class}") raise e end end myForm = browser.form(how, strg) if validate(browser, @myName, __LINE__) passed_to_log("Form #{how}='#{strg}' found and returned.") return myForm end rescue failed_to_log("Unable to return form #{how}='#{strg}': '#{$!}' (#{__LINE__})") end def get_form_by_id(browser, strg) get_form(browser, :id, strg) end def get_frame(browser, how, strg, desc = '') # begin # Watir::Wait.until(browser.frame(how, strg).exists?) # fails in wait_until # rescue => e # if not rescue_me(e, __method__, "browser.frame(#{how}, '#{strg}').exists?", "#{browser.class}") # raise e # end # end begin frame = browser.frame(how, strg) rescue => e if not rescue_me(e, __method__, "browser.frame(#{how}, '#{strg}').exists?", "#{browser.class}") raise e end end if validate(browser, @myName, __LINE__) passed_to_log("Frame #{how}='#{strg}' found and returned. #{desc}") return frame end rescue failed_to_log("Unable to return frame #{how}='#{strg}'. #{desc}: '#{$!}' (#{__LINE__})") end def get_frame_by_id(browser, strg, desc = '') get_frame(browser, :id, strg, desc) end def get_frame_by_index(browser, index, desc = '') get_frame(browser, :index, index, desc) end def get_frame_by_name(browser, strg, desc = '') get_frame(browser, :name, strg, desc) end def get_span(browser, how, strg, desc = '') begin #TODO: use LegacyExtensions#wait_until Watir::Wait.until { browser.span(how, strg).exists? } rescue => e if not rescue_me(e, __method__, "browser.span(#{how}, '#{strg}').exists?", "#{browser.class}") raise e end end begin span = browser.span(how, strg) rescue => e if not rescue_me(e, __method__, "browser.span(#{how}, '#{strg}').exists?", "#{browser.class}") raise e end end if validate(browser, @myName, __LINE__) passed_to_log("Span #{how}='#{strg}' found and returned. #{desc}") return span end rescue failed_to_log("Unable to return span #{how}='#{strg}'. #{desc}: '#{$!}' (#{__LINE__})") end def get_span_by_id(browser, strg, desc = '') get_span(browser, :id, strg, desc) end =begin rdoc :category: A_rdoc_test Returns a reference to a table element. Used to assign a table element to a variable which can then be used directly or passed to methods that require a *browser* or *table* parameter. _Parameters_:: *browser* - a reference to the browser window or container element to be tested *how* - the element attribute used to identify the specific element. Valid values depend on the kind of element. Common values: :text, :id, :title, :name, :class, :href (:link only) *what* - a string or a regular expression to be found in the *how* attribute that uniquely identifies the element. *desc* - a string containing a message or description intended to appear in the log and/or report output _Example_ a_table = get_table(browser, :id, 'table1') a_table_cell = a_table[2][1] # The cell in the first column of the second row of the table =end def get_table(browser, how, what, desc = '') msg = "Return table :#{how}='#{what}'. #{desc}" tbl = browser.table(how, what) if validate(browser, @myName, __LINE__) passed_to_log(msg) tbl end rescue failed_to_log("#{msg}': '#{$!}'") end def get_table_by_id(browser, strg, desc = '') get_table(browser, :id, strg, desc) end def get_table_by_index(browser, idx) get_table(browser, :index, idx, desc) end def get_table_by_text(browser, strg) get_table(browser, :text, strg, desc) end def get_table_headers(table, header_index = 1) headers = headers['index'] = headers['name'] = count = 1 table[header_index].each do |cell| if cell.text.length > 0 name = cell.text.gsub(/\s+/, ' ') headers['index'][count] = name headers['name'][name] = count end count += 1 end #debug_to_log("#{__method__}:****** headers:\n#{headers.to_yaml}") headers rescue failed_to_log("Unable to get content headers. '#{$!}'") end def get_element(browser, element, how, what, value = nil) target = nil what = unless how == :index or what.is_a?(Regexp) case element when :link target =, what) when :button target = browser.button(how, what) when :div target = browser.div(how, what) when :checkbox target = browser.checkbox(how, what, value) when :text_field, :textfield target = browser.text_field(how, what) when :image target = browser.image(how, what) when :file_field, :filefield target = browser.file_field(how, what) when :form target = browser.form(how, what) when :frame target = browser.frame(how, what) when :radio target =, what, value) when :span target = browser.span(how, what) when :table target = browser.table(how, what) when :li target =, what) when :select_list, :selectlist target = browser.select_list(how, what) when :hidden target = browser.hidden(how, what) when :area target = browser.area(how, what) end if target.exists? target else nil end rescue => e if not rescue_me(e, __method__, "browser.#{element}(#{how}, '#{what}')", "#{browser.class}", target) raise e end end def get_objects(browser, which, dbg=false) cnt = 0 case which when :links list = browser.links sleep(1) when :tables list = browser.tables when :divs list = browser.divs when :buttons list = browser.buttons when :checkboxes list = browser.checkboxes when :radios list = browser.radios when :selectlists list = browser.selectlists when :textfields list = browser.textfields when :lis list = browser.lis else debug_to_log("Unrecognized dom object '#{which}'") end if dbg list.each do |obj| cnt += 1 debug_to_log("\n==========#{which}:\nindex: #{cnt}\n#{obj}\n#{obj.to_yaml}") end end list end def get_ole(element) ole = element.ole_object if ole passed_to_log("Found ole_object for #{element}.") ole else failed_to_log("Did not find ole_object for #{element}.") end rescue failed_to_log("Unable to find ole_object for #{element}. #{$!}") end def find_all_links_with_exact_href(browser, href) links = browser.links hash = idx = 0 links.each do |l| idx += 1 an_href = href my_href = l.href if my_href == an_href hash[idx] = l debug_to_log("#{__method__}:#{idx}\n********\n#{l.to_s}\n\n#{l.to_yaml}") end end hash end def find_link_with_exact_href(browser, href) links = browser.links link = nil index = 0 links.each do |l| index += 1 an_href = href my_href = l.href if my_href == an_href link = l # debug_to_log("#{__method__}:#{__LINE__}\n********\n#{l.to_s}\n\n#{l.to_yaml}") break end end link end def find_index_for_object(browser, obj, how, ord, strg) obj_sym = (obj.to_s.pluralize).to_sym how_str = how.to_s ptrn = /#{how}:\s+#{strg}/i list = get_objects(browser, obj_sym, true) cnt = 0 idx = 0 list.each do |nty| s = nty.to_s # a = nty.to_a if s =~ ptrn cnt += 1 if cnt == ord break end end idx += 1 end idx end end end end