require "freno/client" require "freno/throttler/errors" require "freno/throttler/mapper" require "freno/throttler/instrumenter" require "freno/throttler/circuit_breaker" module Freno # Freno::Throttler is the class responsible for throttling writes to a cluster # or a set of clusters. Throttling means to slow down the pace at which write # operations occur by checking with freno whether all the clusters affected by # the operation are in good health before allowing it. If any of the clusters # is not in good health, the throttler will wait some time and repeat the # process. # # Examples: # # Let's use the following throttler, which uses Mapper::Identity implicitly. # (see #initialze docs) # # ``` # throttler = freno_client, app: :my_app) # data.find_in_batches do |batch| # throttler.throttle([:mysqla, :mysqlb]) do # update(batch) # end # end # ``` # # Before each call to `update(batch)` the throttler will call freno to # check the health of the `mysqla` and `mysqlb` stores on behalf of :my_app; # and sleep if any of the stores is not ok. # class Throttler DEFAULT_WAIT_SECONDS = 0.5 DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_SECONDS = 10 attr_accessor :client, :app, :mapper, :instrumenter, :circuit_breaker, :wait_seconds, :max_wait_seconds # Initializes a new instance of the throttler # # In order to initialize a Throttler you need the following arguments: # # - a `client`: a instance of Freno::Client # # - an `app`: a symbol indicating the app-name for which Freno will respond # checks. # # Also, you can optionally provide the following named arguments: # # - `:mapper`: An object that responds to `call(context)` and returns a # `Enumerable` of the store names for which we need to wait for # replication delay. By default this is the `IdentityMapper`, which will # check the stores given as context. # # For example, if the `throttler` object used the default mapper: # # ``` # throttler.throttle(:mysqlc) do # update(batch) # end # ``` # # - `:instrumenter`: An object that responds to # `instrument(event_name, context = {}, &block)` that can be used to # add cross-cutting concerns like logging or stats to the throttler. # # By default, the instrumenter is `Instrumenter::Noop`, which does # nothing but yielding the block it receives. # # - `:circuit_breaker`: An object responding to `allow_request?`, # `success`, and `failure?`, compatible with `Resilient::CircuitBreaker` # (see # # By default, the circuit breaker is `CircuitBreaker::Noop`, which # always allows requests, and does not provide resiliency guarantees. # # - `:wait_seconds`: A positive float indicating the number of seconds the # throttler will wait before checking again, in case some of the stores # didn't catch-up the last time they were check. # # - `:max_wait_seconds`: A positive float indicating the maxium number of # seconds the throttler will wait in total for replicas to catch-up # before raising a `WaitedTooLong` error. # def initialize(client: nil, app: nil, mapper: Mapper::Identity, instrumenter: Instrumenter::Noop, circuit_breaker: CircuitBreaker::Noop, wait_seconds: DEFAULT_WAIT_SECONDS, max_wait_seconds: DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_SECONDS) @client = client @app = app @mapper = mapper @instrumenter = instrumenter @circuit_breaker = circuit_breaker @wait_seconds = wait_seconds @max_wait_seconds = max_wait_seconds yield self if block_given? validate_args end # This method receives a context to infer the set of stores that it needs to # throttle writes to. # # With that information it asks freno whether all the stores are ok. # In case they are, it executes the given block. # Otherwise, it waits `wait_seconds` before trying again. # # In case the throttler has waited more than `max_wait_seconds`, it raises # a `WaitedTooLong` error. # # In case there's an underlying Freno error, it raises a `ClientError` # error. # # In case the circuit breaker is open, it raises a `CircuitOpen` error. # # this method is instrumented, the instrumenter will receive the following # events: # # - "throttler.called" each time this method is called # - "throttler.succeeded" when the stores were ok, before yielding the block # - "throttler.waited" when the stores were not ok, after waiting # `wait_seconds` # - "throttler.waited_too_long" when the stores were not ok, but the # thottler already waited at least `max_wait_seconds`, right before # raising `WaitedTooLong` # - "throttler.freno_errored" when there was an error with freno, before # raising `ClientError`. # - "throttler.circuit_open" when the circuit breaker does not allow the # next request, before raising `CircuitOpen` # def throttle(context = nil) store_names = instrument(:called, store_names: store_names) waited = 0 while true do # rubocop:disable Lint/LiteralInCondition unless circuit_breaker.allow_request? instrument(:circuit_open, store_names: store_names, waited: waited) raise CircuitOpen end if all_stores_ok?(store_names) instrument(:succeeded, store_names: store_names, waited: waited) circuit_breaker.success return yield end wait waited += wait_seconds instrument(:waited, store_names: store_names, waited: waited, max: max_wait_seconds) if waited > max_wait_seconds instrument(:waited_too_long, store_names: store_names, waited: waited, max: max_wait_seconds) circuit_breaker.failure raise waited, max_wait_seconds: max_wait_seconds) end end end private def validate_args errors = [] %i(client app mapper instrumenter circuit_breaker wait_seconds max_wait_seconds).each do |argument| errors << "#{argument} must be provided" unless send(argument) end unless max_wait_seconds > wait_seconds errors << "max_wait_seconds (#{max_wait_seconds}) has to be greather than wait_seconds (#{wait_seconds})" end raise"\n")) if errors.any? end def all_stores_ok?(store_names) store_names.all? do |store_name| client.check?(app: app, store_name: store_name) end rescue Freno::Error => e instrument(:freno_errored, store_names: store_names, error: e) circuit_breaker.failure raise end def wait sleep wait_seconds end def instrument(event_name, payload = {}, &block) instrumenter.instrument("throttler.#{event_name}", payload, &block) end end end