module Authorizme module ActsAsAuthorizme extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do end module ClassMethods def acts_as_authorizme # Load bcrypt-ruby only when acts_as_authorizme is called. Need for password digest gem 'bcrypt-ruby', '~> 3.0.0' require 'bcrypt' # Relations belongs_to :role, :class_name => "Authorizme::UserRole", :foreign_key => "user_role_id" belongs_to :origin_provider, :class_name => "Authorizme::UserProvider" has_many :providers, :class_name => "Authorizme::UserProvider" has_many :synchronize_requests, :class_name => "Authorizme::SynchronizeRequest" attr_reader :password attr_accessible :first_name, :last_name, :image_url, :email, :password, :password_confirmation # Validations validates_confirmation_of :password validates_presence_of :password_digest, :if => :has_not_provider? validates_presence_of :email, :on => :create, :if => :has_not_provider? validates_uniqueness_of :email, :if => :has_not_provider? # Filters before_create :set_default_role scope :with_role, joins(:role) include InstanceMethodsOnActivation if respond_to?(:attributes_protected_by_default) def self.attributes_protected_by_default super + ['password_digest'] end end def method_missing(meth, *args, &block) if meth.to_s =~ /^authenticate_with_(.+)$/ run_authenticate_with_provider($1, *args, &block) else super end end protected # authorize # Finds or creates user provider and creates or updates user with social data # => Attributes # *provider* provider name, e.g. facebook. Default in gem draugiem, twitter, facebook # From args: # *social_id* social network user identity number # *attributes* attributes from social nettwork. Can be set: first_name, last_name, image_url # *token* token # *secret* secret # def run_authenticate_with_provider provider, *args, &block social_id = args[0] attributes = args[1] token = args[2] secret = args[3] user_provider = Authorizme::UserProvider.find_or_initialize_by_social_id_and_provider_type(social_id.to_s, provider) user_provider.token = token user_provider.secret = secret if secret! self.create_or_update_by_provider user_provider, attributes end def create_or_update_by_provider provider, attributes unless provider.user provider.user = provider.user.origin_provider = provider provider.user.has_provider = true! provider.origin_user = provider.user provider.user end provider.user.has_provider = true provider.user.attributes = attributes!! provider.user end end end module InstanceMethodsOnActivation # Returns self if the password is correct, otherwise false. def authenticate(unencrypted_password) if password_digest && == unencrypted_password self else false end end # Encrypts the password into the password_digest attribute. def password=(unencrypted_password) @password = unencrypted_password unless unencrypted_password.blank? self.password_digest = BCrypt::Password.create(unencrypted_password) end end def has_not_provider? !self.has_provider end def has_synchronize_request? self.synchronize_requests.status_new.any? end def synchronize other_user other_user.providers.each do |other_provider| other_provider.update_attributes({user: self}) end on_synchronized other_user end def to_s "#{self.first_name} #{self.last_name}" end private def on_synchronized old_user end def set_default_role new_role = Authorizme::UserRole.find(:first) self.role = new_role if new_role end end end end ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, Authorizme::ActsAsAuthorizme