index > juli formatting > \{!photo(macro)}
photo - embed photo in juli-wiki-text with minimum maintenance cost
\\{photo path}
Juli photo macro is designed to minimize maintenance cost
to embed photo in Juli wiki textfile under Unix/Linux environment.
This has the following features:
1. small photo embed in juli wiki.
1. show large photo by clicking the small photo.
1. eliminate Exif information
1. protect private photo from internet access; only photos called
by this macro are allowed public access.
1. (TBD) link to Google map by photo's GPS info.
== How to use
\{photo 2012-04-22/DCIM/101_PANA/P1010441.JPG}
When I visited the ruins of Hachioji-Castle in Japan,
I saw many beautiful statues of Buddha.
Here is one of them.
will be:
\{photo 2012-04-22/DCIM/101_PANA/P1010441.JPG}
When I visited the ruins of Hachioji-Castle in Japan,
I saw many beautiful statue of Buddha.
Here is one of them.
In general, in Juli wiki text, write as follows:
\{photo a/b/c.jpg}
Where, a/b/c.jpg is a relative-path of the photo file from 'mount'
directory (see 'setup' section below).
As you see this example, by clicking this small photo,
you can see large photo.
These features are done by this macro.
== Architecture
Following figure shows the architecture of photo macro
and the step how it is interpreted by juli.
* 'output_top' above is the juli configuration parameter specified in .juli/config
for HTML generated document top directory.
See juli(1) and/or tutorial.
* 'photo.mount' above is new configuration parameter introduced in this macro
for all of your photo master file directory which may include
some private photos. Of course, only photos you specify in
\\{photo ...} macro are copied to public_photo as above figure shows.
See 'Setup' section below.
== Setup
1. Decide one location of directory of all of your photos
on the same file system.
We call it 'mount' directory in this macro.
Maintenace of the mount directory is up to you.
If you have several directories, create one directory, and
move the directories under it or symlink to each.
1. In .juli/config, setup photo related entries like the followings:
mount: /home/wells/photo
width: 512
style: '...'
width: 1024
Where, each key means as follows:
Top directory of photos.
It is usually photo master file directory, photo uploade directory, or
SD-card back-up directory on your PC.
It SHOULD be NON-PUBLIC directory to protect annonymous
access from web.
It SHOULD NOT be under JULI_REPO because any files except wikipage
under JULI_REPO are copied to output_top ( = public).
Relative path can be used, which is relative from JULI_REPO, not
from .juli/config.
Example: /home/wells/photo
small photo related configurations. See below for the detail.
Small photo's width you like.
Default is 512 pixel.
Small photo's style sheet.
'img.juli_photo_small' entry in the
doc/.juli/sourceforge.html file (in this package) is one of the example.
large photo related configurations. See below for the detail.
Large photo's width you like.
Default is 1024 pixel.
(Note: there is no configuration now)
Please see doc/.juli/config and test/repo/.juli/config in this package
for the example.
This setup is one-shot task.
== Maintenance
When you add photo, just sync (by e.g. rsync) your photo SD card and
'mount' directory.
== Security
1. When you set 'mount', it SHOULD be out-of-url so that any photo
under the 'mount' cannot be accessed via internet.
1. Only photo referring by this macro can be accessed via internet.
== File permission
The following permission is required on juli(1):
* write permission on output_top/public_photo/ directory.
Where, output_top is the directory for generated HTML
specified at .juli/config.
* read permission under 'mount' directory.
== Example
=== Juli document case
This document's \\{photo} macro setup is as follows:
mount: ../sample/protected_photo/
width: 200
style: 'float: right'
index > juli formatting > \{!photo(macro)}