= Agnostic Application Generators (padrino-gen) === Overview Padrino comes preloaded with flexible code generators powered in part by the excellent Thor gem (incidentally also used in the Rails 3 generators). These generators are intended to allow for easy code generation both in creating new applications and building on existing ones. The generators have been built to be as library agnostic as possible, supporting a myriad of test frameworks, js libraries, mocking libraries, etc. See the wiki article for additional information: <...WIKI...> === Application Generator Padrino provides generator support for quickly creating new Padrino applications. This provides many benefits such as constructing the recommended Padrino application structure, auto-generating a Gemfile listing all starting dependencies and guidelines provided within the generated files to help orient a new user to using Padrino. One important feature of the generators is that they were built from the ground up to support a wide variety of tools, libraries and gems for use within your padrino application. This means that Padrino generators do *not* lock you into using any particular database, ORM, testing framework, templating engine or javascript library. In fact, when generating an application you can actually tell Padrino which components you would like to use! The usage for the project generator is quite simple: $ padrino-gen project <the_app_name> </path/to/create/app> --<component-name> <value> The simplest possible command to generate a base application would be: $ padrino-gen project demo_project This would construct a Padrino application DemoApp (which extends from Padrino::Application) inside the folder 'demo_project' at our current path. Inside the application there would be configuration and setup performed for the default components. You can also define specific components to be used: $ padrino-gen project demo_project --test rspec --renderer haml --mock rr --script jquery --orm datamapper There is also support for aliases for each component within the command: $ padrino-gen project demo_project -t rspec -r haml -m rr -s jquery -d datamapper You can also instruct the generator to skip a certain component to avoid using one at all (or to use your own): $ padrino-gen project demo_project --test none --renderer none The available components and their default options are listed below: test:: rspec (default), bacon, shoulda, testspec, riot renderer:: haml (default), erb mock:: none (default), rr script:: none (default), prototype, rightjs orm:: none (default), mongomapper, activerecord, sequel, couchrest The generator uses the <tt>bundler</tt> gem to resolve any application dependencies when the application is newly created. The necessary bundler command can be executed automatically through the generator with $ padrino-gen project demo_project --run_bundler # alias -b or this can be done manually through executing command <tt>gem bundle</tt> in the terminal at the root of the generated application. If not executed manually, the bundling will be performed automatically the first time the application attempts to boot. Note that this command only has to be performed when the application is first generated or when the Gemfile is modified. The generator framework within padrino is extensible and additional components and tools can be added easily. This would be achieved through forking our project and reading through the code in <tt>lib/generators/App.rb</tt> and the setup instructions inside the relevant files within <tt>lib/generators/components/</tt>. We are happy to accept pull requests for additional component types not originally included (although helping us maintain them would also be appreciated). === Sub App Generator Unlike other ruby frameworks Padrino is principally designed for mounting multiple apps at the same time. First you need to create a project $ padrino-gen project demo_project $ cd demo_project Now you are in demo_project and you can create your apps: $ padrino-gen app one $ padrino-gen app two By default these apps are mounted under: * /one * /two but you can edit config/apps.rb and change it. === Model Generator Padrino provides generator support for quickly creating new models within your Padrino application. Note that the models (and migrations) generated are specifically tailored towards the ORM component and testing framework chosen during application generation. Very important to note that model generators are intended primarily to work within applications created through the Padrino application generator and that follow Padrino conventions. Using model generators within an existing application not generated by Padrino will likely not work as expected. Using the model generator is as simple as: $ padrino-gen model User You can also specify desired fields to be contained within your User model: $ padrino-gen model User name:string age:integer email:string The model generator will create multiple files within your application and based on your ORM component. Usually the model file will generate files similar to the following: * model definition file [app/models/user.rb] * migration declaration [db/migrate/xxx_create_users.rb] * model unit test file [test/models/user_test.rb] You can define as many models as you would like in a Padrino application using this generator. You can destroy models that you created via the destroy option and setting it to true. default is false. $ padrino-gen model User -d This remove all created model files. === Migration Generator Padrino provides generator for quickly generating new migrations to change or manipulate the database schema. These migrations generated will be tailored towards the ORM chosen when generating the application. Very important to note that migration generators are intended primarily to work within applications created through the Padrino application generator and that follow Padrino conventions. Using migration generators within an existing application not generated by Padrino will likely not work as expected. Using the migration generator is as simple as: $ padrino-gen migration AddFieldsToUsers $ padrino-gen migration RemoveFieldsFromUsers You can also specify desired columns to be added to the migration file: $ padrino-gen migration AddFieldsToUsers last_login:datetime crypted_password:string $ padrino-gen migration RemoveFieldsFromUsers password:string ip_address:string The migration generator will then construct the migration file according to your ORM component chosen within <tt>db/migrate/xxx_add_fields_to_users.rb</tt> including the columns specified in the command. You can destroy migrations that you created via the destroy option and setting it to true. default is false. $ padrino-gen migration AddFieldsToUsers -d This removes the migration file. === Controller Generator Padrino provides generator support for quickly creating new controllers within your Padrino application. Note that the controller tests are generated specifically tailored towards the testing framework chosen during application generation. Very important to note that controller generators are intended primarily to work within applications created through the Padrino application generator and that follow Padrino conventions. Using the controller generator is as simple as: $ padrino-gen controller Admin If you want create a controller for a specified sub app you can: $ padrino-gen controller Admin -a my_sub_app You can also specify desired actions to be added to your controller: $ padrino-gen controller Admin get:index get:new post:create The controller generator will then construct the controller file within <tt>app/controllers/admin.rb</tt> and also a controller test file at <tt>test/controllers/admin_controller_test.rb</tt> according to the test framework chosen during app generation. A default route will also be generated mapping to name of the controller and the route name. For example: $ padrino-gen controller User get:index will create a url route for :index mapping to "/user/index" You can destroy controllers that you created via the destroy option and setting it to true. default is false. $ padrino-gen controller User -d This removes all created controller files. === Mailer Generator Padrino provides generator support for quickly creating new mailers within your Padrino application. Very important to note that mailer generators are intended primarily to work within applications created through the Padrino application generator and that follow Padrino conventions. Using the mailer generator is as simple as: $ padrino-gen mailer UserNotifier If you want create a mailer for a specified sub app you can: $ padrino-gen mailer UserNotifier -a my_sub_app You can also specify desired delivery actions to be added to the mailer: $ padrino-gen mailer UserNotifier confirm_account welcome inactive_account The mailer generator will then construct the mailer file within <tt>app/mailers/user_notifier.rb</tt> You can destroy mailer that you created via the destroy option and setting it to true. default is false. $ padrino-gen mailer UserNotifer -d This remove all created mailer files. == Copyright Copyright (c) 2010 Padrino. See LICENSE for details.