# frozen_string_literal: true
# This file is part of WhatWeb and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the WhatWeb
# web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
# http://www.morningstarsecurity.com/research/whatweb
WhatWeb::Plugin.define "ConnectUPS-X" do
@author = "Andrew Horton"
@version = "0.1"
@description = "The ConnectUPS-X Web/SNMP device allows you to connect various types of UPS directly to the Ethernet network and the Internet. It provides telnet, SSH, SNMP and a web interface"
@website = "http://powerquality.eaton.com/Products-services/Power-Management/Connectivity/connectups.asp"
# Default Password is 'admin'
# ShodanHQ results as at 2012-03-02 #
# 1,162 for UPS_Server/1.0
# Google results as at 2012-03-02 #
# 2 for intitle:"ConnectUPS" inurl:"PSummary.html"
# Dorks #
@dorks = [
'intitle:"ConnectUPS" inurl:"PSummary.html"'
# Matches #
@matches = [
# HTTP Server Header
{ text: "UPS_Server/1.0", search: "headers[server]" },
# Title
{ regexp: /
ConnectUPS (Web\/SNMP Card|SNMP\/WEB Adapter)<\/TITLE>/ },
# /PSummary.html # Model
{ url: "/PSummary.html", name: "UPS Model", model: /UPS Model<\/b><\/td>\s+([^<]+)/ },
# /PSummary.html # Firmware Version Detection
{ url: "/PSummary.html", name: "UPS Firmware version", firmware: /UPS Firmware version<\/b><\/td>\s+ | ([^<]+)/ },
{ url: "/PSummary.html", name: "Firmware Revision", firmware: /Firmware Revision<\/b><\/td>\s+ | |