require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Qa::Authorities::LinkedData::FindTerm do describe '#find' do let(:lod_oclc) { } let(:lod_loc) { } context 'basic parameter testing' do context 'with bad id' do before do stub_request(:get, '') .to_return(status: 404, body: '', headers: {}) end it 'raises a TermNotFound exception' do expect { lod_oclc.find('FAKE_ID') }.to raise_error Qa::TermNotFound, /.*\/FAKE_ID\ Not Found - Term may not exist at LOD Authority./ end end end context 'performance stats' do before do stub_request(:get, '') .to_return(status: 200, body: webmock_fixture('lod_oclc_term_found.rdf.xml'), headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/rdf+xml' }) end context 'when set to true' do let :results do lod_oclc.find('530369', request_header: { performance_data: true }) end it 'includes performance in return hash' do expect(results.keys).to match_array [:performance, :results] expect(results[:performance].keys).to match_array [:fetch_time_s, :normalization_time_s, :fetched_bytes, :normalized_bytes, :fetch_bytes_per_s, :normalization_bytes_per_s, :total_time_s] expect(results[:performance][:total_time_s]).to eq results[:performance][:fetch_time_s] + results[:performance][:normalization_time_s] end end context 'when set to false' do let :results do lod_oclc.find('530369', request_header: { performance_data: false }) end it 'does NOT include performance in return hash' do expect(results.keys).not_to include(:performance) end end context 'when using default setting' do let :results do lod_oclc.find('530369') end it 'does NOT include performance in return hash' do expect(results.keys).not_to include(:performance) end end end context 'response header' do before do stub_request(:get, '') .to_return(status: 200, body: webmock_fixture('lod_oclc_term_found.rdf.xml'), headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/rdf+xml' }) end context 'when set to true' do let :results do lod_oclc.find('530369', request_header: { response_header: true }) end it 'includes response header in return hash' do expect(results.keys).to match_array [:response_header, :results] expect(results[:response_header].keys).to match_array [:predicate_count] expect(results[:response_header][:predicate_count]).to eq 7 end end context 'when set to false' do let :results do lod_oclc.find('530369', request_header: { response_header: false }) end it 'does NOT include response header in return hash' do expect(results.keys).not_to include(:response_header) end end context 'when using default setting' do let :results do lod_oclc.find('530369') end it 'does NOT include response header in return hash' do expect(results.keys).not_to include(:response_header) end end end context 'in OCLC_FAST authority' do context 'term found' do let :results do stub_request(:get, '') .to_return(status: 200, body: webmock_fixture('lod_oclc_term_found.rdf.xml'), headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/rdf+xml' }) lod_oclc.find('530369') end it 'has correct primary predicate values' do expect(results[:uri]).to eq('') expect(results[:id]).to eq('530369') expect(results[:label]).to eq ['Cornell University'] expect(results[:altlabel]).to include('Ithaca (N.Y.). Cornell University', "Kornel\\xCA\\xB9skii universitet", "K\\xCA\\xBBang-nai-erh ta hs\\xC3\\xBCeh") expect(results[:altlabel].size).to eq 3 expect(results[:sameas]).to include('', '') end it 'has correct number of predicates in pred-obj list' do expect(results['predicates'].count).to eq 7 end it 'has primary predicates in pred-obj list' do expect(results['predicates']['']).to eq ['530369'] expect(results['predicates']['']).to eq ['Cornell University'] expect(results['predicates']['']) .to include('Ithaca (N.Y.). Cornell University', "Kornel\\xCA\\xB9skii universitet", "K\\xCA\\xBBang-nai-erh ta hs\\xC3\\xBCeh") expect(results['predicates']['']).to include('', '') end it 'has unspecified predicate values' do expect(results['predicates']['']).to eq [''] expect(results['predicates']['']) .to include('', '') expect(results['predicates']['']) .to include('Cornell University', 'Ithaca (N.Y.). Cornell University', "Kornel\\xCA\\xB9skii universitet", "K\\xCA\\xBBang-nai-erh ta hs\\xC3\\xBCeh") end context "ID in graph doesn't match ID in request URI" do before do stub_request(:get, '') .to_return(status: 200, body: webmock_fixture('lod_oclc_term_bad_id.nt'), headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/ntriples' }) end it 'raises DataNormalizationError' do expect { lod_oclc.find('530369') }.to raise_error Qa::DataNormalizationError, "Unable to extract URI based on ID: 530369" end end end end context 'in LOC authority' do context 'term found' do context 'when id requires special processing for in id' do before do stub_request(:get, '') .to_return(status: 200, body: webmock_fixture('lod_loc_term_found.rdf.xml'), headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/rdf+xml' }) end let(:results) { lod_loc.find('sh 85118553', request_header: { subauthority: 'subjects' }) } it 'has correct primary predicate values' do expect(results[:uri]).to eq '' expect(results[:uri]).to be_kind_of String expect(results[:id]).to eq 'sh 85118553' expect(results[:label]).to eq ['Science'] expect(results[:altlabel]).to include('Natural science', 'Science of science', 'Sciences') expect(results[:narrower]).to include('') expect(results[:narrower].first).to be_kind_of String end it 'has correct number of predicates in pred-obj list' do expect(results['predicates'].count).to eq 15 end it 'has primary predicates in pred-obj list' do expect(results['predicates']['']).to eq ['sh 85118553'] expect(results['predicates']['']).to eq ['Science'] expect(results['predicates']['']).to eq ['Science'] expect(results['predicates']['']).to include('Natural science', 'Science of science', 'Sciences') end it 'has loc mads predicate values' do expect(results['predicates']['']).to eq ['Q'] expect(results['predicates']['']) .to include('', '', '') expect(results['predicates']['']) .to include('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '') expect(results['predicates']['']) .to eq [''] expect(results['predicates']['']) .to eq ['headings beginning with the word [Scientific;] and subdivision [Science] under ethnic groups and individual wars, e.g. [World War, 1939-1945--Science]'] end it 'has more unspecified predicate values' do expect(results['predicates']['']).to include('', '', '') expect(results['predicates']['']).to include('info:lc/authorities/sh85118553', '') expect(results['predicates']['']) .to include('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '') expect(results['predicates']['']) .to eq ['headings beginning with the word [Scientific;] and subdivision [Science] under ethnic groups and individual wars, e.g. [World War, 1939-1945--Science]'] expect(results['predicates']['']).to eq [''] end end context 'when multiple requests are made' do before do stub_request(:get, '') .to_return(status: 200, body: webmock_fixture('lod_loc_term_found.rdf.xml'), headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/rdf+xml' }) stub_request(:get, '') .to_return(status: 200, body: webmock_fixture('lod_loc_second_term_found.rdf.xml'), headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/rdf+xml' }) end let(:results) { lod_loc.find('sh 85118553', request_header: { subauthority: 'subjects' }) } let(:second_results) { lod_loc.find('sh 1234', request_header: { subauthority: 'subjects' }) } it 'has correct primary predicate values for second request' do expect(results[:uri]).to eq '' expect(second_results[:uri]).to eq '' expect(second_results[:uri]).to be_kind_of String expect(second_results[:id]).to eq 'sh 1234' expect(second_results[:label]).to eq ['More Science'] expect(second_results[:altlabel]).to include('More Natural science', 'More Science of science', 'More Sciences') end end context 'when id does not have a ' do before do stub_request(:get, '') .to_return(status: 200, body: webmock_fixture('lod_loc_term_found.rdf.xml'), headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/rdf+xml' }) end let(:results_without_blank) { lod_loc.find('sh85118553', request_header: { subauthority: 'subjects' }) } it 'extracts correct uri' do expect(results_without_blank[:uri]).to eq '' end end context "ID in graph doesn't match ID in request URI" do before do stub_request(:get, '') .to_return(status: 200, body: webmock_fixture('lod_loc_term_bad_id.rdf.xml'), headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/rdf+xml' }) end it 'raises DataNormalizationError' do expect { lod_loc.find('sh85118553', request_header: { subauthority: 'subjects' }) }.to raise_error Qa::DataNormalizationError, "Unable to extract URI based on ID: sh85118553" end end context 'when alternate authority name is used to access loc' do before do stub_request(:get, '') .to_return(status: 200, body: webmock_fixture('lod_loc_term_found.rdf.xml'), headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/rdf+xml' }) allow(lod_loc.term_config).to receive(:authority_name).and_return('ALT_LOC_AUTHORITY') end let(:results) { lod_loc.find('sh 85118553', request_header: { subauthority: 'subjects' }) } it 'does special processing to remove blank from id' do expect(results[:uri]).to eq '' end end end end # rubocop:disable RSpec/NestedGroups describe "language processing" do context "when filtering #find result" do context "and lang NOT passed in" do context "and NO language defined in authority config" do context "and NO language defined in Qa config" do let(:lod_lang_no_defaults) { } let :results do stub_request(:get, "") .to_return(status: 200, body: webmock_fixture("lod_lang_term_enfr.rdf.xml"), headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/rdf+xml' }) lod_lang_no_defaults.find('') end before do Qa.config.default_language = [] end after do Qa.config.default_language = :en end it "is not filtered" do expect(results[:label]).to eq ['buttermilk', 'Babeurre'] expect(results[:altlabel]).to eq ['yummy', 'délicieux'] expect(results["predicates"][""]).to include("buttermilk", "Babeurre") expect(results["predicates"][""]).to include("yummy", "délicieux") end end context "and default_language is defined in Qa config" do let(:lod_lang_no_defaults) { } let :results do stub_request(:get, "") .to_return(status: 200, body: webmock_fixture("lod_lang_term_enfr.rdf.xml"), headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/rdf+xml' }) lod_lang_no_defaults.find('') end it "filters using Qa configured default for summary but not for predicates list" do expect(results[:label]).to eq ['buttermilk'] expect(results[:altlabel]).to eq ['yummy'] expect(results["predicates"][""]).to include("buttermilk", "Babeurre") expect(results["predicates"][""]).to include("yummy", "délicieux") end end end context "and language IS defined in authority config" do let(:lod_lang_defaults) { } let :results do stub_request(:get, "") .to_return(status: 200, body: webmock_fixture("lod_lang_term_enfr.rdf.xml"), headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/rdf+xml' }) lod_lang_defaults.find('') end it "filters using authority configured language for summary but not for predicates list" do expect(results[:label]).to eq ['Babeurre'] expect(results[:altlabel]).to eq ['délicieux'] expect(results["predicates"][""]).to include("buttermilk", "Babeurre") expect(results["predicates"][""]).to include("yummy", "délicieux") end end context "and multiple languages ARE defined in authority config" do let(:lod_lang_multi_defaults) { } let :results do stub_request(:get, "") .to_return(status: 200, body: webmock_fixture("lod_lang_term_enfrde.rdf.xml"), headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/rdf+xml' }) lod_lang_multi_defaults.find('') end it "filters using authority configured languages for summary but not for predicates list" do expect(results[:label]).to eq ['buttermilk', 'Babeurre'] expect(results[:altlabel]).to eq ['yummy', 'délicieux'] expect(results["predicates"][""]).to include("buttermilk", "Babeurre", "Buttermilch") expect(results["predicates"][""]).to include("yummy", "délicieux", "lecker") end end end context "and lang IS passed in" do let(:lod_lang_defaults) { } let :results do stub_request(:get, "") .to_return(status: 200, body: webmock_fixture("lod_lang_term_enfr.rdf.xml"), headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/rdf+xml' }) lod_lang_defaults.find('', request_header: { language: 'fr' }) end it "is filtered to specified language" do expect(results[:label]).to eq ['Babeurre'] expect(results[:altlabel]).to eq ['délicieux'] expect(results["predicates"][""]).to include("buttermilk", "Babeurre") expect(results["predicates"][""]).to include("yummy", "délicieux") end end context "and result does not have altlabel" do let(:lod_lang_defaults) { } let :results do stub_request(:get, "") .to_return(status: 200, body: webmock_fixture("lod_lang_term_enfr_noalt.rdf.xml"), headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/rdf+xml' }) lod_lang_defaults.find('', request_header: { language: 'fr' }) end it "is filtered to specified language" do expect(results[:label]).to eq ['Babeurre'] expect(results["predicates"][""]).to include("buttermilk", "Babeurre") end end context "when replacement on authority term URL" do context "and using default" do let(:lod_lang_param) { } let :results do stub_request(:get, "") .to_return(status: 200, body: webmock_fixture("lod_lang_term_en.rdf.xml"), headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/rdf+xml' }) lod_lang_param.find('') end it "is correctly parsed" do expect(results[:label]).to eq ['buttermilk'] expect(results[:altlabel]).to eq ['yummy'] expect(results["predicates"][""]).to eq ['buttermilk'] expect(results["predicates"][""]).to eq ['yummy'] end end context "and lang specified" do let(:lod_lang_param) { } let :results do stub_request(:get, "") .to_return(status: 200, body: webmock_fixture("lod_lang_term_fr.rdf.xml"), headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/rdf+xml' }) lod_lang_param.find('', request_header: { replacements: { 'lang' => 'fr' } }) end it "is correctly parsed" do expect(results[:label]).to eq ['Babeurre'] expect(results[:altlabel]).to eq ['délicieux'] expect(results["predicates"][""]).to eq ['Babeurre'] expect(results["predicates"][""]).to eq ['délicieux'] end end end end end # rubocop:enable RSpec/NestedGroups end def term_config(authority_name) end end