require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' describe "Firefly" do include Rack::Test::Methods def app @@app end describe "/" do it "should respond ok" do get '/' last_response.should be_ok end end describe "Url" do before(:each) do @url = Firefly::Url.create(:url => '', :code => 'alpha') end it "should set a created_at timestamp" do @url.created_at.should_not be_nil end it "should have a visit count of 0 by default" do @url.visits.should eql(0) end it "should increase visits when calling visit!" do lambda { @url.visit! }.should change(@url, :visits).by(1) end end describe "adding a URL" do it "should be okay adding a new URL" do post '/api/add', :url => '', :api_key => 'test' last_response.should be_ok end it "should return the shortened URL" do post '/api/add', :url => '', :api_key => 'test' url = Firefly::Url.first(:url => "") last_response.body.should eql("{url.code}") end it "should return a 401 on a wrong API key" do post '/api/add', :url => '', :api_key => 'false' last_response.status.should eql(401) end it "should create a new Firefly::Url" do lambda { post '/api/add', :url => '', :api_key => 'test' }.should change(Firefly::Url, :count).by(1) end it "should not create the same Firefly::Url twice" do post '/api/add', :url => '', :api_key => 'test' lambda { post '/api/add', :url => '', :api_key => 'test' }.should_not change(Firefly::Url, :count).by(1) end end describe "Base62 encoding/decoding" do [ [ 1, "1"], [ 10, "a"], [ 61, "Z"], [ 62, "10"], [ 63, "11"], [ 124, "20"], [200000000, "dxb8s"] ].each do |input, output| it "should encode #{input} correctly to #{output}" do Firefly::Base62.encode(input).should eql(output) end it "should decode correctly" do Firefly::Base62.decode(output).should eql(input) end end end describe "getting information" do before(:each) do @created_at = @url = Firefly::Url.create(:url => '', :code => 'alpha', :visits => 69, :created_at => @created_at) end it "should work" do get '/api/info/alpha', :api_key => "test" last_response.should be_ok end it "should show the visit count" do get '/api/info/alpha', :api_key => "test" last_response.body.should match(/69/) end it "should show the short URL" do get '/api/info/alpha', :api_key => "test" last_response.body.should match(/alpha/) end it "should show the shortened at time" do get '/api/info/alpha', :api_key => "test" last_response.body.should match(/#{@created_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")}/) end it "should show the full URL" do get '/api/info/alpha', :api_key => "test" last_response.body.should match(/http:\/\/\/123/) end it "should validate API permissions" do get '/api/info/alpha', :api_key => false last_response.status.should be(401) end end describe "redirecting" do it "should redirect to the original URL" do fake = Firefly::Url.create(:url => '', :code => 'alpha') get '/alpha' follow_redirect! last_request.url.should eql('') end it "should increase the visits counter" do fake = Firefly::Url.create(:url => '', :code => 'alpha') Firefly::Url.should_receive(:decode).and_return(fake) lambda { get '/alpha' }.should change(fake, :visits).by(1) end it "should redirect with a 301 Permanent redirect" do fake = Firefly::Url.create(:url => '', :code => 'alpha') get '/alpha' last_response.status.should eql(301) end it "should throw a 404 when the code is unknown" do get '/some_random_code_that_does_not_exist' last_response.status.should eql(404) end end end