module Pageflow class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base include Resque::Mailer def invitation(options) # Different versions of resque_mailer either pass: # # - Hash with string keys (<= 2.4.0) # - Hash with symbol keys (2.4.1) # - Hash with both string and symbol keys (2.4.2) # - HashWithIndifferentAccess (2.4.3) # # Symbolize keys to support 2.4.1, but do not use bang version # (i.e. `smbolize_keys!`) since that is not supported by # HashWithIndifferentAccess. options = options.symbolize_keys @user = User.find(options[:user_id]) @password_token = options[:password_token] I18n.with_locale(@user.locale) do headers('X-Language' => I18n.locale) mail(to:, subject: t('.subject'), from: Pageflow.config.mailer_sender) end end end end