require 'fileutils' require 'zip/zip' require 'English' When /^I move to the app directory$/ do @previous_dir = Dir.pwd Dir.chdir(@app_dir) end When /^I reset the working directory$/ do Dir.chdir(@previous_dir) end Given /^an app directory "(.*?)" exists$/ do |app_dir| @app_dir = app_dir FileUtils.rm_rf(@app_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@app_dir) end Given /^an app is created in directory "(.*?)"$/ do |app_dir| steps %( Given an app directory "#{app_dir}" exists And I run "zat new" command with the following details: | author name | John Citizen | | author email | | | author url | | | app name | John Test App | | app dir | #{app_dir} | ) end When /^I run "(.*?)" command with the following details:$/ do |cmd, table| IO.popen(cmd, 'w+') do |pipe| # [ ['parameter name', 'value'] ] table.raw.each do |row| pipe.puts row.last end pipe.close_write @output = pipe.readlines @output.each { |line| puts line } end end When /^I create a symlink from "(.*?)" to "(.*?)"$/ do |src, dest| @link_destname = File.basename(dest) # create a symlink FileUtils.ln_s(src, dest) end When /^I run the command "(.*?)" to (validate|package|clean) the app$/ do |cmd, _action| IO.popen(cmd, 'w+') do |pipe| pipe.puts "\n" pipe.close_write @output = pipe.readlines @output.each { |line| puts line } end end Then /^the app file "(.*?)" is created with:$/ do |file, content|' ', '').should == content.gsub(' ', '') end Then /^the app file "(.*?)" is created$/ do |filename| File.exist?(filename).should be_truthy end Then /^the fixture "(.*?)" is used for "(.*?)"$/ do |fixture, app_file| fixture_file = File.join('features', 'fixtures', fixture) app_file_path = File.join(@app_dir, app_file) FileUtils.cp(fixture_file, app_file_path) end Then /^the zip file should exist in directory "(.*?)"$/ do |path| Dir[path + '/app-*.zip'].size.should == 1 end Given /^I remove file "(.*?)"$/ do |file| File.delete(file) end Then /^the zip file in "(.*?)" folder should not exist$/ do |path| expect(Dir[path + '/app-*.zip'].size).to eq 0 end Then /^it should pass the validation$/ do @output.last.should =~ /OK/ $CHILD_STATUS.should == 0 end Then /^the command output should contain "(.*?)"$/ do |output| @output.join.should =~ /#{output}/ end Then /^"(.*?)" should be a symlink$/ do |path| File.symlink?(path).should be_truthy end Then /^the zip file in "(.*?)" should not contain any symlinks$/ do |path| Zip::ZipFile.foreach Dir[path + '/app-*.zip'][0] do |p| p.symlink?.should be_falsy end end