# frozen_string_literal: true class Gem::RequestSet::Lockfile::Parser ### # Parses lockfiles def initialize(tokenizer, set, platforms, filename = nil) @tokens = tokenizer @filename = filename @set = set @platforms = platforms end def parse until @tokens.empty? do token = get case token.type when :section then @tokens.skip :newline case token.value when 'DEPENDENCIES' then parse_DEPENDENCIES when 'GIT' then parse_GIT when 'GEM' then parse_GEM when 'PATH' then parse_PATH when 'PLATFORMS' then parse_PLATFORMS else token = get until @tokens.empty? or peek.first == :section end else raise "BUG: unhandled token #{token.type} (#{token.value.inspect}) at line #{token.line} column #{token.column}" end end end ## # Gets the next token for a Lockfile def get(expected_types = nil, expected_value = nil) # :nodoc: token = @tokens.shift if expected_types and not Array(expected_types).include? token.type unget token message = "unexpected token [#{token.type.inspect}, #{token.value.inspect}], " + "expected #{expected_types.inspect}" raise Gem::RequestSet::Lockfile::ParseError.new message, token.column, token.line, @filename end if expected_value and expected_value != token.value unget token message = "unexpected token [#{token.type.inspect}, #{token.value.inspect}], " + "expected [#{expected_types.inspect}, " + "#{expected_value.inspect}]" raise Gem::RequestSet::Lockfile::ParseError.new message, token.column, token.line, @filename end token end def parse_DEPENDENCIES # :nodoc: while not @tokens.empty? and :text == peek.type do token = get :text requirements = [] case peek[0] when :bang then get :bang requirements << pinned_requirement(token.value) when :l_paren then get :l_paren loop do op = get(:requirement).value version = get(:text).value requirements << "#{op} #{version}" break unless peek.type == :comma get :comma end get :r_paren if peek[0] == :bang requirements.clear requirements << pinned_requirement(token.value) get :bang end end @set.gem token.value, *requirements skip :newline end end def parse_GEM # :nodoc: sources = [] while [:entry, 'remote'] == peek.first(2) do get :entry, 'remote' data = get(:text).value skip :newline sources << Gem::Source.new(data) end sources << Gem::Source.new(Gem::DEFAULT_HOST) if sources.empty? get :entry, 'specs' skip :newline set = Gem::Resolver::LockSet.new sources last_specs = nil while not @tokens.empty? and :text == peek.type do token = get :text name = token.value column = token.column case peek[0] when :newline then last_specs.each do |spec| spec.add_dependency Gem::Dependency.new name if column == 6 end when :l_paren then get :l_paren token = get [:text, :requirement] type = token.type data = token.value if type == :text and column == 4 version, platform = data.split '-', 2 platform = platform ? Gem::Platform.new(platform) : Gem::Platform::RUBY last_specs = set.add name, version, platform else dependency = parse_dependency name, data last_specs.each do |spec| spec.add_dependency dependency end end get :r_paren else raise "BUG: unknown token #{peek}" end skip :newline end @set.sets << set end def parse_GIT # :nodoc: get :entry, 'remote' repository = get(:text).value skip :newline get :entry, 'revision' revision = get(:text).value skip :newline type = peek.type value = peek.value if type == :entry and %w[branch ref tag].include? value get get :text skip :newline end get :entry, 'specs' skip :newline set = Gem::Resolver::GitSet.new set.root_dir = @set.install_dir last_spec = nil while not @tokens.empty? and :text == peek.type do token = get :text name = token.value column = token.column case peek[0] when :newline then last_spec.add_dependency Gem::Dependency.new name if column == 6 when :l_paren then get :l_paren token = get [:text, :requirement] type = token.type data = token.value if type == :text and column == 4 last_spec = set.add_git_spec name, data, repository, revision, true else dependency = parse_dependency name, data last_spec.add_dependency dependency end get :r_paren else raise "BUG: unknown token #{peek}" end skip :newline end @set.sets << set end def parse_PATH # :nodoc: get :entry, 'remote' directory = get(:text).value skip :newline get :entry, 'specs' skip :newline set = Gem::Resolver::VendorSet.new last_spec = nil while not @tokens.empty? and :text == peek.first do token = get :text name = token.value column = token.column case peek[0] when :newline then last_spec.add_dependency Gem::Dependency.new name if column == 6 when :l_paren then get :l_paren token = get [:text, :requirement] type = token.type data = token.value if type == :text and column == 4 last_spec = set.add_vendor_gem name, directory else dependency = parse_dependency name, data last_spec.dependencies << dependency end get :r_paren else raise "BUG: unknown token #{peek}" end skip :newline end @set.sets << set end def parse_PLATFORMS # :nodoc: while not @tokens.empty? and :text == peek.first do name = get(:text).value @platforms << name skip :newline end end ## # Parses the requirements following the dependency +name+ and the +op+ for # the first token of the requirements and returns a Gem::Dependency object. def parse_dependency(name, op) # :nodoc: return Gem::Dependency.new name, op unless peek[0] == :text version = get(:text).value requirements = ["#{op} #{version}"] while peek.type == :comma do get :comma op = get(:requirement).value version = get(:text).value requirements << "#{op} #{version}" end Gem::Dependency.new name, requirements end private def skip(type) # :nodoc: @tokens.skip type end ## # Peeks at the next token for Lockfile def peek # :nodoc: @tokens.peek end def pinned_requirement(name) # :nodoc: requirement = Gem::Dependency.new name specification = @set.sets.flat_map { |set| set.find_all(requirement) }.compact.first specification && specification.version end ## # Ungets the last token retrieved by #get def unget(token) # :nodoc: @tokens.unshift token end end