## Examples ActiveRecord is not required, but let me write an example for it. ```ruby ActsAsGit.configure do |config| config.email = 'test@test.com' config.username = 'testuser' end class Post < ActiveRecord::Base include ActsAsGit def self.repodir "posts" end def filename "#{self.id}_body.txt" end acts_as_git :body => self.instance_method(:filename) end # store post = Post.new # create the directory `self.repodir` if not exist, and init repo. post.body = 'content' post.save # save the content into the file of `#filename` post.get_commit => COMMIT_HASH_HOGE # load post = Post.first puts post.body => 'content' # history post.body = 'content2' post.is_changed? => true post.save post.is_changed? => false post.get_commit => COMMIT_HASH_FUGA puts post.body => 'content2' post.checkout(COMMIT_HASH_HOGE) puts post.body => 'content' ```