require 'open3' require 'shellwords' module Packer class Runner class CommandExecutionError < StandardError end def!(*args, quiet: false) cmd = Shellwords.shelljoin(args.flatten) status = 0 stdout = '' stderr = '' if quiet # Run without streaming std* to any screen stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(cmd) else # Run but stream as well as capture stdout to the screen # see: Open3.popen3(cmd) do |_std_in, std_out, std_err, thread| # read each stream from a new thread do until (raw = std_out.getc).nil? do stdout << raw $stdout.write raw.to_s end end do until (raw_line = std_err.gets).nil? do stderr << raw_line end end thread.join # don't exit until the external process is done status = thread.value end end # rubocop:disable Style/NumericPredicate raise unless status == 0 stdout # rubocop:enable Style/NumericPredicate end def self.exec!(*args) cmd = Shellwords.shelljoin(args.flatten) logger.debug "Exec'ing: #{cmd}, in: #{Dir.pwd}" Kernel.exec cmd end end end