import Accordions from "a11y-accordion-component"; import Dropdowns from "a11y-dropdown-component"; import Dialogs from "a11y-dialog-component"; import { screens } from "tailwindcss/defaultTheme" /** * Checks if a key is in the current viewport * * @param {('sm'|'md'|'lg'|'xl'|'2xl')} key - The key to check the screen size. * @returns {boolean} - Returns true if the screen size corresponds with the key */ const isScreenSize = (key) => { return window.matchMedia(`(min-width: ${screens[key]})`).matches; } /** * Create accordion from a component * * @param {HTMLElement} component - The component to be created * @return {void} */ const createAccordion = (component) => { const accordionOptions = {}; accordionOptions.isMultiSelectable = component.dataset.multiselectable !== "false"; accordionOptions.isCollapsible = component.dataset.collapsible !== "false"; // This snippet allows to change the OPEN data-attribute based on the current viewport // Just include the breakpoint where the different value will be applied from. // Ex: // data-open="false" data-open-md="true" Object.keys(screens).forEach((key) => { if (!isScreenSize(key)) { return; } const elementsToOpen = component.querySelectorAll(`[data-controls][data-open-${key}]`); elementsToOpen.forEach((elem) => { ( = elem.dataset[`open-${key}`.replace(/-([a-z])/g, (str) => str[1].toUpperCase())]) }) }) if (! { // when component has no id, we enforce to have it one = `accordion-${Math.random().toString(36).substring(7)}` } Accordions.render(, accordionOptions); } /** * Create dropdown from a component * * @param {HTMLElement} component - The component to be created * @return {void} */ const createDropdown = (component) => { const dropdownOptions = {}; dropdownOptions.dropdown =; dropdownOptions.hover = component.dataset.hover === "true"; dropdownOptions.isOpen = === "true"; dropdownOptions.autoClose = component.dataset.autoClose === "true"; // This snippet allows to disable the dropdown based on the current viewport // Just include the breakpoint where the different value will be applied from. // Ex: // data-disabled-md="true" const isDisabled = Object.keys(screens).some((key) => { if (!isScreenSize(key)) { return false; } return Boolean(component.dataset[`disabled-${key}`.replace(/-([a-z])/g, (str) => str[1].toUpperCase())]); }) if (isDisabled) { return } if (! { // when component has no id, we enforce to have it one = `dropdown-${Math.random().toString(36).substring(7)}` } const autofocus = component.dataset.autofocus; if (autofocus) { // set the focus to some inner element, use setTimeout hack due to waiting for element to display component.addEventListener("click", () => setTimeout(() => document.getElementById(autofocus).focus(), 0)); } const scrollToMenu = component.dataset.scrollToMenu === "true"; if (scrollToMenu) { // Auto scroll to show the menu on the viewport component.addEventListener("click", (event) => { const heightToScroll = component.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.scrollY + document.documentElement.clientTop; const isCollapsed ="aria-expanded") === "false"; if (isCollapsed) { return; } window.scrollTo({ top: heightToScroll, behavior: "smooth" }); }); } Dropdowns.render(, dropdownOptions); } /** * Create dialog from a component * * @param {HTMLElement} component - The component to be created * @return {void} */ const createDialog = (component) => { const { dataset: { dialog, ...attrs } } = component; // NOTE: due to some SR bugs we have to set the focus on the title // See discussion: // See further info: const setFocusOnTitle = (content) => { const heading = content.querySelector("[id^=dialog-title]") if (heading) { heading.setAttribute("tabindex", heading.getAttribute("tabindex") || -1) heading.focus(); } } const modal = new Dialogs(`[data-dialog="${dialog}"]`, { openingSelector: `[data-dialog-open="${dialog}"]`, closingSelector: `[data-dialog-close="${dialog}"]`, backdropSelector: `[data-dialog="${dialog}"]`, enableAutoFocus: false, onOpen: (params, trigger) => { setFocusOnTitle(params); window.focusGuard.trap(trigger); params.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("open.dialog")); }, onClose: (params) => { window.focusGuard.disable(); params.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("close.dialog")); }, // optional parameters (whenever exists the id, it will add the tagging) ...(Boolean(component.querySelector(`#dialog-title-${dialog}`)) && { labelledby: `dialog-title-${dialog}` }), ...(Boolean(component.querySelector(`#dialog-desc-${dialog}`)) && { describedby: `dialog-desc-${dialog}` }), // Add any other options passed via data-attributes ...attrs }); // attach all modals to the body, removing them from wherever are placed document.body.appendChild(modal.dialog) // in order to use the Dialog object somewhere else window.Decidim.currentDialogs = { ...window.Decidim.currentDialogs, [dialog]: modal } // NOTE: when a remote modal is open, the contents are empty // once they are in the DOM, we append the ARIA attributes // otherwise they could not exist yet // (this listener must be applied over 'document', not 'element') document.addEventListener("remote-modal:loaded", () => { const heading = modal.dialog.querySelector(`#dialog-title-${dialog}`) if (heading) { modal.dialog.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", `dialog-title-${dialog}`); setFocusOnTitle(modal.dialog) } if (modal.dialog.querySelector(`#dialog-desc-${dialog}`)) { modal.dialog.setAttribute("aria-describedby", `dialog-desc-${dialog}`); } }) } export { createAccordion, createDialog, createDropdown, Accordions, Dialogs, Dropdowns }