module Gecode class Model # Specifies an integer regexp that matches +regexp+ repeated between # +at_least+ and +at_most+ times (inclusive). If +at_most+ is # omitted then no upper bound is placed. If both +at_least+ and # +at_most+ are omitted then no bounds are placed. # # See Constraints::IntEnum::Extensional::RegexpConstraint for the # allowed syntax of +regexp+. def repeat(regexp, at_least = nil, at_most = nil) unless at_least.nil? or at_least.kind_of? Fixnum raise TypeError, "Expected the at_least argument to be a Fixnum, got #{at_least.class}" end unless at_most.nil? or at_most.kind_of?(Fixnum) raise TypeError, "Expected the at_most argument to be a Fixnum, got #{at_most.class}" end reg = Constraints::Util::Extensional.parse_regexp regexp if at_most.nil? if at_least.nil? reg.send '*' else reg.send('()', at_least) end else reg.send('()', at_least, at_most) end end # Matches +regexp+ repeated zero or one time (i.e. like '?' in normal # regexps). Produces the same result as calling # # repeat(regexp, 0, 1) def at_most_once(regexp) repeat(regexp, 0, 1) end # Matches +regexp+ repeated at least one time (i.e. like '+' in normal # regexps). Produces the same result as calling # # repeat(regexp, 1) def at_least_once(regexp) repeat(regexp, 1) end # Matches any of the specified +regexps+. def any(*regexps) regexps.inject( do |result, regexp| result | Constraints::Util::Extensional.parse_regexp(regexp) end end end module Constraints::Util::Extensional module_function # Parses a regular expression over the integer domain, returning # an instance of Gecode::REG . # # Pseudo-BNF of the integer regexp representation: # regexp ::= | | | # | [, ...] def parse_regexp(regexp) # Check the involved types. unless regexp.kind_of? Enumerable regexp = [regexp] end regexp.to_a.flatten.each do |element| unless element.kind_of?(Fixnum) or element.kind_of?(Gecode::Raw::REG) or element.kind_of?(TrueClass) or element.kind_of?(FalseClass) raise TypeError, "Can't translate #{element.class} into integer or boolean regexp." end end # Convert it into a regexp. internal_parse_regexp(regexp) end private # Recursively converts arg into an instance of Gecode::REG. It is # assumed that arg is of kind Gecode::Raw::REG, Fixnum, TrueClass, # FalseClass or Enumerable. def self.internal_parse_regexp(arg) case arg when Gecode::Raw::REG: arg when Fixnum: when TrueClass: when FalseClass: when Enumerable # Recursively convert the elements of the arg. arg.inject( do |regexp, element| regexp += internal_parse_regexp(element) end end end end end