Release notes for Kendo UI v2013.2.716
What's new
- Init method added to classes that didn't inherit one in the TypeScript definitions
- TypeScript 0.9 compatibility
- Android: Styling broken after theme switch
- Chart's pane doesn't apply background and border.
What's fixed
- An exception is thrown when kendo scripts are loaded in IE modal dialog.
- Opacity not working with the kendo.fx fade effect
- {wrap: false} not working for kendo.View
What's new
- Series aggregate function now receives group value (group date)
What's fixed
- Incorrect number of change events are raised when data is substitude via the data method and the old array is modified
What's new
- Strip literal symbols from the custom numeric format
What's fixed
- JS error when removing root-level items to HierarchicalDataSource nested in a kendo.observable object
What's fixed
- Avoid triggering multiple change events for nested observable objects.
What's new
- View's destroy method should destroy all children widgets.
What's new
- Series aggregate function now receives group value (group date)
What's new
- Performance optimizations for IE8 when validating multiple input elements
What's fixed
- zoomLevel is incorrectly detected in iframe in IE10.
- Popup do not position correctly in IE10 when in iframe.
What's fixed
- Disabled buttons have a hover effect in some themes
What's fixed
- Setting min/max value does not re-render view when custom template is defined
What's fixed
- Color pickers gain 1px height when expanded
What's new
- Add support for the HTML 5 form attribute
What's fixed
- Widget does not add selected option to the selected item
- Widget does not cascade when its value is 0
- Widget triggers filtering on Shift key
What's new
- User can provide custom comparer when performing sorting
- String sorting ignores case
What's new
- Add support for the HTML 5 form attribute
What's new
- Add support for the HTML 5 form attribute
What's new
- Add support for the HTML 5 form attribute
What's fixed
- Widget does not add selected option to the selected item
- Widget does not cascade when its value is 0
- The third cascaded DropDownList is enabled after selecting a value from the first DDL
What's new
- Add support for emails in the hyperlink dialog
- Improved layout and styling of ImageBrowser dialog
- Allow customization of color picker tools' palettes
- Toolbar button grouping
- Context-aware items in styles tool
- Convert Unicode characters to entities
- Floating toolbar
- Initialization from div[contentEditable]
- Paste from Word improvements
- Table editing tools
What's fixed
- Editor ImageBrowser MVC wrapper does not have a FileTypes property
- InsertHTML command does not persist selection in old IEs
- JS error when inserting paragraph before image in IE8
- destroy method is slow in a large DOM
- Selected font-family is not persisted when going to new paragraphs
- Editor is not working if nested in Window that is moved in the DOM
- The position cannot be set after an image if there is no text in older versions of IE
What's new
- User can provide custom comparer when performing sorting
- String sorting ignores case
What's fixed
- Grid Grouping drag n drop does not work correctly in RTL mode
- Cannot change the page when editing cell in IE9
- AntiXssEncoder in the web.config may cause parse errors in the Kendo UI MVC Grid client column templates
- Enter key should be pressed twice in batch edit mode in navigatable Grid, when consecutive rows are added
- Changed cell's red triangle indicator is not positioned properly when the cell is empty
- Filter menu dropdown lists icons are broken in IE7
- MultiSelect blurs on mousedown when keyboard navigation of the grid is enabled
- When define className option for the destroy command the default class is not included
- Hovered sort arrow disappears in Metro theme
What's fixed
- navigatable, selectable ListView throws an error when removing the items and adding a new one
What's fixed
- Link ending with sharp doesn't navigate.
- Templated items always close on click
- Menu doesn't open on second tap on the item in a touch-enabled browser
What's new
- Load data on open when autoBind option is false and initial values are set
- Add support for the HTML 5 form attribute
What's fixed
- Widget sets new observable array instead of modifying the existing one
What's new
- Add support for the HTML 5 form attribute
What's fixed
- Throws JavaScript expection on focus when group separator is empty string
- Widget allows pasting negative values in the middle of text
- Widget does not show correct decimal separator if current culture is different than en-US
What's fixed
- Splitter pane expand/collapse stops working after calling trigger("resize")
- Splitter does not ignore script tags used as pane siblings
- Inherited splitters do not bind to parent splitter resize events
What's fixed
- Creating new skin removes gradients
What's new
- Add support for the HTML 5 form attribute
What's fixed
- Tooltip callout is not positioned correctly in IE in some scenarios
What's new
- Allow manual update of indeterminate checkboxes through the updateIndeterminate method
- Improve performance of template rendering
What's fixed
- Keyboard support does not go past leaf nodes with set expanded flag
- JS error when adding root-level items to HierarchicalDataSource nested in a kendo.observable object
- CheckChildren: true triggers JS error when checking node without child checkboxes in sparse checkbox tree
- Server URLs are not processed when serializing items as datasource
- Initialization from arbitrary HTML elements yields a static tree
What's fixed
- Firefox 20+ can throw an error during asynchronous upload
- Focus state not clearly indicated
What's fixed
- The content configuration option cannot be decoratively bound
- Calling open on a closing window during animation leaves it in an invalid state
- Hitting escape during close animation triggers another close sequence