require 'pathname' require 'optparse' module Loops class CLI # Contains methods to parse startup options, bootstrap application, # and prepare #{CLI} class to run. # # @example # Loops::CLI.parse(ARGV) # module Options # @private def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods # Return a new {CLI} instance with the given arguments pre-parsed and # ready for execution. # # @param [Array] args # an +Array+ of options. # @return [CLI] # an instance of {CLI} with the given arguments pre-parsed. # def parse(args) cli = new(args) cli.parse_options! cli end end # @return [Hash] # The hash of (parsed) command-line options. attr_reader :options # @return [Engine] # The loops engine instance. attr_reader :engine # Returns an option parser configured with all options # available. # # @return [OptionParser] # an option parser instance. # def option_parser @option_parser ||= do |opt| opt.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($0)} command [arg1 [arg2]] [options]" opt.separator '' opt.separator COMMANDS_HELP opt.separator '' opt.separator 'Specific options:' opt.on('-c', '--config=file', 'Configuration file') do |config_file| options[:config_file] = config_file end opt.on('-d', '--daemonize', 'Daemonize when all loops started') do |value| options[:daemonize] = true end opt.on('-e', '--environment=env', 'Set RAILS_ENV (MERB_ENV) value') do |env| options[:environment] = env end opt.on('-f', '--framework=name', "Bootstraps Rails (rails - default value) or Merb (merb) before#{SPLIT_HELP_LINE}starting loops. Use \"none\" for plain ruby loops.") do |framework| options[:framework] = framework end opt.on('-l', '--loops=dir', 'Root directory with loops classes') do |loops_root| options[:loops_root] = loops_root end opt.on('-p', '--pid=file', 'Override loops.yml pid_file option') do |pid_file| options[:pid_file] = pid_file end opt.on('-r', '--root=dir', 'Root directory which will be used as a loops home dir (chdir)') do |root| options[:root] = root end opt.on('-Rlibrary', '--require=library', 'require the library before executing the script') do |library| require library end opt.on_tail("-h", '--help', 'Show this message') do puts(opt) exit(0) end end end # Parses startup options, bootstraps application, starts loops engine. # # Method exits process when unknown option passed or # invalid value specified. # # @return [Hash] # a hash of parsed options. # def parse_options! @options = { :daemonize => false, :config_file => 'config/loops.yml', :environment => nil, :framework => 'rails', :loops_root => 'app/loops', :pid_file => nil, :root => nil } begin option_parser.parse!(args) rescue OptionParser::ParseError => e STDERR.puts e.message STDERR << "\n" << option_parser exit end # Root directory guess_root_dir Loops.root = options.delete(:root) Dir.chdir(Loops.root) # Config file Loops.config_file = options.delete(:config_file) # Loops root Loops.loops_root = options.delete(:loops_root) extract_command! if options[:command].nil? || options[:command] == 'help' puts option_parser exit end bootstrap! start_engine! # Pid file Loops.pid_file = options.delete(:pid_file) @options end # Extracts command name from arguments. # # Other parameters are stored in the :args option # of the {#options} hash. # # @return [String] # a command name passed. # def extract_command! options[:command], *options[:args] = args options[:command] end # Detect the application root directory (contatining "app" # subfolder). # # @return [String] # absolute path of the application root directory. # def guess_root_dir # Check for environment variable LOOP_ROOT containing # the application root folder return options[:root] = ENV['LOOPS_ROOT'] if ENV['LOOPS_ROOT'] # Check root parameter return options[:root] if options[:root] # Try to detect root dir (should contain app subfolder) current_dir = Dir.pwd loop do if, 'app')) # Found it! return options[:root] = current_dir end # Move up the FS hierarhy pwd = File.expand_path(File.join(current_dir, '..')) break if pwd == current_dir # if changing the directory made no difference, then we're at the top current_dir = pwd end # Oops, not app folder found. Use the current dir as the root current_dir = Dir.pwd options[:root] = current_dir end # Application bootstrap. # # Checks framework option passed and load application # stratup files conrresponding to its value. Also intitalizes # the {Loops.default_logger} variable with the framework's # default logger value. # # @return [String] # the used framework name (rails, merb, or none). # @raise [InvalidFrameworkError] # occurred when unknown framework option value passed. # def bootstrap! case options[:framework] when 'rails' ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = options[:environment] if options[:environment] # Bootstrap Rails require Loops.root + 'config/boot' require Loops.root + 'config/environment' # Loops default logger Loops.default_logger = Rails.logger when 'merb' require 'merb-core' ENV['MERB_ENV'] = options[:environment] if options[:environment] # Bootstrap Merb Merb.start_environment(:adapter => 'runner', :environment => ENV['MERB_ENV'] || 'development') # Loops default logger Loops.default_logger = Merb.logger when 'none' then # Plain ruby loops Loops.default_logger =$stdout) else raise InvalidFrameworkError, "Invalid framework name: #{options[:framework]}. Valid values are: none, rails, merb." end options.delete(:environment) options.delete(:framework) end # Initializes a loops engine instance. # # Method loads and parses loops config file, and then # initializes pid file path. # # @return [Engine] # a loops engine instance. # def start_engine! # Start loops engine @engine = # If pid file option is not passed, get if from loops config ... unless options[:pid_file] ||= @engine.global_config['pid_file'] # ... or try Rails' tmp/pids folder ... options[:pid_file] = if Loops.root.join('tmp/pids').directory? 'tmp/pids/' else # ... or use global system pids folder '/var/run/' end end @engine end COMMANDS_HELP = <<-HELP Available commands: list List available loops (based on config file) start Start all loops except ones marked with disabled:true in config start loop1 [loop2] Start only loops specified stop Stop daemonized loops monitor stats Print loops memory statistics debug loop Debug specified loop help Show this message HELP SPLIT_HELP_LINE = "\n#{' ' * 37}" end end end