require 'quesadilla/version'
require 'quesadilla/html_renderer'
require 'quesadilla/extractor'

# Ruby library for entity-style text parsing. Quesadilla was extracted from [Cheddar](
module Quesadilla
  # Emphasis (italic) entity type
  ENTITY_TYPE_EMPHASIS = 'emphasis'.freeze

  # Double emphasis (bold) entity type
  ENTITY_TYPE_DOUBLE_EMPHASIS = 'double_emphasis'.freeze

  # Triple emphasis (bold italic) entity type
  ENTITY_TYPE_TRIPLE_EMPHASIS = 'triple_emphasis'.freeze

  # Strikethrough entity type
  ENTITY_TYPE_STRIKETHROUGH = 'strikethrough'.freeze

  # Code entity type
  ENTITY_TYPE_CODE = 'code'.freeze

  # Hashtag entity type
  ENTITY_TYPE_HASHTAG = 'hashtag'.freeze

  # Link entity type
  ENTITY_TYPE_LINK = 'link'.freeze

  # Extract entities from text
  # @param text the text to extract
  # @option options markdown_code [Boolean] Should extract Markdown code. Defaults to `true`.
  # @option options markdown_links [Boolean] Should extract Markdown links. Defaults to `true`.
  # @option options markdown_triple_emphasis [Boolean] Should extract Markdown triple emphasis (bold italic). Defaults to `true`.
  # @option options markdown_double_emphasis [Boolean] Should extract Markdown double emphasis (bold). Defaults to `true`.
  # @option options markdown_emphasis [Boolean] Should extract Markdown emphasis (italic). Defaults to `true`.
  # @option options markdown_strikethrough [Boolean] Should extract Markdown strikethrough. Defaults to `true`.
  # @option options hashtags [Boolean] Should extract hashtags. Defaults to `true`.
  # @option options autolinks [Boolean] Should automatically detect links. Defaults to `true`.
  # @option options emoji [Boolean] Should extract named emoji. Defaults to `true`.
  # @option options html [Boolean] Should generate HTML. Defaults to `true`.
  # @option options html_renderer [Class] class to use as HTML renderer. Defaults to `Quesadilla::HTMLRenderer`.
  # @return [Hash] hash containing the display text, html text, and entities
  def self.extract(text, options = {})