@announce Feature: Octal file listing As an interactive user or automated script The application should accept a list of files on the command line and return a sorted listing of files with octal file permissions because working with chmod is easier in octal Background: A bunch of files Given an empty file named "file2.txt" And file "file2.txt" is chmod 0644 Given an empty file named "file1.txt" And file "file1.txt" is chmod 0644 Scenario: No files on the command line When I run "oct" Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain: """ 0644 file1.txt 0644 file2.txt """ Scenario: Files on the command line When I run "oct file1*" Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain: """ 0644 file1.txt """ And the output should not contain: """ 0644 file2.txt """