# frozen_string_literal: true module GitlabQuality module TestTooling module TestMeta module Processor class AddToQuarantineProcessor < MetaProcessor QUARANTINE_METADATA = <<~META , %{indentation}quarantine: { %{indentation} issue: '%{issue_url}', %{indentation} type: %{quarantine_type} %{indentation}}%{suffix} META BRANCH_PREFIX = 'quarantine' class << self # Creates the merge requests to quarantine E2E tests # # @param [TestMetaUpdater] context instance of TestMetaUpdater def create_merge_requests(context) @context = context context.processed_commits.each_value do |record| branch, devops_stage, product_group, file = extract_data_from_record(record) mr_title = format("%{prefix} %{file}", prefix: '[E2E] QUARANTINE:', file: file).truncate(72, omission: '') gitlab_bot_user_id = context.user_id_for_username(Runtime::Env.gitlab_bot_username) merge_request = context.create_merge_request(mr_title, branch, gitlab_bot_user_id) do merge_request_description(record, devops_stage, product_group) end if merge_request Runtime::Logger.info(" Created MR for quarantine: #{merge_request.web_url}") record[:merge_request] = merge_request end end end # Performs post processing. Posts a list of MRs in a note on report_issue and Slack. # Also posts note on failure issues for un-quarantining of the quarantined # # @param [TestMetaUpdater] context instance of TestMetaUpdater def post_process(context) @context = context web_urls = context.processed_commits.values.map { |value| "- #{value[:merge_request].web_url}\n" }.join return if web_urls.empty? context.post_note_on_issue(mrs_created_note_for_report_issue(web_urls), context.report_issue) context.post_message_on_slack(mrs_created_message_for_slack(web_urls)) post_unquarantine_note_on_failure_issue end private attr_reader :context, :file_path, :file_contents, :failure_issue_url, :example_name, :mr_title, :failure_issue, :changed_line_no, :matched_lines # Checks if the failure issue is closed or if there is already an MR open # # @return [Boolean] def proceed_with_commit? # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize if context.issue_is_closed?(failure_issue) Runtime::Logger.info(" Failure issue '#{failure_issue_url}' is closed. Will not proceed with creating MR.") return false elsif context.commit_processed?(file_path, changed_line_no) Runtime::Logger.info(" Record already processed for #{file_path}:#{changed_line_no}. Will not proceed with creating MR.") return false elsif failure_is_related_to_test_environment? Runtime::Logger.info(" Failure issue '#{failure_issue_url}' is environment related. Will not proceed with creating MR.") return false elsif context.quarantined?(matched_lines, file_contents) Runtime::Logger.info(" This test is already in quarantine: #{file_path}:#{changed_line_no}. Will not proceed with creating MR.") return false end true end def failure_is_related_to_test_environment? context.issue_scoped_label(failure_issue, 'failure')&.split('::')&.last == 'test-environment' end def extract_data_from_record(record) first_spec = record[:commits].values.first [record[:branch], first_spec["stage"], first_spec["product_group"], first_spec["file"]] end # Posts note on failure issue to un-quarantine the test # def post_unquarantine_note_on_failure_issue context.processed_commits.each_value do |record| merge_request = record[:merge_request] next unless merge_request record[:commits].each_value do |spec| devops_stage = spec["stage"] product_group = spec["product_group"] failure_issue = spec["failure_issue"] next unless failure_issue note = context.post_note_on_issue(unquarantine_note_for_failure(spec, product_group, devops_stage, merge_request), failure_issue) Runtime::Logger.info(" Posted note on failure issue for un-quarantine: #{failure_issue}") if note end end end def merge_request_description(record, devops_stage, product_group) <<~MARKDOWN ## What does this MR do? Quarantines the following e2e tests: #{spec_details_from_commits(record[:commits])} This MR was created based on data from reliable e2e test report: #{context.report_issue} ### Check-list - [ ] General code guidelines check-list - [ ] [Code review guidelines](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/code_review.html) - [ ] [Style guides](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/contributing/style_guides.html) - [ ] Quarantine test check-list - [ ] Follow the [Quarantining Tests guide](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/infrastructure/test-platform/debugging-qa-test-failures/#quarantining-tests). - [ ] Confirm the test has a [`quarantine:` tag with the specified quarantine type](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/infrastructure/test-platform/debugging-qa-test-failures/#quarantined-test-types). - [ ] Note if the test should be [quarantined for a specific environment](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/testing_guide/end_to_end/execution_context_selection.html#quarantine-a-test-for-a-specific-environment). - [ ] (Optionally) In case of an emergency (e.g. blocked deployments), consider adding labels to pick into auto-deploy (~"Pick into auto-deploy" ~"priority::1" ~"severity::1"). - [ ] To ensure a faster turnaround, ask in the `#quality_maintainers` Slack channel for someone to review and merge the merge request, rather than assigning it directly. <!-- Base labels. --> /label ~"Quality" ~"QA" ~"type::maintenance" ~"maintenance::pipelines" <!-- Choose the stage that appears in the test path, e.g. ~"devops::create" for `qa/specs/features/browser_ui/3_create/web_ide/add_file_template_spec.rb`. --> /label ~"devops::#{devops_stage}" #{context.label_from_product_group(product_group)} <div align="center"> (This MR was automatically generated by [`gitlab_quality-test_tooling`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/ruby/gems/gitlab_quality-test_tooling) at #{Time.now.utc}) </div> MARKDOWN end def commit_message <<~COMMIT_MESSAGE Quarantine end-to-end test #{"Quarantine #{example_name}".truncate(72)} COMMIT_MESSAGE end def mrs_created_note_for_report_issue(web_urls) <<~ISSUE_NOTE The following merge requests have been created to quarantine the unstable tests: #{web_urls} ISSUE_NOTE end def unquarantine_note_for_failure(spec, product_group, devops_stage, merge_request) failure_issue_assignee_handle = get_failure_issue_assignee_handle(spec, product_group, devops_stage) <<~ISSUE_NOTE @#{failure_issue_assignee_handle} This test will be quarantined in #{merge_request.web_url} based on data from reliable e2e test report: #{context.report_issue} Please take this issue forward to un-quarantine the test by either addressing the issue yourself or delegating it to the relevant product group. If this issue is delegated, please make sure to update the assignee. Thanks. ISSUE_NOTE end def mrs_created_message_for_slack(web_urls) <<~MSG *Action Required!* The following merge requests have been created to quarantine the unstable tests identified in the reliable test report: #{context.report_issue} #{web_urls} Maintainers are requested to review and merge the above MRs. Thank you. MSG end def get_failure_issue_assignee_handle(spec, product_group, devops_stage) return spec["failure_issue_assignee_handle"] if spec["failure_issue_assignee_handle"] _, assignee_handle = context.fetch_dri_id(product_group, devops_stage, nil) assignee_handle end # Add quarantine metadata to the file content and replace it # # @return [Array<String, Integer>] first value holds the new content, the second value holds the line number of the test def add_metadata # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize @matched_lines = context.find_example_match_lines(file_contents, example_name) context.update_matched_line(matched_lines.last, file_contents.dup) do |line| indentation = context.indentation(line) if line.sub(DESCRIPTION_REGEX, '').include?(',') && line.split.last != 'do' line[line.rindex(',')] = format(QUARANTINE_METADATA.rstrip, issue_url: failure_issue_url, indentation: indentation, suffix: ',', quarantine_type: quarantine_type) else line[line.rindex(' ')] = format(QUARANTINE_METADATA.rstrip, issue_url: failure_issue_url, indentation: indentation, suffix: ' ', quarantine_type: quarantine_type) end line end end # Returns the quarantine type based on the failure scoped label # # @return [String] def quarantine_type case context.issue_scoped_label(failure_issue, 'failure')&.split('::')&.last when 'new', 'investigating' ':investigating' when 'broken-test' ':broken' when 'bug' ':bug' when 'flaky-test' ':flaky' when 'stale-test' ':stale' when 'test-environment' ':test_environment' else ':investigating' end end end end end end end end