# encoding: UTF-8 module Earthquake init do command :exit do stop end command :help do system 'less', File.expand_path('../../../README.md', __FILE__) end command :restart do puts 'restarting...' stop exec File.expand_path('../../../bin/earthquake', __FILE__) end command :eval do |m| ap eval(m[1]) end # update command %r|^[^:].*| do |m| async { twitter.update(m[0]) } if confirm("update '#{m[0]}'") end command %r|^:reply (\d+)\s+(.*)|, :as => :reply do |m| in_reply_to_status_id = m[1] target = twitter.status(in_reply_to_status_id) screen_name = target["user"]["screen_name"] text = "@#{screen_name} #{m[2]}" if confirm(["'@#{screen_name}: #{target["text"].u}'", "reply '#{text}'"].join("\n")) async { twitter.update(text, :in_reply_to_status_id => in_reply_to_status_id) } end end command :status do |m| # TODO: show reply to statuses puts_items twitter.status(m[1]).tap { |s| s["_detail"] = true } end command :delete do |m| # TODO: confirm async { twitter.status_destroy(m[1]) } end command :mentions do puts_items twitter.mentions end command :follow do |m| async { twitter.friend(m[1]) } end command :unfollow do |m| async { twitter.unfriend(m[1]) } end command :recent do puts_items twitter.home_timeline end command :recent do |m| puts_items twitter.user_timeline(:screen_name => m[1]) end command :user do |m| ap twitter.show(m[1]).slice(*%w(id screen_name name profile_image_url description url location time_zone lang protected)) end command :search do |m| puts_items twitter.search(m[1])["results"].each { |s| s["user"] = {"screen_name" => s["from_user"]} s["_disable_cache"] = true words = m[1].split(/\s+/).reject{|x| x[0] =~ /^-|^(OR|AND)$/ }.map{|x| case x when /^from:(.+)/, /^to:(.+)/ $1 else x end } s["_highlights"] = words } end command %r|^:retweet\s+(\d+)$|, :as => :retweet do |m| target = twitter.status(m[1]) if confirm("retweet 'RT @#{target["user"]["screen_name"]}: #{target["text"].e}'") async { twitter.retweet(m[1]) } end end command %r|^:retweet\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)$|, :as => :retweet do |m| target = twitter.status(m[1]) text = "#{m[2]} RT @#{target["user"]["screen_name"]}: #{target["text"].e} (#{target["id"]})" if confirm("unofficial retweet '#{text}'") async { twitter.update(text) } end end command :favorite do |m| async { twitter.favorite(m[1]) } end command :unfavorite do |m| async { twitter.unfavorite(m[1]) } end command :retweeted_by_me do puts_items twitter.retweeted_by_me end command :retweeted_to_me do puts_items twitter.retweeted_to_me end command :retweets_of_me do puts_items twitter.retweets_of_me end command :block do |m| async { twitter.block(m[1]) } end command :unblock do |m| async { twitter.unblock(m[1]) } end command :report_spam do |m| async { twitter.report_spam(m[1]) } end command :messages do puts_items twitter.messages.each { |s| s["user"] = {"screen_name" => s["sender_screen_name"]} s["_disable_cache"] = true } end command :sent_messages do puts_items twitter.sent_messages.each { |s| s["user"] = {"screen_name" => s["sender_screen_name"]} s["_disable_cache"] = true } end command %r|^:message (\w+)\s+(.*)|, :as => :message do |m| async { twitter.message(*m[1, 2]) } if confirm("message '#{m[2]}' to @#{m[1]}") end command :reconnect do reconnect end end end