#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'facter/util/ip' describe "ipaddress fact" do before do Facter.collection.internal_loader.load(:ipaddress) end context 'using `ifconfig`' do before :each do Facter.fact(:hostname).stubs(:value) end context "on Linux" do before :each do Facter.fact(:kernel).stubs(:value).returns("Linux") end def expect_ifconfig_parse(address, fixture) Facter::Util::IP.stubs(:exec_ifconfig).returns(my_fixture_read(fixture)) Facter.fact(:ipaddress).value.should == address end it "parses correctly on Ubuntu 12.04" do expect_ifconfig_parse "", "ifconfig_ubuntu_1204.txt" end it "parses correctly on Fedora 17" do expect_ifconfig_parse "", "ifconfig_net_tools_1.60.txt" end it "parses a real address over multiple loopback addresses" do expect_ifconfig_parse "", "ifconfig_multiple_127_addresses.txt" end it "parses nothing with a non-english locale" do expect_ifconfig_parse nil, "ifconfig_non_english_locale.txt" end end end context "on Windows" do require 'facter/util/wmi' require 'facter/util/registry' require 'facter/util/ip/windows' require 'facter_spec/windows_network' include FacterSpec::WindowsNetwork before :each do Facter.fact(:kernel).stubs(:value).returns(:windows) Facter.fact(:kernelrelease).stubs(:value).returns('6.1.7601') Facter::Util::Registry.stubs(:hklm_read).returns(nic_bindings) end it "should do what when VPN is turned on?" context "when you have no active network adapter" do it "should return nil if there are no active (or any) network adapters" do Facter::Util::WMI.expects(:execquery).with(Facter::Util::IP::Windows::WMI_IP_INFO_QUERY).returns([]) Facter::Core::Execution.stubs(:exec) Facter.value(:ipaddress).should == nil end end context "when you have one network adapter" do it "should return the ip address properly" do nic = given_a_valid_windows_nic_with_ipv4_and_ipv6 Facter::Util::WMI.expects(:execquery).returns([nic]) Facter.value(:ipaddress).should == ipAddress0 end end context "when you have more than one network adapter" do it "should return the ip of the adapter with the lowest IP connection metric (best connection)" do nics = given_two_valid_windows_nics_with_ipv4_and_ipv6 nics[:nic1].expects(:IPConnectionMetric).returns(5) Facter::Util::WMI.expects(:execquery).returns(nics.values) Facter.value(:ipaddress).should == ipAddress1 end it "should return the ip of the adapter with the lowest IP connection metric (best connection) that has ipv4 enabled" do nics = given_two_valid_windows_nics_with_ipv4_and_ipv6 nics[:nic1].expects(:IPConnectionMetric).returns(5) nics[:nic1].expects(:IPAddress).returns([ipv6Address1]) Facter::Util::WMI.expects(:execquery).returns(nics.values) Facter.value(:ipaddress).should == ipAddress0 end context "when the IP connection metric is the same" do it "should return the ip of the adapter with the lowest binding order" do nics = given_two_valid_windows_nics_with_ipv4_and_ipv6 Facter::Util::WMI.expects(:execquery).returns(nics.values) Facter.value(:ipaddress).should == ipAddress0 end it "should return the ip of the adapter with the lowest binding order even if the adapter is not first" do nics = given_two_valid_windows_nics_with_ipv4_and_ipv6 Facter::Util::WMI.expects(:execquery).returns(nics.values) Facter::Util::Registry.stubs(:hklm_read).returns(["\\Device\\#{settingId1}", "\\Device\\#{settingId0}" ]) Facter.value(:ipaddress).should == ipAddress1 end end end end end