require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe "Date Picker", :type => :request do describe "Create New", :js => true do before(:each) do visit new_schedule_path find("form").click #needed to set focus so events are picked up end it "is displayed when date field receives focus and hidden when date field loses focus" do find("#birthday").click page.should have_selector("#ui-datepicker-div", visible: true) find("#schedule_name").click page.should have_no_selector("#ui-datepicker-div", visible: true) end it "fills in the date field correctly and disappears when day is clicked" do curr_date = find("#birthday").click find("select.ui-datepicker-month").select("Jan") click_link("1") sleep 1 find("#birthday").value.should eq "01/01/#{curr_date.year}" end describe "optional formats" do it "fills in the date field with the full month name when day is clicked" do curr_date = find("#christmas").click find("select.ui-datepicker-month").select("Dec") click_link("25") sleep 1 find("#christmas").value.should eq "December 25, #{curr_date.year}" end it "fills in the date field with the full day name when day is clicked" do curr_date = find("#easter").click find("select.ui-datepicker-month").select("Apr") click_link("30") sleep 1 find("#easter").value.should match(%r(.*day April 30, #{curr_date.year})) end describe "updated date is properly persisted in the database" do it "updates data with the full month name when day is clicked" do curr_date = find("#christmas").click find("select.ui-datepicker-month").select("Dec") click_link("25") sleep 1 find("input[value='Create Schedule']").click find("#christmas").value.should eq "December 25, #{curr_date.year}" end it "updates the data with the full day name when day is clicked" do curr_date = find("#easter").click find("select.ui-datepicker-month").select("Apr") click_link("30") sleep 1 find("input[value='Create Schedule']").click find("#easter").value.should match(%r(.*day April 30, #{curr_date.year})) end end end end describe "Update Existing", :js => true do it "displays current value in default format specified in locale file" do @curr_date = @schedule = FactoryGirl.create(:schedule, birthday: @curr_date.to_date) visit edit_schedule_path(@schedule) find("#birthday").value.should eq I18n.localize(@curr_date.to_date) end describe "date value is correctly indicated on the datepicker widget" do describe "standard format" do it "selects correct date when displaying 11/11/2013" do @curr_date = @schedule = FactoryGirl.create(:schedule, birthday: "#{@curr_date.year}-11-11") visit edit_schedule_path(@schedule) find("body").click find("#birthday").click find("select.ui-datepicker-month").value.should eq "10" #zero-based value for November find("select.ui-datepicker-year").value.should eq @curr_date.year.to_s find("a.ui-state-active").text.should eq "11" end end describe "optional formats" do it "selects correct date when displaying December 25, 2013" do @curr_date = @schedule = FactoryGirl.create(:schedule, christmas: "#{@curr_date.year}-12-25") visit edit_schedule_path(@schedule) find("body").click find("#christmas").click find("select.ui-datepicker-month").value.should eq "11" #zero-based value for December find("select.ui-datepicker-year").value.should eq @curr_date.year.to_s find("a.ui-state-active").text.should eq "25" end it "selects correct date when displaying .*day Apr 30, 2014" do @curr_date = @schedule = FactoryGirl.create(:schedule, easter: "#{@curr_date.year}-4-30") visit edit_schedule_path(@schedule) find("body").click find("#easter").click find("select.ui-datepicker-month").value.should eq "3" find("select.ui-datepicker-year").value.should eq @curr_date.year.to_s find("a.ui-state-active").text.should eq "30" end end end end end