require 'spec_helper' feature "Search" do before do @site = create('test site') @ctype = build(:content_type, site: @site, name: "Examples") @ctype.entries_custom_fields.create!(label: "Name", type: "string", searchable: true) @ctype.entries_custom_fields.create!(label: "Stuff", type: "text", searchable: false) @ctype.entries.create!(name: "Findable entry", stuff: "Some stuff") @ctype.entries.create!(name: "Hidden", stuff: "Not findable") create(:sub_page, site: @site, title: "Please search for this findable page", slug: "findable", raw_template: "This is what you were looking for") create(:sub_page, site: @site, title: "search", slug: "search", raw_template: <<-EOT) EOT @index = @site.pages.where(slug: "index").first @index.raw_template = %|
|! @another_site = create('another site') create(:page, site: @another_site, title: "This should never show up in the search, even if it would be findable", slug: "rickroll", raw_template: "Rickroll") end scenario "on a single site" do visit '' fill_in "Search", with: "findable" click_on "Search" page.should have_content "Please search for this" page.should have_content "Findable entry" page.should_not have_content "Hidden" page.should_not have_content "This should never show up" click_on "Please search for this" page.should have_content "This is what you were looking for" visit '' fill_in "Search", with: "not found" click_on "Search" page.should_not have_content "Page not found" end end