module Fog module Compute class IBM class Real # Returns details of image specified by id # # ==== Parameters # 'image_id'<~String>: id of desired image # # ==== Returns # * response<~Excon::Response>: # * body<~Hash>: # * 'name'<~String>: image name # * 'location'<~String>: instance location id # * 'createdTime'<~Integer>: time created in epoch time # * 'supportedInstanceTypes'<~Array>: list of prices per image # * 'pricePerQuantity'<~Integer>: # * 'effectiveDate'<~Fixnum>: # * 'rate'<~Float>: price per unit # * 'countryCode'<~String>: # * 'unitOfMeasure'<~String>: unit of measurement # * 'currencyCode'<~String>: currency billed in # * 'productCodes'<~Array>: # * 'id'<~String>: # * 'documentation'<~String>: link to documentation for image # * 'manifest'<~String>: link to xml manifest file # * 'description'<~String>: text description of image # * 'visibility'<~String>: status of visibilty of image. known values so far are "PUBLIC" and "PRIVATE" # * 'platform'<~String>: operating system # * 'architecture'<~String>: architecture supported by image # * 'documentation'<~String>: link to documentation for image # * 'owner'<~String>: owner of image # * 'state'<~Integer>: state of availability of image def get_image(image_id) request( :method => 'GET', :expects => 200, :path => "/offerings/image/#{image_id}" ) end end class Mock def get_image(image_id) response = if image_exists? image_id response.status = 200 response.body =[:images][image_id] else response.status = 404 end response end private def image_exists?(image_id)[:images].key? image_id end end end end end