require_relative 'test_helper' require 'debugger/xml/ide_processor' describe Debugger::Xml::IdeProcessor do include TestDsl before { Thread.stubs(:stop) } let(:klass) { Debugger::Xml::IdeProcessor } let(:interface) { } let(:breakpoint) { stub } let(:context) { stub(thread: nil, stop_reason: nil, thnum: 1, stack_size: 2) } let(:file) { fullpath('jump') } subject { } describe "#at_breakpoint" do it "must assign breakpoint to instance variable" do subject.at_breakpoint(context, breakpoint) subject.instance_variable_get("@last_breakpoint").must_equal breakpoint end it "must raise error if @last_breakpoint is already assigned" do subject.instance_variable_set("@last_breakpoint", breakpoint) subject.at_breakpoint(context, breakpoint) check_output_includes /INTERNAL ERROR!!!/ end it "must not print anything" do subject.at_breakpoint(context, breakpoint) interface.must_be_empty end end describe "#at_line" do describe "print current position" do it "must print if context is nil" do subject.at_line(nil, file, 30) check_output_includes "#{file}:30" end it "must print in xml" do temporary_change_method_value(Debugger, :printer, do subject.at_line(nil, file, 30) check_output_includes %{} end end it "must print if stop reason is :step" do context.stubs(:stop_reason).returns(:step) subject.at_line(context, file, 30) check_output_includes "#{file}:30" end it "must clear instance variables after resuming thread" do subject.instance_variable_set("@line", 10) subject.at_line(context, file, 30) subject.instance_variable_get("@line").must_be_nil end describe "print breakpoint after at_breakpoint" do before do Debugger.stubs(:breakpoints).returns([breakpoint]) Debugger.stubs(:current_context).returns(stub(thnum: 1)) subject.instance_variable_set("@last_breakpoint", breakpoint) end it "must print in plain text" do subject.at_line(context, file, 30) check_output_includes "Breakpoint 1 at #{file}:30" end it "must print in xml" do temporary_change_method_value(Debugger, :printer, do subject.at_line(context, file, 30) check_output_includes %{} end end end it "must show error if current thread is DebugThread" do context.stubs(:thread).returns( {}) subject.at_line(context, file, 30) check_output_includes /DebuggerThread are not supposed to be traced/ end end end describe "#at_line?" do it "returns false if #at_line was not called yet" do subject.at_line?.must_equal false end it "returns true if #at_line was called already" do subject.instance_variable_set("@line", 10) subject.at_line?.must_equal true end end describe "#at_return?" do before { context.stubs(:stop_frame=).with(-1) } it "sets stop_frame to -1" do context.expects(:stop_frame=).with(-1) subject.at_return(context, file, 30) end it "prints current file and line" do subject.at_return(context, file, 30) check_output_includes "#{file}:30" end it "stops the thread" do Thread.expects(:stop) subject.at_return(context, file, 30) end end end