module Fog module TrafficManager class AzureRM # Real class for TrafficManager Request class Real def get_traffic_manager_profile(resource_group, traffic_manager_profile_name) msg = "Getting Traffic Manager Profile: #{traffic_manager_profile_name} in Resource Group: #{resource_group}..." Fog::Logger.debug msg begin profile = @traffic_mgmt_client.profiles.get(resource_group, traffic_manager_profile_name) rescue MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError => e raise_azure_exception(e, msg) end Fog::Logger.debug "Traffic Manager Profile fetched successfully in Resource Group: #{resource_group}" profile end end # Mock class for Network Request class Mock def get_traffic_manager_profile(*) profile = { 'location' => 'global', 'tags' => {}, 'properties' => { 'profileStatus' => 'Enabled', 'trafficRoutingMethod' => 'Performance', 'dnsConfig' => { 'relativeName' => 'myapp', 'ttl' => 30 }, 'monitorConfig' => { 'protocol' => 'http', 'port' => 80, 'path' => '/monitorpage.aspx' }, 'endpoints' => [ { 'name' => '{endpoint-name}', 'type' => 'Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles/azureEndpoints', 'properties' => { 'targetResourceId' => '{resource ID of target resource in Azure}', 'endpointStatus' => 'Enabled', 'weight' => 10, 'priority' => 3 } }, { 'name' => '{endpoint-name}', 'type' => 'Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles/externalEndpoints', 'properties' => { 'target' => '', 'endpointStatus' => 'Enabled', 'weight' => 10, 'priority' => 5, 'endpointLocation' => 'northeurope' } }, { 'name' => '{endpoint-name}', 'type' => 'Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles/nestedEndpoints', 'properties' => { 'targetResourceId' => '{resource ID of child Traffic Manager profile}', 'endpointStatus' => 'Enabled', 'weight' => 10, 'priority' => 1, 'endpointLocation' => 'westeurope', 'minChildEndpoints' => 1 } } ] } } profile_mapper = Azure::ARM::TrafficManager::Models::Profile.mapper @traffic_mgmt_client.deserialize(profile_mapper, profile, 'result.body') end end end end end