# Changelog This project uses [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org). ## 1.6.2 * Fix issue ## 1.6.1 * Fix issue ## 1.6.0 * Add support for excluding files from upload * s3_website.yml now supports `exclude_from_upload` * Support multiple values on the `ignore_on_server` setting ## 1.5.0 * Add support for specifying the MIME type for extensionless files ## 1.4.5 * If max-age=0, set `Cache-Control: no-cache, max-age=0` ## 1.4.4 * Add support for eu-west-1 as a location constraint ## 1.4.3 * Decrease the default concurrency level to 3 See https://github.com/laurilehmijoki/s3_website/issues/8#issuecomment-24855991 for discussion. ## 1.4.2 * Fix `s3_website cfg apply` for CloudFront setup (#33) ## 1.4.1 * Fix diff for Windows users See for discussion. ## 1.4.0 * Add setting `cloudfront_invalidate_root` ## 1.3.2 * Move blacklist filtering into a better place ## 1.3.1 * Print to stdout the initial state of the diff progress indicator ## 1.3.0 * Show a progress indicator when calculating diff ## 1.2.1 * Use `print` instead of `puts` when printing to stdout in a concurrent context ## 1.2.0 * Use the `--config_dir` CLI option to specify the directory from where to read the `s3_website.yml` config file ## 1.1.2 * Mention the MIT license in the gemspec file ## 1.1.1 * Mention the new `concurrency_level` setting in the sample config file ## 1.1.0 * Add possibility to define the concurrency level in *s3_website.yml* ## 1.0.3 * Reject blacklisted files in a more appropriate place ## 1.0.2 * Never upload the file *s3_website.yml* ## 1.0.1 * Set default concurrency level to 100. Related to issue [#6](https://github.com/laurilehmijoki/s3_website/issues/6). ## 1.0.0 * Make 0.4.0 the version 1.0.0 ## 0.4.0 * Include the available configs in the sample s3_website.yml file ## 0.3.0 * Add Nanoc support ## 0.2.1 * Remove Gemfile.lock * Rename gemspec file ## 0.2.0 * Add command `s3_website cfg apply` ## 0.1.0 * First version