var Node = require("./node"), Selector = require("./selector"), MixinDefinition = require("./mixin-definition"), defaultFunc = require("../functions/default"); var MixinCall = function (elements, args, index, currentFileInfo, important) { this.selector = new Selector(elements); this.arguments = args || []; this.index = index; this.currentFileInfo = currentFileInfo; this.important = important; }; MixinCall.prototype = new Node(); MixinCall.prototype.type = "MixinCall"; MixinCall.prototype.accept = function (visitor) { if (this.selector) { this.selector = visitor.visit(this.selector); } if (this.arguments.length) { this.arguments = visitor.visitArray(this.arguments); } }; MixinCall.prototype.eval = function (context) { var mixins, mixin, mixinPath, args = [], arg, argValue, rules = [], match = false, i, m, f, isRecursive, isOneFound, candidates = [], candidate, conditionResult = [], defaultResult, defFalseEitherCase = -1, defNone = 0, defTrue = 1, defFalse = 2, count, originalRuleset, noArgumentsFilter; function calcDefGroup(mixin, mixinPath) { var f, p, namespace; for (f = 0; f < 2; f++) { conditionResult[f] = true; defaultFunc.value(f); for (p = 0; p < mixinPath.length && conditionResult[f]; p++) { namespace = mixinPath[p]; if (namespace.matchCondition) { conditionResult[f] = conditionResult[f] && namespace.matchCondition(null, context); } } if (mixin.matchCondition) { conditionResult[f] = conditionResult[f] && mixin.matchCondition(args, context); } } if (conditionResult[0] || conditionResult[1]) { if (conditionResult[0] != conditionResult[1]) { return conditionResult[1] ? defTrue : defFalse; } return defNone; } return defFalseEitherCase; } for (i = 0; i < this.arguments.length; i++) { arg = this.arguments[i]; argValue = arg.value.eval(context); if (arg.expand && Array.isArray(argValue.value)) { argValue = argValue.value; for (m = 0; m < argValue.length; m++) { args.push({value: argValue[m]}); } } else { args.push({name:, value: argValue}); } } noArgumentsFilter = function(rule) {return rule.matchArgs(null, context);}; for (i = 0; i < context.frames.length; i++) { if ((mixins = context.frames[i].find(this.selector, null, noArgumentsFilter)).length > 0) { isOneFound = true; // To make `default()` function independent of definition order we have two "subpasses" here. // At first we evaluate each guard *twice* (with `default() == true` and `default() == false`), // and build candidate list with corresponding flags. Then, when we know all possible matches, // we make a final decision. for (m = 0; m < mixins.length; m++) { mixin = mixins[m].rule; mixinPath = mixins[m].path; isRecursive = false; for (f = 0; f < context.frames.length; f++) { if ((!(mixin instanceof MixinDefinition)) && mixin === (context.frames[f].originalRuleset || context.frames[f])) { isRecursive = true; break; } } if (isRecursive) { continue; } if (mixin.matchArgs(args, context)) { candidate = {mixin: mixin, group: calcDefGroup(mixin, mixinPath)}; if ( !== defFalseEitherCase) { candidates.push(candidate); } match = true; } } defaultFunc.reset(); count = [0, 0, 0]; for (m = 0; m < candidates.length; m++) { count[candidates[m].group]++; } if (count[defNone] > 0) { defaultResult = defFalse; } else { defaultResult = defTrue; if ((count[defTrue] + count[defFalse]) > 1) { throw { type: 'Runtime', message: 'Ambiguous use of `default()` found when matching for `' + this.format(args) + '`', index: this.index, filename: this.currentFileInfo.filename }; } } for (m = 0; m < candidates.length; m++) { candidate = candidates[m].group; if ((candidate === defNone) || (candidate === defaultResult)) { try { mixin = candidates[m].mixin; if (!(mixin instanceof MixinDefinition)) { originalRuleset = mixin.originalRuleset || mixin; mixin = new MixinDefinition("", [], mixin.rules, null, false, null, originalRuleset.visibilityInfo()); mixin.originalRuleset = originalRuleset; } var newRules = mixin.evalCall(context, args, this.important).rules; this._setVisibilityToReplacement(newRules); Array.prototype.push.apply(rules, newRules); } catch (e) { throw { message: e.message, index: this.index, filename: this.currentFileInfo.filename, stack: e.stack }; } } } if (match) { return rules; } } } if (isOneFound) { throw { type: 'Runtime', message: 'No matching definition was found for `' + this.format(args) + '`', index: this.index, filename: this.currentFileInfo.filename }; } else { throw { type: 'Name', message: this.selector.toCSS().trim() + " is undefined", index: this.index, filename: this.currentFileInfo.filename }; } }; MixinCall.prototype._setVisibilityToReplacement = function (replacement) { var i, rule; if (this.blocksVisibility()) { for (i = 0; i < replacement.length; i++) { rule = replacement[i]; rule.addVisibilityBlock(); } } }; MixinCall.prototype.format = function (args) { return this.selector.toCSS().trim() + '(' + (args ? (a) { var argValue = ""; if ( { argValue += + ":"; } if (a.value.toCSS) { argValue += a.value.toCSS(); } else { argValue += "???"; } return argValue; }).join(', ') : "") + ")"; }; module.exports = MixinCall;